04 | Financiación
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AN ACCELERATOR AND AN INCUBATOR Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Differences between an accelerator and an incubator". Analyse and discover this TIP! An incubator (+) is an organisation that helps entrepreneurial projects in their start-up phase. It differs from an accelerator (+) in that
AID FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS Accelerate your business with this expert advice on "Aid for women entrepreneurs". Analyse and discover this TIP! One in three women in Spain are self-employed and their weight in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers is increasingly important. This is due to
FACTORING 4.5 (17)
FACTORING Accelerate your business with these expert tips on factoring - take a look and discover this TIP! Factoring is a type of financing that allows a company to obtain funds by selling its unpaid invoices to a specialised financial institution, known as a factor. The factor,
FORFAITING Accelerate your business with this expert advice on "Forfaiting". Analyse and discover this TIP! Forfaiting allows immediate payment of credits and operations with deferred payment, in the medium and long term. It consists of the purchase without recourse to the holder of bills of exchange or promissory notes with a bank guarantee,
Bootstrapping: Autofinanciación para Emprendedores y sus Impactos 4.6 (72)
Explora el concepto de bootstrapping en emprendimientos: sus desafíos, impactos económicos y soluciones. Descubre ejemplos reales
Financiación vía inversores privados 4.7 (87)
Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Financing via private investors". Take a look and discover this TIP!
HOW TO GET FINANCING FROM BANKS? The 80% of business financing is still bank financing in Spain, and it is cheap, but you have to know how to negotiate well... Only in the USA are there many more financial alternatives that reduce dependence on the 40%. Bank requirements: they need to see your sales history,
¿Cómo obtener financiación de la Administración Pública? 4.6 (66)
¿CÓMO OBTENER FINANCIACIÓN DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA? RESUMEN Obtener financiación de la Administración Pública es una opción viable para empresas innovadoras. Las ayudas pueden venir en diversas formas como subvenciones, préstamos, deducciones fiscales, y más, enfocadas en proyectos con alto grado de innovación y riesgo técnico. Es fundamental demostrar la
Fuentes de financiación 4.6 (71)
SOURCES OF FINANCING Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Sources of Finance". Analyse and discover this TIP! The Entrepreneur identifies an opportunity and gets all the resources (key partners, team, talented employees, customers, FINANCING...), to turn it into a lasting business. I have an opportunity (segment of
Causas típicas de fracaso 4.7 (85)
TYPICAL CAUSES OF FAILURE Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Typical Causes of Failure". Analyse and discover this TIP! We learn from mistakes, but if failure affects us too much, it is very likely that we will never start a business again. Talking about failure

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