Selection and recruitment of workers in a new company


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The selection and recruitment of personnel is a This is a fundamental process for any company, as it seeks to find the right people to fill the necessary jobs to ensure the success of the organisation. This process can be complex, so it is important to have a good selection and recruitment plan in place to minimise the risks and maximise the benefits.

The selection and recruitment process may include several stages, such as defining the job profile, advertising the job vacancy, reviewing and selecting candidates, interviewing, testing and decision-making. It is also important to carry out proper negotiation and drafting of the employment contract, clearly stating the responsibilities and expectations of both the employer and the employee.

In addition, it is important to take into account legal aspects such as non-discrimination based on gender, race or age, and to comply with all applicable labour and tax obligations. Finally, it is essential to properly integrate the new employee into the company, providing adequate training and establishing a good working environment from the first day.

Selection and recruitment in a new company

The selection and recruitment of personnel in a new company is a crucial task to ensure its success.

Here are some aspects to consider in this process:

  1. Identify staffing needs: it is important to clearly identify the jobs that need to be filled and the profiles of the candidates sought for each position.
  2. Define requirements: Once the profiles have been identified, it is necessary to establish the requirements to be met by the candidates, such as previous experience, training, skills, etc.
  3. Posting job vacancies: job vacancies should be published in the right media to reach potential candidates. Nowadays, social networks and job portals are a good option to reach a large number of people.
  4. To carry out the selection of candidates: Once job applications are received, it is necessary to carry out a selection of candidates. This selection may include the review of CVs, personal interviews, skills tests, among others.
  5. To carry out the recruitment: Once candidates have been selected, it is important that recruitment is carried out with the appropriate legal safeguards. It is important that the appropriate employment contract is drawn up and that the necessary procedures are followed to comply with legal obligations.

In summary, recruitment and hiring is a key process for the success of a new company. It is important to plan it carefully, to ensure that the right candidates are selected and that recruitment is carried out effectively and legally.

How to attract talent in a new company?

Today, talent identification is one of the most important issues for companies.

To attract talent in a new company, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Defining the employer brand: i.e. the image you want to convey as an employer, what values you promote, what benefits you offer, etc.
  2. Use recruitment platforms: Posting job vacancies on specialised recruitment platforms is a good way to reach a wide audience of potential candidates.
  3. Participate in events and job fairs: attending events of this type allows entrepreneurs to present their company and establish contacts with potential candidates.
  4. Use social networks: Social media can be a useful tool to raise awareness of the company and its job offers, as well as allowing direct contact with candidates.
  5. Offer an attractive benefits package: It is important that the company offers a benefits package that is attractive to potential candidates, such as flexible hours, growth opportunities, health insurance, among others.
  6. Have a rigorous selection process: To ensure that you are hiring the best candidate, you need to have a rigorous selection process that includes interviews and skills testing.
  7. Be transparent and clear in the job description: It is important that the job description is clear and detailed so that candidates have an accurate idea of what is expected of them and can determine whether the job matches their skills and career goals.
  8. Provide a positive interview experience: during the selection process, it is important that candidates have a positive experience that enables them to see the company as an attractive place to work.

By following these steps, you can attract quality talent to a new company.

Forms of recruitment that an entrepreneur can use

There are different forms of recruitment, some of the most common of which are listed below:

  1. Interviews: This is the most commonly used method of recruitment. A personal, telephone or video-conference interview can be conducted. During the interview, the candidate's technical skills as well as interpersonal and communication skills can be assessed.
  2. Psychometric tests: These are tests designed to assess the personality, skills, abilities, aptitudes and knowledge of candidates. These tests may include tests of intelligence, verbal and numerical skills, among others.
  3. Benchmarking: It consists of verifying the information provided by the candidate by contacting people or companies that have worked with him or her. This may include contacting former employers, teachers or colleagues.
  4. Case studies: This method is used to assess the candidate's technical skills and analytical ability. The candidate may be presented with a real problem faced in the company and asked to propose a solution.
  5. Group evaluations: This method is used to assess the interpersonal and leadership skills of candidates. They are placed in a group work situation and assessed on their ability to work in a team and lead the group.

It is important to choose the right selection method for each particular job and company, taking into account the culture and values of the company and the skills and aptitudes required for the job. In this section, the methods of selection and recruitment of personnel to be implemented in the initial stage of the company will be indicated. Also, specify whether the recruitment work is going to be carried out by the team of entrepreneurs themselves or whether it is going to be subcontracted (outsourced), entrusting it to a specialised company in the sector of personnel selection, headhunting, temporary employment, etc.

Types of contracts to be used by an entrepreneur

The types of recruitment that an entrepreneur can use depend on several factors, such as the type of company, the needs of the company and the labour laws in force in his or her country.

Below are some common recruitment modalities that may be suitable for a new company:

  1. Permanent contract: This is the most common form of contract, in which an employment relationship is established for an indefinite period of time. This type of contract offers stability to the employee and can also be beneficial to the company in the long term.
  2. Temporary contract: This type of contract is used to cover the needs of the company for a specific period of time. It is a good option for short-term projects or to cover the absence of an employee.
  3. Contract for work or service: This type of contract is used for specific work defined in time. For example, for the performance of a specific work, service or project.
  4. Training and apprenticeship contract: This type of contract is used to train new employees in specific skills that are required in the company.

It is important to bear in mind that the choice of an appropriate recruitment modality will depend on the specific needs of the company and the labour legislation in force in the country where the company is established. It is advisable to consult an employment advisor or a specialised lawyer before making any employment contract.




Clara has just started her own digital marketing company and needs to hire her first employee to help her on the job. As she doesn't have much experience in the recruitment and hiring process, she decides to carefully research and plan the process.

First, decide to define the profile of the ideal candidate for the position. The ideal candidate should have experience in digital marketing, graphic design skills and knowledge of social media. They should also be proactive, have good communication skills and work well in a team. Clara then creates a detailed job description and posts the job offer on various job platforms. She receives numerous applications and starts reviewing the CVs.

Clara decides to conduct an initial telephone interview to get to know the candidates better and assess their skills and experience. From the candidates who have passed this stage, she selects the top three for a face-to-face interview. In the face-to-face interview, Clara asks about the candidate's experience and skills, and asks situational questions to assess their ability to solve problems and work in a team. She also gives the candidate the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the company and work culture.

Finally, Clara decides to hire the candidate who best fits the ideal profile and who demonstrated relevant skills and experience for the job. Clara presents a job offer with a competitive salary and employment benefits. Once the candidate accepts the offer, Clara prepares the employment contract and carries out all the necessary procedures to ensure that the recruitment complies with labour laws and regulations.


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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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