How to apply for your residency in Spain if you are an entrepreneur? In mentorDay we help free of charge to obtain the entrepreneur visa, golden Spanish visa, to foreign entrepreneurs who want to create a company in Spain to enter Europe, America or Africa and need to obtain their residence as a foreign investor.
Exporting refers to the action of selling a good or service in one country, having been manufactured in another. An exporter may encounter a number of barriers to exporting.
Mercosur (MERCOSUR) is a regional integration process founded in 1991 by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Over the years, countries such as Venezuela (currently suspended) and Bolivia have joined the group.
Incoterms ("INternational COmmercial TERMS") are a group of commercial terms (three letters each) used in international transactions to clarify the costs and determine the commercial clauses included in a sales contract.