A tool that will help create minimum viable products in an agile and simple way. This method was created by Eric Rise, a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and is designed to drive a startup through experimentation.
Índice https://youtu.be/RVTyKpwscoA A la hora de diseñar nuestro modelo de negocio, el aspecto más importante y el que genera mayor incertidumbre es la propuesta de valor. Ser capaz de encontrar un criterio que confirme que lo que estamos haciendo tiene sentido para el cliente es algo crítico. En esta parte
CROWDLENDING Accelerate your business with these expert tips on Crowdlending. Analyse and discover this TIP! Crowdlending allows all types of companies to be financed directly by a large and diverse group of people, without having to ask for money under the conditions of traditional banking. On