International taxation


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International taxation refers to the set of rules and regulations governing the taxation of business transactions between different countries. Companies operating in multiple jurisdictions are subject to a variety of tax laws that may affect their operations and results.

Key aspects of international taxation include

  • The determination of the place where the income is generated and the corresponding taxes.
  • The repatriation of profits and taxes payable in the different countries where the company operates.
  • Tax strategies to minimise taxes and optimise profits.
  • Tax risk management and the prevention of tax evasion.

In general, It is important for companies operating internationally to have proper tax planning and professional advice to ensure that they comply with the tax laws of the different countries in which they operate and maximise their profits.

When an entrepreneur starts to internationalise his or her business, it is essential that he or she takes international taxation into account.

The following are some key issues that an entrepreneur should consider when analysing international taxation:

  1. Identify the countries and regions where the company will be established: it is important to analyse the taxation of each country and region in which the company plans to operate. Each country has different tax regimes and there may be tax treaties between countries that affect the company's taxation.
  2. Understand applicable taxes: Applicable taxes in destination countries may include income taxes, sales taxes and other specific taxes. It is important to know how these taxes apply and how they will affect the company.
  3. Determine the optimal tax structure: the choice of the optimal tax structure can have a significant impact on the taxation of the company. It is essential that the entrepreneur seeks tax advice to determine the most appropriate tax structure for his company.
  4. Comply with tax obligations: Each country has its own tax rules and requirements. It is essential that the company complies with all tax obligations in each country in which it operates. This may include filing tax returns, paying taxes and obtaining tax permits.
  5. Plan for the repatriation of profits: Profit repatriation can have significant tax implications. Careful planning of profit repatriation is important to minimise taxation.

In a nutshell, the analysis of international taxation is essential for an entrepreneur starting to internationalise his company. You should seek tax advice to determine the most appropriate tax structure, comply with all tax obligations and carefully plan the repatriation of profits.


  1. Identification of tax obligations: Before starting to operate in a foreign country, it is important for the entrepreneur to research and understand the tax obligations he or she will have in that country. For example, in some countries there may be sales or income taxes that must be paid.
  2. Efficient tax structuring: Tax structuring is key to minimising the impact of taxes on business profitability. For example, a company may choose to establish a subsidiary in a country with a lower tax rate to reduce its tax burden.
  3. Compliance with international tax regulations: International tax regulations can be complex and vary from country to country. It is important for entrepreneurs to keep up to date with tax regulations in each country in which they operate to avoid legal problems and penalties.
  4. Strategic tax planning: Strategic tax planning can help entrepreneurs maximise their profits and reduce their tax costs. For example, a company can take advantage of tax breaks to incentivise investment in research and development.

In summary, when starting to internationalise, an entrepreneur must consider tax issues as part of his overall business strategy to ensure the long-term success of his company.

How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help in international taxation?

As a language model, ChatGPT can assist in understanding and explaining terms and concepts related to international taxation. It can also provide information on tax regulations in different countries and advise on best tax practices for international companies.

However, It is important to note that ChatGPT is not qualified to provide personalised and case-specific tax advice, so it is always advisable to seek advice from a tax professional.


  1. Tax advice: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide tax advice to entrepreneurs wishing to internationalise their business. For example, it can help determine the best tax structures to minimise the tax burden and comply with tax regulations in different countries.
  2. Interpretation of tax laws: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help entrepreneurs interpret tax laws in different countries. For example, it can help understand international tax treaties, sales taxes, tax rates, tax deductions and other tax-related issues.
  3. Tax planning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help entrepreneurs plan their international tax strategy. For example, it can help plan the structure of the company, the selection of the location of the headquarters, the pricing strategy, the management of international revenues and expenses, among other important aspects.
  4. Tax compliance: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help entrepreneurs comply with tax obligations in different countries. For example, it can help prepare and file tax returns, maintain accurate financial records and comply with local tax regulations.
  5. Tax reduction strategies: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help entrepreneurs identify legal opportunities to reduce their tax burden. For example, it can help identify tax deductions, tax credits, tax incentives and other tax reduction strategies.

These are just a few examples of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help in international taxation. Its ability to process large amounts of data and provide accurate and timely information makes it a valuable tool for any entrepreneur considering internationalising their business.




Of course, here is a case study of an entrepreneur who participates in a softlanding programme and wants to internationalise his business:

Juan is a Chilean entrepreneur who has created a technology startup for the financial sector. His company has been successful in Chile and now he wants to expand to Europe. Juan has decided to participate in a softlanding programme in Spain, where he has received support to establish his company in the country and access new business opportunities.

Juan has analysed international taxation and has found that there are certain tax implications that he needs to be aware of when setting up his company in Spain. For example, he must ensure that he complies with Spanish tax obligations, including registering his company and paying taxes. In addition, you should be aware of double taxation between Spain and Chile, as there may be taxes that apply in both countries.

To solve this problem, Juan has consulted a lawyer specialising in international taxation. Together they have worked out a plan to minimise taxes and comply with all tax obligations in Spain and Chile. The lawyer advised Juan on the tax agreements between the two countries, and helped him choose the right business structure for his company in Spain.

Thanks to the lawyer's advice, Juan has been able to establish his company in Spain in an efficient and tax-compliant manner. Now his company is ready to expand into the European market and continue to grow.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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