Control group to validate hypotheses



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How to select the control group for validation hypothesis

The selection of the control group is an important step in the validation of hypotheses. 

Here are some tips on how to select the right control group:

  1. Randomisation: the control group should be randomly selected to ensure that it is representative of the total population. This minimises the possibility of bias and increases the validity of the hypothesis validation.
  2. Homogeneity: the control group should be as homogeneous as possible in terms of characteristics relevant to the hypothesis being tested. This ensures that any differences between the control group and the experimental group are due solely to the intervention being tested.
  3. Size of the control group: the size of the control group should be large enough to detect any statistically significant differences between the control group and the experimental group. An adequate sample size also increases the validity of the hypothesis validation.
  4. Inclusion and exclusion: Inclusion and exclusion criteria should be clear and pre-defined to ensure that the control group is composed of individuals suitable for hypothesis validation.
  5. Blinding: control group members should not know that they are part of the control group and should not receive information about the intervention being tested. This minimises the possibility of bias and increases the validity of hypothesis validation.

The selection of the appropriate control group is crucial for the validation of hypotheses. A representative, homogeneous, adequately sized and randomly selected control group, with clear inclusion and exclusion criteria and adequate blinding, will increase the validity of hypothesis validation.

What is a control group used for in hypothesis validation?

A control group is used in the validation of hypotheses. to establish a fair and accurate comparison of the results of an experiment or intervention. A group of people, objects or situations that do not receive the intervention or treatment being tested, but are subjected to the same conditions as the test group, except for the variable being assessed. This allows us to determine whether the results obtained in the test group are significant and can be attributed to the treatment or intervention itself, rather than to other external factors.

Why is it important to have a control group in hypothesis validation?

It is important to have a control group in the validation of hypotheses in order to be able to compare the results obtained in the experimental group with the results obtained in a group that has not received the intervention or treatment being evaluated. This makes it possible to determine whether the changes observed in the experimental group are due to the treatment or intervention being evaluated, or whether they are caused by other factors. In addition, the control group helps to reduce confirmation bias and other biases that could influence the interpretation of the results. In summary, Having a control group helps to ensure that the results of hypothesis validation are more reliable and accurate.

Practical examples of control groups to validate hypotheses

Here are some practical examples of control groups that can be used to validate hypotheses:

  1. Proof of concept: A control group in a proof of concept can be a set of users who have not previously used the product or service in question. The hypothesis being validated is whether the product or service is feasible and useful to the user, so a control group that has no prior prejudices about the product or service is needed.
  2. A/B testing: A control group in an A/B test can be a set of users who do not receive any variation of the product or service. For example, if you are testing a new user interface for a website, the control group would be the users who do not receive the new interface and instead use the old interface.
  3. Test marketing: A control group in a marketing test can be a set of users who do not receive any advertising campaign. For example, if a new social media advertising campaign is being tested, the control group would be the users who do not receive the advertising campaign and instead view the previous content.
  4. Price tests: A control group in a price test can be a set of users who do not see any price changes. For example, if you are testing a new price for a product or service, the control group would be the users who do not see the new price and instead see the old price.

The control group selected will depend on the hypothesis being validated and the context in which the test is conducted. It is important to ensure that the control group is large and representative enough to obtain accurate and meaningful results.

Which groups of people are not useful for validation?

In general terms, any group that does not adequately represent the target population of the hypothesis to be validated would not be useful for validation. For example, if a product is being developed for young women and a group of older men is used as a control group, the results obtained would not be representative and therefore would not be useful to validate the hypothesis. Similarly, any group that has a vested interest in the outcome of the validation, such as family members or close friends, would not be suitable for validation.





