Lean Startup


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Lean Startup" - take a look and discover this TIP!

What is lean startup?

Lean Startup is a methodology for the creation and management of startups, which focuses on value creation through experimentation, iteration and validated learning. This methodology is based on the idea that, in order to create a successful business, it is necessary to have a clear vision of the problem to be solved and the customers to be addressed, and to develop a minimum viable solution (MVP) that can be tested in the market and its effectiveness measured. The Lean Startup approach is based on the build-measure-learn cycle, which involves creating a hypothesis about the business, building an MVP, measuring its success and making decisions based on validated learning. This methodology is based on collaboration between multidisciplinary teams, experimentation and rapid prototyping.

The Lean Startup methodology has been adopted by many startups and has been widely used in the business world. Entrepreneurs who follow this methodology can reduce the risk of business failure by focusing on what is most important to customers and responding quickly to their needs and demands. In addition, this methodology fosters innovation, creativity and agility in project management.

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Why is lean startup very beneficial in the creation of all types of companies?

Lean startup can be applied in the creation of all types of companies because it focuses on early validation of hypotheses and minimising waste of resources. This is important for any type of company, whether it is a technology company, a service company or a manufacturing company. By using the lean startup methodology, entrepreneurs can reduce the risk of failure by validating their business ideas before investing large amounts of time and money in getting them off the ground. In addition, the lean startup methodology encourages constant innovation and continuous learning, which can help companies stay competitive and relevant in a changing business environment.

Recommendations for entrepreneurs to apply lean startup in their new company

Some recommendations for entrepreneurs to apply Lean Startup in their new business are:

  1. Identify key hypotheses (+): The first thing entrepreneurs must do is to identify the key hypotheses on which their business model is based. These hypotheses may be related to the customer, the problem to be solved, the solution to be offered, the sales channels, the sources of income, among other aspects. Once identified, you should prioritise the hypotheses and focus your efforts on validating them.
  2. Validate the hypotheses (+): To validate the hypotheses, entrepreneurs can use different techniques, such as interviews with potential customers, surveys, prototypes, proofs of concept, among others. The important thing is that they focus on validating the most critical hypotheses for their business model and that they obtain real feedback from potential customers.
  3. Iterate and pivot (+): As hypotheses are validated, entrepreneurs may need to make adjustments to their business model. Instead of sticking to their original idea, they must be willing to iterate and pivot if necessary. That is, they must be willing to change direction if they discover that their business model is not viable or that it is not solving the customers' problem in the right way.
  4. Measure and analyse: Entrepreneurs must be able to measure and analyse the results of the tests they conduct to validate their hypotheses. This will allow them to have a clear view of what works and what does not work in their business model, and to make informed decisions to improve their value proposition.
  5. Be agile and flexible: Finally, it is important for entrepreneurs to be agile and flexible in their approach. Lean Startup is based on experimentation and continuous learning, so they must be willing to try new things and learn from their mistakes to keep improving their business model.

¿Qué oportunidades ofrece?

El Modelo Lean Start-up ofrece oportunidades significativas para los emprendedores que buscan destacar en el competitivo panorama empresarial. Algunas de estas oportunidades clave incluyen:

  • Reducción de Riesgos Financieros:

Al centrarse en el Producto Viable Mínimo (PVM), los emprendedores pueden validar conceptos de negocio con inversiones mínimas, reduciendo así los riesgos financieros asociados al desarrollo de productos completos.

  • Iteración Continua:

La metodología Lean permite a los emprendedores realizar ajustes y mejoras constantes basadas en la retroalimentación del cliente. Esto proporciona la flexibilidad necesaria para adaptarse rápidamente a las cambiantes demandas del mercado.

  • Eficiencia en el Desarrollo:

Eliminando desperdicios y centrándose en las características esenciales, el modelo Lean permite un desarrollo más eficiente y rápido de productos, acortando los ciclos de desarrollo y acelerando la llegada al mercado.

  • Conexión con el Cliente:

La construcción iterativa implica una interacción continua con los clientes, lo que facilita la comprensión profunda de sus necesidades y preferencias. Esto fortalece la relación cliente-empresa y mejora la lealtad del cliente.

  • Adaptación a la Demanda del Mercado:

Al validar hipótesis a través de la experimentación con clientes, los emprendedores pueden ajustar sus productos y estrategias según la demanda real del mercado, aumentando las posibilidades de éxito.

