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SPAIN, A COUNTRY TO INVEST IN AND TO LIVE IN Spain enjoys great prestige not only as a tourist destination but also as one of the preferred places to live and work and also, of course, to invest. This tip aims to give you a clear idea of the benefits this country has to offer.
INVEST AND LIVE IN GRAN CANARIA Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Investing and living in Gran Canaria". Take a look and discover this TIP! There are several factors that facilitate business development in Gran Canaria. They include the important regional market, influenced by the high
INVEST AND LIVE IN TENERIFE Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Investing and living in Tenerife". Analyse and discover this TIP! Tenerife offers attractive conditions for foreign investment, combining a large and sufficiently qualified labour force, part of an active and growing ecosystem, in
VALUE ADDED TAX IN SPAIN (VAT) What is VAT? VAT (Value Added Tax) is an indirect tax, which is applied in Spain (mainland and Balearic Islands), to tax consumer goods: it is divided into three types depending on the nature of the product
IGIC. THE GENERAL INDIRECT CANARY INDIRECT TAX Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "IGIC. The Canary Islands General Indirect Tax". Analyse and discover this TIP! What is the IGIC? It is an indirect tax on the delivery of goods and/or provision of services carried out by resident business people or professionals.
TAX ADVANTAGES AND INCENTIVES FOR INVESTORS IN GRAN CANARIA Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Tax advantages and incentives for investors in Gran Canaria". Take a look and discover this TIP! Gran Canaria is one of the islands that form part of the Canary Islands, an Autonomous Community belonging to the Canary Islands.
TAX ADVANTAGES AND INCENTIVES FOR INVESTORS IN TENERIFE Accelerate your business with these tips on "Tax advantages and incentives for investors in Tenerife". Analyse and discover this TIP! Since its incorporation into the Kingdom of Castile, the Canary Islands have had a different economic and fiscal treatment from the rest of Spain.
This is a form used to harmonise and simplify the flow of information between different customs authorities and has to be presented to customs for international trade operations with countries outside the EU (with some exceptions). The SAD is used to comply with customs formalities
Advice and recommendations To avoid: When documents are sent through a bank (collection or documentary credit), it should be avoided as far as possible to send a set of documents to the buyer, either directly or together with the goods. There are alternatives to ensure that the documents arrive quickly
PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATES Speed up your business with these expert tips on "Phytosanitary Certificates". Analyse and discover this TIP! It is an instrument of control and pest control that certifies that plant products and other objects related to them are healthy and free of parasites or diseases. Certain plants, plant products, plant by-products and

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