Inter-American Development Bank


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Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is a regional financial institution whose main objective is to finance viable economic, social and institutional development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. It was founded in 1959 and is made up of 48 countries, 26 of which receive direct support from the organisation.

The IDB is part of a larger group of entities dedicated to providing financial support to the countries of the Americas. Its resources come from member countries' contributions, the issuance of loans to public bodies and the management of trust funds. The bank makes its contributions mainly through loans, grants or guarantees that secure loans from private financial institutions.

The Inter-American Development Bank Group is composed of the IDB, the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC). The MIF is an autonomous fund administered by the IDB that supports the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Americas through grants and technical support.

The IIC is responsible for supporting private sector growth through loans and investments in Latin American and Caribbean countries. It currently has 44 members, 26 of which receive direct financial support from the IIC.

In short, the IDB is a regional financial institution that supports development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is part of a larger group of entities that provide financial support to countries in the region and is the main source of multilateral financing in Latin America and the Caribbean.

How can the IDB help an entrepreneur?

The IDB can help an entrepreneur in several ways. One of the main ways is through loans to finance viable economic, social and institutional development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. These loans can be used to finance investments in infrastructure, energy, health, education, technology and other sectors relevant to the sustainable development of the region.

In addition to loans, the IDB also provides technical support and assistance in project implementation. IDB experts can provide advice on public policy, economic and financial analysis, risk management and impact assessment, among other topics.

The IDB also has specific programmes and funds to support small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the engine of the economy in Latin America and the Caribbean. These programmes include loans and grants for business capacity building, access to finance, and technology development and innovation.

Finally, the IDB has an extensive network of partners, including other international organisations, national and regional governments, civil society organisations and the private sector. This network can be a valuable source of contacts and opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses and find new markets in the region. The IDB offers various grants and financing programmes for entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Some examples of these programmes are:

  1. Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF): This programme finances business development projects that seek to generate positive social and environmental impact, through loans, equity investments, guarantees and other financial instruments.
  2. ConnectAmericas: It is an online platform that offers entrepreneurs in the region tools and resources to facilitate their insertion in the international market, including information on foreign trade, business opportunities and financing.
  3. IDB Lab: It is the IDB's innovation laboratory, which finances entrepreneurship and innovation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. It offers financial and technical support to entrepreneurs who are developing innovative solutions to social and environmental problems.
  4. Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programme (PRODEM): This programme provides funding and training to entrepreneurs who are developing innovative projects in the region.
  5. Microenterprise Finance Programme (Microfinance): It offers loans and other financial services to microenterprises and entrepreneurs who do not have access to traditional banking services.

These are just a few examples of the programmes and support offered by the IDB to entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The requirements and conditions for accessing these programmes may vary according to the programme and the geographical location of the entrepreneur. Please visit the IDB website for more information and details on how to apply for each programme.

How to contact the IDB?

To contact the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), you can access its official website and look for the corresponding area to make an enquiry or request for financing.

Contact details for the IDB offices in each of the member countries are also available on the IDB's website. In addition, the IDB participates in entrepreneurship and development fairs and events, so you can also seek their presence at such events to establish direct contact.

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is an international development bank. a financial institution whose main objective is to finance viable economic development projects, social and institutional. Y support trade integration in the Caribbean and Latin American area.

This is the the world's largest regional development finance institution.  It is also the oldest, since its origins date back to 1959. This bank is made up of 48 countries, 26 of which receive direct support from the entity.

The Inter-American Development Bank is part of a larger group of entities. They are dedicated to providing financial support to countries in the Americas. Its resources come mainly from contributions made by its member countries, the issuance of loans to public bodies, and the management of trust funds. The Bank's contributions are generally made in the form of loans, grants or guarantees, which secure loans from private financial institutions.


Inter-American Development Bank Group

This group consists of the IDBand two other entities. The MIF (Multilateral Investment Fund) and the CII (Inter-American Investment Corporation).

  • The Multilateral Fund Investment Fund is an autonomous fund administered by the IDB. Cith 38 countries donors, and supports the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the American area through grants and technical support.
  • The Inter-American Corporation The Investment Facility is responsible for supporting private sector growth. Through loans and investments in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Currently has 44 members26 of which receive direct financial support from the entity.

This group of entities is the main source of multilateral financing in Latin America. Even ahead of entities such as the World Bank (WB).






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

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