Convocatoria STARRISE: Fomenta la innovación en agroalimentación y logística. Accede a formación, mentoría y financiación. ¡Presenta tu proyecto antes del 27 de septiembre!
PLAN OF OPERATIONS Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Plan of Operations". Analyse and discover this TIP! Remember that the main success of your business project is not based on your business idea, but on how you are going to EXECUTE it, on how you are going to
SERENDIPIA Accelerate your business with these expert tips about "Serendipity". Analyse and discover this TIP! Serendipity for entrepreneurs Serendipity can be an important source of business opportunities for entrepreneurs. By being open to new ideas and being willing to explore new areas, entrepreneurs can
CHOOSE YOUR COMPANY NAME WELL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Choose your company name well". Take a look and discover this TIP! Naming is the process of building the brand name of your company, products and services. It is often confused with