Conoce los riesgos clave que enfrenta un emprendedor al crear su empresa y cómo manejarlos para asegurar un crecimiento sólido y sostenible en el mercado.
Sirvent & Granados ofrece asesoría legal integral para emprendedores y startups en derecho mercantil, nuevas tecnologías, bancario, administrativo y civil, apoyando todas las etapas del ciclo empresarial.
EMPRESAS ACELERADAS: UNA MAYOR TASA DE SUPERVIVENCIA EN SUS 5 PRIMEROS AÑOS La trayectoria de una empresa durante sus primeros cinco años es crítica para su supervivencia a largo plazo. Las empresas que han surgido en 2019 han afrontado una serie de desafíos sin precedentes como la pandemia, la volatilidad
TYPICAL MISTAKES OF ENTREPRENEURS Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Typical Entrepreneurial Mistakes". Analyse and discover this TIP! We all make mistakes, but there are some mistakes that are particularly serious for an entrepreneur, as they can significantly affect your chances of success.
HOW TO OVERCOME THE OBSTACLES OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AFFECTING AN ENTREPRENEUR Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "How to overcome the obstacles of negative emotions affecting an entrepreneur". Analyse and discover this TIP! More and more of us are taking the plunge
MANAGING ENTREPRENEUR STRESS Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Managing Entrepreneur Stress". Take a look and discover this TIP! You may have heard the phrases "chase your dreams", "strive to achieve your goals" and countless motivational videos and writings that suggest you give