  • Continuous Learning:

La filosofía de aprendizaje constante del modelo Lean proporciona a los emprendedores la capacidad de aprender de los errores y pivotar según sea necesario, mejorando continuamente sus productos y estrategias comerciales.

  • Sustainable Innovation:

Al fomentar un enfoque centrado en el cliente y la mejora continua, el modelo Lean impulsa la innovación sostenible, permitiendo a las empresas mantenerse relevantes y competitivas a lo largo del tiempo.

En resumen, el Modelo Lean Start-up no solo representa un marco eficaz para desarrollar productos, sino que también abre oportunidades para la eficiencia, la adaptación ágil y el crecimiento sostenible en el mundo empresarial.

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What are the benefits of lean startup in the creation of a new company?

The Lean Startup approach brings several benefits to the creation of a new company, including:

  1. Saving time and resources: By focusing on early validation of business hypotheses, the entrepreneur can avoid investing time and resources in building solutions that do not have a market or do not solve a real problem.
  2. Faster decision-making: By relying on data and evidence, the Lean Startup approach helps entrepreneurs make decisions faster and with less uncertainty.
  3. Improved adaptation to market needs: the constant iteration and feedback proposed by Lean Startup helps entrepreneurs to adapt quickly to changing market and customer needs.
  4. Increased probability of success: By focusing on validating hypotheses and offering solutions that actually solve a market problem, the Lean Startup approach increases the chances of venture success.

In short, the Lean Startup approach helps entrepreneurs to create viable, scalable and sustainable solutions in less time and with fewer resources, which increases the company's chances of success.

Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Modelo Lean Start-up

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) aporta un conjunto de capacidades clave que puede potenciar y optimizar la implementación del Modelo Lean Start-up:

  • Análisis de Datos Avanzado:

La IA puede procesar grandes conjuntos de datos y extraer información valiosa sobre el comportamiento del usuario, las tendencias del mercado y otras métricas clave. Esto facilita la toma de decisiones basada en datos para validar hipótesis y ajustar estrategias.

  • Personalización del Producto:

Utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje automático, la IA puede analizar preferencias individuales de los usuarios y adaptar el producto para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas. Esto contribuye a la creación de productos más personalizados y atractivos.

  • Automatización de Procesos:

La automatización impulsada por la IA puede acelerar el desarrollo y las pruebas de productos, reduciendo el tiempo necesario para lanzar un Producto Viable Mínimo (PVM). Los procesos automatizados también minimizan errores y aumentan la eficiencia.

  • Interacción y Soporte al Cliente:

Los chatbots y asistentes virtuales basados en IA pueden interactuar con los clientes, recopilar comentarios y brindar soporte, facilitando la comunicación bidireccional y mejorando la comprensión de las necesidades del cliente.

  • Predicción de Tendencias de Mercado:

Los algoritmos de predicción de la IA pueden analizar patrones históricos y prever posibles tendencias del mercado. Esto ayuda a los emprendedores a anticiparse a cambios en la demanda del cliente y a ajustar sus estrategias en consecuencia.

  • Optimización de Recursos:

La IA puede identificar áreas donde se pueden reducir costos, mejorar la eficiencia operativa y eliminar desperdicios. Esto es fundamental en el enfoque Lean, que busca maximizar el valor mientras minimiza recursos no esenciales.

  • Análisis de Sentimientos:

Las herramientas de análisis de sentimientos basadas en IA pueden evaluar las respuestas y opiniones de los clientes en tiempo real. Esto proporciona información valiosa sobre cómo se percibe el producto en el mercado y dónde se pueden realizar mejoras.

  • Simulación de Escenarios:

La IA puede simular diversos escenarios y evaluar cómo diferentes cambios podrían afectar al producto y al modelo de negocio. Esto permite a los emprendedores tomar decisiones informadas sobre posibles pivotes o ajustes estratégicos.

  • Detección de Oportunidades:

Al analizar datos del mercado, la competencia y el comportamiento del cliente, la IA puede identificar nuevas oportunidades de negocio y áreas para la innovación, guiando a los emprendedores en la exploración continua de posibilidades.

  • Aprendizaje Automático para Mejora Continua:

Implementando técnicas de aprendizaje automático, la IA puede aprender de los éxitos y errores anteriores, contribuyendo a una mejora continua y a la adaptación constante del producto y del enfoque empresarial.

En conjunto, la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial potencia la capacidad del Modelo Lean Start-up para ser ágil, adaptativo y centrado en el cliente, optimizando así el proceso de desarrollo y lanzamiento de productos innovadores.