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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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Grupo de control para validar hipótesis

Ir al contenido function ZFAdvLead(){ } ZFAdvLead.utmPValObj = ZFAdvLead.utmPValObj || {}; ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr = new Array('utm_source','utm_medium','utm_campaign','utm_term','utm_content');ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr = new Array();ZFAdvLead.isSameDomian = false; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_sC = function( paramName,path,domain,secure ){ var value = ZFAdvLead.utmPValObj[paramName]; if ( typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null ){ var cookieStr = paramName + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ); var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+7); cookieStr += "; expires=" + exdate.toGMTString(); cookieStr += "; path=/"; if ( domain ) { cookieStr += "; domain=" + encodeURIComponent( domain ); } if ( secure ) { cookieStr += "; secure"; } document.cookie = cookieStr; } }; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_ini = function (){ this.zfautm_bscPCap(); var url_search =; for (var i = 0; i < ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr.length ; i ++){ var zf_pN = ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr[i]; var zf_pV; if ( zf_pN == 'referrername' ) { zf_pV = ( document.URL || '' ).slice( 0, 1500 ); 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//List of search engines var ref = document.referrer; ref = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('//')+2); ref_domain = ref; ref_path = '/'; ref_search = ''; // Checks for campaign parameters var url_search =; if(url_search.indexOf('utm_source') > -1 || url_search.indexOf('utm_medium') > -1 || url_search.indexOf('utm_campaign') > -1 || url_search.indexOf('utm_term') > -1 || url_search.indexOf('utm_content') > -1) { u1 = this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'utm_source'); u2 = this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'utm_medium'); u3 = this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'utm_campaign'); u4 = this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'utm_term'); u5 = this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'utm_content'); } else if ( this.zfautm_gP(url_search, 'gclid')) { u1 = 'Google Ads'; u2 = 'cpc'; u3 = '(not set)'; if ( !ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr.includes('gclid') ) { ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr.push('gclid'); } } else if(ref) { var r_u1 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_source'); var r_u2 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_medium'); var r_u3 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_campaign'); var r_u4 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_term'); var r_u5 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_content'); if ( typeof r_u1 === "undefined" && typeof r_u2 === "undefined" && typeof r_u3 === "undefined" && typeof r_u4 === "undefined" && typeof r_u5 === "undefined") { // separate domain, path and query parameters if (ref.indexOf('/') > -1) { ref_domain = ref.substr(0,ref.indexOf('/')); ref_path = ref.substr(ref.indexOf('/')); if (ref_path.indexOf('?') > -1) { ref_search = ref_path.substr(ref_path.indexOf('?')); ref_path = ref_path.substr(0, ref_path.indexOf('?')); } } u2 = 'referral'; u1 = ref_domain; // Extract term for organic source for (var i=0; i -1){ u2 = 'organic'; u1 = search_engines[i][0]; u4 = this.zfautm_gP(ref_search, search_engines[i][1]) || '(not provided)'; break; } } } else { if ( typeof r_u1 !== "undefined" ) { u1 = r_u1; } if ( typeof r_u2 !== "undefined" ) { u2 = r_u2; } if ( typeof r_u3 !== "undefined" ) { u3 = r_u3; } if ( typeof r_u4 !== "undefined" ) { u4 = r_u4; } if ( typeof r_u5 !== "undefined" ) { u5 = r_u5; } } } else { var r_u1 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_source'); var r_u2 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_medium'); var r_u3 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_campaign'); var r_u4 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_term'); var r_u5 = this.zfautm_gC('utm_content'); if ( typeof r_u1 === "undefined" && typeof r_u2 === "undefined" && typeof r_u3 === "undefined" && typeof r_u4 === "undefined" && typeof r_u5 === "undefined") { var locRef = document.URL; locRef = locRef.substr(locRef.indexOf('//')+2); if (locRef.indexOf('/') > -1) { locRef = locRef.substr(0,locRef.indexOf('/')); } u1 = locRef; u2 = 'referral'; } else { if ( typeof r_u1 !