11 | Escuela para Business Angels
Cuadro de mando. KPI – Key Performance Indicator de una startup 4.4 (22)
Learn about key KPIs and metrics for startups. Discover how to measure the performance and success of your business with strategic indicators.
Pacto de socios 4.7 (7)
Accelerate your business with these expert tips on the "Partnership Pact". Analyse and discover this TIP!
Rondas de financiación 4.4 (9)
This process involves the company in question raising money through investors. This means that new partners will come in and acquire a share of the company's share capital and therefore also have control over a part of the company.
Business Angel 4.5 (34)
Known as angel investor or angel investor. A Business Angel is a natural or legal person who provides funding and/or expertise to new entrepreneurs in order to obtain a future profit.


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