Current and future staffing needs in a new company

In this TIP you will learn about the current and future staffing needs of a new company. You will also learn how to calculate the needs


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The Business Plan must provide evidence that the human resources required over the planning time horizon have been quantified, therefore, The expectations of staff growth that the team of entrepreneurs foresees for each profile during the first years of the new company's life will also be projected, to then be included in the Financial Plan under the heading of hiring staff for the next three years.

Staffing needs refer to the number and type of workers a company needs to meet its objectives and goals. This includes identifying the jobs needed, the number of employees needed for each job, the skills and experience required for each job, and the capabilities needed to carry out the job functions.

To determine staffing needs, a company must assess its structure and strategy, identify key roles and responsibilities, and forecast future demand for products or services. It is also important to consider factors such as the expected growth of the company, competition in the marketplace and technological changes that may affect the organisation.

Once staffing needs have been identified, the company can plan recruitment and selection, training and development, and establish career plans to ensure that the right people are in place to carry out the necessary functions and achieve the company's objectives.

The staffing needs of a new company will depend on a number of factors, such as the size of the company, the sector of activity, the business model and the growth strategy. However, The following are some general staffing needs that may arise in a new company.


  1. Founders: In a new start-up, it is common for founders to take on various roles and functions at the beginning. This may include general management, human resource management, financial management and operations management. Founders may also be the first employees of the company.
  2. Sales and marketing team: A sales and marketing team is essential to attract and retain customers, especially in the early years of the business. This team can include marketing managers, sales representatives, market analysts and digital marketing specialists.
  3. Production team: If the company manufactures or produces products, a production team will be needed. This may include engineers, technicians, machine operators and quality control personnel.
  4. Support team: It is important to have a support team in place to maintain the company's infrastructure. This may include IT staff, systems administration, supply chain management and customer support.
  5. Support staff: In a new business, there may be a number of administrative and support tasks that require staff. This may include administrative assistants, accountants, secretaries and cleaning staff.

In a nutshell, Staffing needs in a new business can vary widely, but it is important to identify the essential functions and roles that are needed for the business to succeed.

How can an entrepreneur calculate his current and future staffing needs?

To calculate current and future staffing needs, an entrepreneur can follow the following steps:

  1. Analyse the functions and tasks required: The entrepreneur must analyse the functions and tasks required to run the operations of his business and, from there, establish which positions are needed to fill those functions and tasks.
  2. Estimate the growth of the company: The entrepreneur needs to consider the short, medium and long-term growth projections of his business in order to estimate future staffing needs. If you expect rapid growth, you may need more staff than you initially thought.
  3. Define profiles of the workers needed: Once the necessary functions and tasks have been established and future growth has been estimated, the entrepreneur must define the profiles of the workers needed to fill these positions. This includes skills, knowledge and experience needed for each position.
  4. Assess the availability of talent: The entrepreneur should assess whether there is sufficient talent available in the labour market to fill the positions he or she needs. If the labour market is highly competitive or if there is a shortage of talent in a particular area, the entrepreneur may need to consider options such as in-house training or remote hiring.
  5. Establish a staff budget: Once staffing needs have been determined, the entrepreneur should establish a budget to cover the costs of hiring, salary and benefits.
  6. Review and update regularly: It is important for the entrepreneur to regularly review and update staffing needs to ensure that the company is in line with its long-term strategy and objectives.

By following these steps, the entrepreneur will be able to calculate his current and future staffing needs more accurately and efficiently.

How can I calculate the budget with what the staff will cost me in order to include it in the financial plan?

In order to calculate staff costs and to be able to include them in the financial plan, several aspects need to be taken into account:

  1. Wages and salaries: the gross salary to be paid to each employee should be considered, taking into account the position, experience and geographical location of the company.
  2. Additional benefits: additional benefits to be offered to employees, such as health insurance, pension plans, life insurance, etc., should be considered.
  3. Recruitment costs: The costs of publishing job advertisements, recruitment and selection costs, as well as the costs of staff education and training should be taken into account.
  4. Maintenance costs: costs associated with the maintenance of employees, such as accommodation, transport and food expenses, should be considered.
  5. Legal costs: costs associated with compliance with legal and fiscal obligations, such as social security contributions, tax payments, etc., must be considered.

Once these aspects are taken into account, an estimate of personnel costs can be made for inclusion in the company's financial plan and a realistic projection of personnel costs can be made. It is also important to bear in mind that these costs may vary according to the growth of the company and the evolution of the labour market.

How can staffing needs be calculated?

  • Staffing needs can be calculated through an analysis of the workload, the company's goals and objectives, and the skills and competencies needed to achieve them. In addition, it is important to consider possible fluctuations in labour demand and external factors that may influence staffing needs.

Why is it important to calculate staffing needs?

  • Estimating staffing needs is important to avoid both over- and under-utilisation of human resources in the company. It also allows for planning and adjusting the costs associated with staff recruitment, as well as setting realistic objectives and targets based on available resources.

What factors can affect staffing needs in a new company?

  • Factors that may affect the staffing needs of a new company include the size of the company, the industry in which it operates, the life cycle of the company, the company's objectives and goals, seasonal fluctuations in demand, the technology used, and changes in government regulations.

What is the best strategy for meeting the staffing needs of a new company?

  • The best strategy to cover staffing needs in a new venture depends on several factors, such as the budget available, flexibility in working hours, the duration of the project and competition in the labour market. Options may include hiring full-time or part-time staff, outsourcing certain tasks, or seeking collaboration agreements or partnerships with other companies or freelancers.




Maria has just founded a new digital marketing services company. She currently has herself as founder and managing director, a full-time graphic designer and a part-time administrative assistant. Maria wants to calculate the current and future staffing needs of her company in order to plan budget and expansion.

To calculate current staffing needs, Maria must assess the work being done and determine whether there are enough employees to perform the tasks efficiently. Maria decides that she is adequately staffed at the moment, although she may need a couple more workers if the workload increases.

To estimate future staffing needs, Maria must consider her company's growth strategy and the projected demand for its services. Maria expects demand to increase significantly in the next year, so she needs to hire at least two additional graphic designers and another full-time administrative assistant.

To calculate the budget, Maria must consider the cost of hiring and retaining the additional employees. Maria researches the average salaries for the positions she is seeking and estimates that the new workers will cost her about $50,000 per year each, including benefits and taxes. Therefore, the total cost of the three new employees would be $150,000 per year.

Maria must ensure that her company can afford these additional costs and therefore should plan ahead and prepare a budget that includes the costs of hiring and training new employees, as well as their salaries and benefits. She should also consider the costs associated with additional office space, equipment and supplies needed to support the new workers.

With this information, Maria is ready to plan the expansion of her business and hire the staff she needs to grow and meet the demand for her services.


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Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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