Entrepreneurial competence is whereby you have to be able to make promises and, moreover, keep them within the conditions and timeframe that have been set.
Competence that allows us to convince the team, external agents and the market of the goodness of the project and the possibilities of generating benefits for all.
It allows entrepreneurs to have the conviction that they are capable of successfully carrying out a project. Independent entrepreneurs have confidence, strength and conviction in themselves and in their abilities and are very clear about their objectives.
It is a training system whose main characteristic is that it is carried out over the Internet or connected to the network.
The meaning of e-learning comes from "electronic learning", which allows the user to interact with the material through the use of various computer tools.
Time Management includes the processes necessary to achieve on-time project completion; it is not the ability to gain more hours per day to do more activities, it is about being more productive. Being more productive is about being able to distinguish between priorities and distinguishing what is most important.
Also known as the 80/20 (or 20/80) Rule, it states that, in general and for a large number of phenomena, approximately 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes.
Competencia emprendedora mediante la cual tendrás más firmeza y confianza en la manera de ser o de obrar aprendiendo de los errores para alcanzar tus objetivos y mejorar tu proyecto.