ICF (International Coaching Federation)


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The ICF (International Coaching Federation) is a global organisation that accredits professional coaches worldwide. It was founded in 1995 and has become one of the leading organisations in the field of coaching.

The ICF's mission is to promote excellence in coaching through accreditation, education and research. The organisation sets ethical and quality standards for coaches and offers training and accreditation programmes through its various chapters and affiliates around the world.

To become ICF accredited, a coach must meet a number of requirements and complete a rigorous accreditation process.

The ICF offers three levels of accreditation

  • ACC (Associate Certified Coach).
  • PCC (Professional Certified Coach).
  • MCC (Master Certified Coach).

ICF accreditation is recognised internationally as a seal of quality in coaching and is valued by companies and organisations worldwide. ICF accredited coaches must meet the following requirements high ethical and quality standards, ensuring that clients receive a coaching service of high quality and value.

What is the ICF (International Coaching Federation) competency map?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) uses a Coaching Competency Framework to define the skills and knowledge required for effective coaching practice. This framework consists of the following 11 core competences, grouped into four categories.


    • Ethical and professional understanding.
    • Create the coaching contract.
    • Establish trust and intimacy with the client.
    • Create a supportive environment.
    • Active listening.
    • Ask powerful questions.
    • Direct communication.
    • Raising awareness.
    • Design actions.
    • Planning and goal setting.
    • Managing progress and accountability.

These competencies are used by the ICF as a guide for the training of coaches and for the assessment of their competence in coaching practice. They are also a useful tool for coaches themselves, enabling them to assess their own performance and plan their professional development.

How to get certified as a mentor by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?

To be certified as a mentor by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


  1. Be a member of the ICF in good standing (ICF Membership) and have completed at least 60 hours of ICF-accredited coaching training.
  2. Have at least 2 years of experience in active coaching practice with a variety of clients (mentorDay facilitates your internship).
  3. Have completed at least 25 hours of coaching mentoring with an ICF-accredited mentor.
  4. Have completed at least 10 hours of mentoring with an ICF-accredited mentoring mentor.
  5. Provide an overview of the coaching and mentoring mentoring experience of 
  6.  mentoring and documenting the achievement of the ICF core competencies and ethics.

At mentorDay we make it easy for you to train as a mentor for entrepreneurs.

Once these requirements are met, you can apply for the mentor certificate through the ICF membership portal. The application must include a payment of the appropriate fee. The ICF will review the application and issue the certificate if all requirements are met.

It is important to note that the mentoring certificate is not a requirement to become an ICF certified coach, but is an additional certification for coaches who wish to provide mentoring to other coaches.

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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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