Ejemplo Real de Modelo Lean Start-up

Un ejemplo real del Modelo Lean Start-up es la historia de Dropbox, una empresa que adoptó los principios del lean y aplicó un enfoque iterativo para validar su producto y construir un negocio exitoso.

Inicio de Dropbox:
  • Idea Inicial: En 2007, Drew Houston, fundador de Dropbox, enfrentó la frustración de olvidar su unidad USB mientras viajaba. Esta experiencia inspiró la idea de crear un servicio de almacenamiento en la nube que permitiera a los usuarios acceder y compartir archivos desde cualquier lugar.
Implementación del Modelo Lean:
  1. Prototipo Simple (Producto Mínimo Viable): En lugar de desarrollar una solución completa, Dropbox construyó un prototipo simple que demostró la funcionalidad básica de sincronización de archivos. Este prototipo sirvió como su Producto Mínimo Viable (PVM).

  2. Prueba con Usuarios Reales: El equipo de Dropbox lanzó el PVM y lo compartió con amigos y contactos cercanos. El feedback temprano fue esencial para comprender cómo los usuarios interactuaban con la plataforma y qué características eran más valiosas.

  3. Iteración Continua: Basándose en los comentarios de los usuarios, Dropbox iteró rápidamente su producto, introduciendo mejoras y nuevas características. Este ciclo de construir, medir y aprender permitió a la empresa adaptarse continuamente a las necesidades del mercado.

  4. Escalabilidad Progresiva: En lugar de invertir en una infraestructura costosa desde el principio, Dropbox escaló gradualmente a medida que la demanda aumentaba. Esta estrategia alineada con los principios lean evitó gastos innecesarios antes de validar la viabilidad del producto.

Resultados Exitosos:
  • Crecimiento Sostenido: La estrategia lean de Dropbox, centrada en la retroalimentación del usuario y la mejora continua, contribuyó a un crecimiento constante. La plataforma se convirtió en una herramienta popular de almacenamiento en la nube.

  • Validación del Mercado: La adopción masiva de Dropbox validó la necesidad de soluciones de almacenamiento en la nube, respaldando la idea inicial y demostrando que el enfoque lean puede llevar a la creación de productos exitosos.

Este ejemplo destaca cómo la implementación efectiva del Modelo Lean Start-up puede transformar una idea inicial en un producto exitoso, evitando costosos errores y adaptándose rápidamente a las demandas del mercado.


"If when you go to the market with your product/service you don't get embarrassed by its failures, then you have come out too late".

Lean leads to executionGet out of your comfort zone as soon as possible, get out of your office, get out of your studio (flee the library) as soon as possible to test the reality of the market and find out what your customers really need, don't wait until you have the product or service completely designed to go out and sell. If you focus only on the product or the technology, it is very likely that you will not get it right with what the customer needs, and even less with what it is willing to pay. This is a typical fault of very technical entrepreneurs, computer scientists, designers... who think that the more perfect the product is, the more customers will fight to buy it, and this is never the case in reality. Entrepreneurs generate in our heads a lot of hypotheses that we must always validate.

How do we validate?

We carry out very simple experiments to test reality, to see if we have got it right or if we have to pivot, change the hypothesis. It's the same thing that scientists do to discover breakthroughs or inventions... they make hypotheses and do many experiments in order to discovering reality. Our intuition leads us to create many hypotheses that do not correspond to reality! If we create a company on the basis of an erroneous hypothesis, We will lose a lot of resources and fail. Customer feedback during product development is an integral part of the lean startup process, and ensures that the entrepreneur will not spend time designing features or services that the customer does not want. !Very typical failure in all the companies we accelerate! As soon as we validate a hypothesis we generate validated knowledge which is the one that helps us to set up the company correctly.  

This method was created by Eric Risesuccessful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, and is designed to lead a startup through experimentation. Instead of making complex plans based on many assumptions (hypotheses), constant adjustments can be made with a flywheel called a "circuit diagram". feedback from Create-Measure-Learn. Which is the core of this methodology and which has helped thousands of Startups in the development of products to be adopted by the market quickly. The Lean Startup is not an infallible magic formula, it's a innovative business philosophy that helps entrepreneurs escape the traps of traditional business thinking.


It consists of build viable projects that will initially take less time and money to complete. Trying to make the most of every resource. And generating the minimum of waste and using the assumptions of value creation and growth to have a vision of where you want to go.