== "undefined" ) { u1 = r_u1; } if ( typeof r_u2 !== "undefined" ) { u2 = r_u2; } if ( typeof r_u3 !== "undefined" ) { u3 = r_u3; } if ( typeof r_u4 !== "undefined" ) { u4 = r_u4; } if ( typeof r_u5 !== "undefined" ) { u5 = r_u5; } } } return { 'source' : u1, 'medium' : u2, 'campaign': u3, 'term' : u4, 'content' : u5 }; } ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_gP = function(s, q) { try{ var match = s.match('[?&]' + q + '=([^&]+)'); return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[1]) : ''; } catch(e){ return ''; } } ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_gC = function( cookieName ){ var cookieArr = document.cookie.split('; '); for ( var i = 0 ; i < cookieArr.length ; i ++ ){ var cookieVals = cookieArr[i].split('='); if ( cookieVals[0] === cookieName && cookieVals[1] ) { return decodeURIComponent(cookieVals[1]); } } }; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_gC_enc = function( cookieName ){ var cookieArr = document.cookie.split('; '); for ( var i = 0 ; i < cookieArr.length ; i ++ ){ var cookieVals = cookieArr[i].split('='); if ( cookieVals[0] === cookieName && cookieVals[1] ) { return cookieVals[1]; } } }; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_iframeSprt = function () { var zf_frame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for(var i = 0; i < zf_frame.length; ++i){ if((zf_frame[i].src).indexOf('formperma') > 0 ){ var zf_src = zf_frame[i].src; for( var prmIdx = 0 ; prmIdx < ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr.length ; prmIdx ++ ) { var utmPm = ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ]; utmPm = ( ZFAdvLead.isSameDomian && ( ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr.indexOf(utmPm) == -1 ) ) ? "zf_" + utmPm : utmPm; var utmVal = this.zfautm_gC_enc( ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ] ); if ( typeof utmVal !== "undefined" ) { if ( utmVal != "" ){ if(zf_src.indexOf('?') > 0){ zf_src = zf_src+'&'+utmPm+'='+ utmVal; }else{ zf_src = zf_src+'?'+utmPm+'='+ utmVal; } } } } if ( zf_frame[i].src.length < zf_src.length ) { zf_frame[i].src = zf_src; } } } }; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_DHtmlSprt = function () { var zf_formsArr = document.forms; for ( var frmInd = 0 ; frmInd < zf_formsArr.length ; frmInd ++ ) { var zf_form_act = zf_formsArr[frmInd].action; if ( zf_form_act && zf_form_act.indexOf('formperma') > 0 ){ for( var prmIdx = 0 ; prmIdx < ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr.length ; prmIdx ++ ) { var utmPm = ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ]; var utmVal = this.zfautm_gC( ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ] ); if ( typeof utmVal !== "undefined" ) { if ( utmVal != "" ) { var fieldObj = zf_formsArr[frmInd][utmPm]; if ( fieldObj ) { fieldObj.value = utmVal; } } } } } } }; ZFAdvLead.prototype.zfautm_jsEmbedSprt = function ( id ) { document.getElementById('zforms_iframe_id').removeAttribute("onload"); var jsEmbdFrm = document.getElementById("zforms_iframe_id"); var embdSrc = jsEmbdFrm.src; for( var prmIdx = 0 ; prmIdx < ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr.length ; prmIdx ++ ) { var utmPm = ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ]; utmPm = ( ZFAdvLead.isSameDomian && ( ZFAdvLead.utmcustPNameArr.indexOf(utmPm) == -1 ) ) ? "zf_" + utmPm : utmPm; var utmVal = this.zfautm_gC_enc( ZFAdvLead.utmPNameArr[ prmIdx ] ); if ( typeof utmVal !== "undefined" ) { if ( utmVal != "" ) { if(embdSrc.indexOf('?') > 0){ embdSrc = embdSrc+'&'+utmPm+'='+utmVal; }else{ embdSrc = embdSrc+'?'+utmPm+'='+utmVal; } } } } jsEmbdFrm.src = embdSrc; }; var zfutm_zfAdvLead = new ZFAdvLead(); zfutm_zfAdvLead.zfautm_ini(); if( document.readyState == "complete" ){ zfutm_zfAdvLead.zfautm_iframeSprt(); zfutm_zfAdvLead.zfautm_DHtmlSprt(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', function (){ zfutm_zfAdvLead.zfautm_iframeSprt(); zfutm_zfAdvLead.zfautm_DHtmlSprt(); }, false); } Si estás usando la biblioteca jQuery, entonces no olvides envolver tu código dentro de jQuery.ready() así: jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){ // Tu código aquí dentro }); -- Si quieres enlazar a un archivo JavaScript que resida en otro servidor (como ), entonces, por favor, usa la página «Añadir código HTML» , ya que es un código HTML que enlaza a un archivo JavaScript. 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