Submit the PMV to 10 potential customers (+) Do they buy, are they satisfied, what they don't like, what they don't appreciate, what they are missing? Every activity consumes resources that represent a cost for your project. Eliminate secondary activities, i.e. those that are not aimed at providing value to your customer segment. Lean has nothing to do with how much money a company makes, it has to do with assessing the specific demands of the customer segment and how to satisfy them using the minimum amount of resources possible.


There are no failures in entrepreneurship, they are apprenticeships. There is no greater destruction of creative potential than the wrong decision to persevere with something that you have seen has no future and no continued growth. Startup productivity is not about automating more devices or elements. It is about aligning efforts with a business and product that works to create value. It is normal to make an average of 3 pivots per hypothesis, so... patience, it is very difficult to get it right the first time just using your intuition.

Successful pivots put you on a path that allows you to develop a successful business model. The pivot is a special exchange rate  in the solution, the product, the business model or the growth engine. When you have the engine of the company revolutionised, the method Lean Startup offers you mechanisms for scaling up your business and grow at maximum speed.

Improves productivity thanks to the search for "zero defects".
It is a method that seeks to reduce costs by optimising production processes and eliminating unnecessary costs.
Mayor customer satisfaction, as you have more time and money to improve your product.
Reduces risk for the entrepreneur, as decisions are made on the basis of the data in hand and not on the basis of judgement.
Allows have a minimum viable product that meets the needs of a specific customer.
It reduces the failure rate.
It is a great how to obtain real, objective and reliable data to validate your hypothesis or business idea; in addition, the lean startup method allows you to discover behaviours of your customers that you didn't know about.

The Lean system is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to succeed without the need for large budgets., elaborate business plans or perfect products.

Case study applying lean startup to a new company

Of course! Here is a case study on how to apply the lean startup method to a new company:

Juan is an entrepreneur who wants to create a mobile application to manage the shopping list collaboratively among several people. He believes this is a practical solution for households where several people are involved in shopping and often forget an important item. Here is an example of how John can apply the lean startup method to validate his idea and create a successful company:

  • Identify key assumptions:

John needs to identify the key assumptions he has about his business idea. Some hypotheses may include: 

    • People will be interested in using an application to manage their shopping list.
    • People will want to use the application collaboratively with other members of the household.
    • The application will be easy for users to use and understand.
    • Users will be willing to pay a monthly fee to use the application.
  • Create a prototype:

Based on the key hypotheses identified, John should create a prototype of his application. This prototype can be a very simple version of the app that only includes the most basic features needed to prove his concept. For example, he can create an application that only allows items to be added to a shared shopping list.

  • Carry out user testing:

Once the prototype has been created, John needs to test with real users. He can do this by beta testing his app by launching it in an app shop with limited access. He can also recruit users for in-person testing and observe how they interact with the app. By conducting these tests, John can assess how users respond to his app and whether his initial assumptions are valid.

  • Analyse the results:

John should analyse the results of his user testing and compare them with his initial hypotheses. If he finds that a key hypothesis is not valid, he should pivot and adjust his business idea accordingly. For example, if you find that users do not want to pay a monthly fee, you can adjust your revenue model to offer in-app advertising. If you find that users do not want to use the app collaboratively, you can adjust the functionality of the app to meet the needs of single-person users.

  • Repeat the process:

Juan must repeat this process of creating, testing and analysing continuously. The goal is to iterate and improve his application until he has a validated solution that users want to use and that has a solid business model.

By applying the lean startup method, Juan can minimise the risks of his business idea and validate his key assumptions before investing a lot of time and money in creating his application.


Now that you have read this TIP, answer these questions:

  1. How are you applying this successful methodology in the implementation of your project?
  2. Where are you having the hardest time applying it?





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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    [...] the more innovation your project has, the more uncertainty you generate and therefore the greater the need to apply Lean Startup in the creation of your new [...]

  2. Customer development - Mentor Day WikiTips

    [...] is a process that helps us to validate a business model and is part of the Lean Startup methodology to create [...].

  3. Product market fit - Mentor Day WikiTips

    [...] Ultimately, the entire lean startup methodology is focused on the company coming up with a plan that works before it runs out of resources; in [...]


    [...] to create the necessary hypotheses to validate your business model, you will already know that the lean startup methodology is based on a scientific method. What is the first thing we do when we want to solve a problem?

  5. Pablo Olivera Faix

    I have just learned something new, it would be good to introduce it fully in the new methodologies of market research, and I would have liked to have an example or a tool to use to carry out the lean start-up.
    Thank you

  6. Denia Enamorado

    The topic is very informative as it helps you to set up your product and to have a better assurance of your success.

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