B-CORP Certification


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The certification B Corp (B Corporation) is a acknowledgement granted by the non-profit organisation B Lab to companies that comply with rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. This certification goes beyond the product or service offered by the company and goes beyond the evaluates how business operations and practices of the company impact on employees, the community, the environment and customers.

Main features of B Corp. certification

  • Integral Performance: The company must obtain a minimum score in an assessment that measures impact in areas such as governance, workers, customers, community and environment.
  • Transparency: Companies should be transparent about their social and environmental practices, often publishing impact reports and updating their progress on a regular basis.
  • Legal Liability: Certified companies often have to amend their corporate legal documents to ensure that consideration of shareholder and stakeholder interests is balanced.
  • Renewal: Certification is not permanent and must be renewed every few years, which requires a new assessment.

Benefits of being a B Corp:

  • Brand differentiation: Being a B Corp can help differentiate the company in a saturated market and attract consumers who value sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Talent Attraction: Many professionals prefer to work in companies that have a positive impact on society.
  • Investment and Financing: Some investors are more inclined to invest in B Corps because of its verifiable commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
  • Business Network: B Corps often support each other and belonging to this community can open up new business opportunities.
  • Credibility and Trust: Rigorous assessment and certification provides a level of transparency and credibility that is valued by consumers, investors and other stakeholders.

Companies such as Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's and Danone North America are examples of large companies who have obtained the B Corp certification. However, companies of all sizes and in all sectors can obtain the certification.

Obtain the B Corp certification is a strong indicator that a company is committed not only with economic profitabilitybut also with generating a positive social and environmental impact. This type of certification, offered by the non-profit organisation B Labevaluates from from labour practices to environmental responsibility and corporate transparency.

Advantages of being a B Corp for a future SBIC:

  • Preparation and Alignment of Values: If a company has already gone through the rigorous B Corp certification process, it is likely to qualify to become a Sociedad de Beneficio de Interés Común (SBIC) once the regulation is defined in Spain.
  • Reputation and Trust: Having B Corp certification could increase confidence among investors and consumers, which could be beneficial in becoming an SBIC.
  • Metrics and Transparency: One of the conditions for maintaining B Corp certification is the submission of annual reports on the social and environmental impact of the company. Such metrics would already be aligned with what is likely to be required of SBICs.
  • Legal Structure and Corporate Governance: B Corp certification requires certain levels of accountability and transparency that may be similar to the requirements for SBICs.
  • Networking: Being part of the B Corp movement opens doors to a community of companies and entrepreneurs who share the same values and who could be strategic allies in the future.
  • Competitive Advantage: With certification, the company could have a competitive advantage when applying for grants, attracting impact investors or even in recruiting employees looking to work in purpose-driven businesses.

B Corp certification is not only a seal of approval, but also a continuous process to improve the social and environmental impact of a company.

To facilitate this process, there are several steps and pricing options for companies to consider.
  • Free self-assessment tool
    Prior to going through the full certification process, companies can use a free self-assessment tool. This tool is useful for understand the current state of the company in terms of social and environmental impact, and to identify areas for improvement..
  • Accreditation by an Expert: €250
    Once a company feels comfortable with their self-assessment resultsthe next step is to undergo a professional accreditation. For one fee of €250a acknowledged expert assess the company's compliance with B Corp standardsoffering a more objective and credible validation of their practices.
  • Maintenance and Annual Reviews: €1,000
    The certification B Corp is not a unique achievement. Businesses should continue to meet high standards established by B Lab. To ensure that they maintain their certification, companies can choose to annual reviews costing around €1,000. These reviews ensure that the company continues to comply with requirements and allows you to renew your certificate.

In a nutshell, B Corp certification offers a staggered pathway for the companies improve their impactfrom a free initial self-assessment to more formalised accreditations and annual reviews. These steps not only offer a structured way of improving and validating social and environmental responsibility practicesbut also prepare to the company in order to future opportunities and challenges, how to become a Sociedad de Beneficio de Interés Común (SBIC) in Spain.

Instructions for obtaining B Corp Certification in Spanish
  1. Time considerations: The duration of the B Corp certification project varies widely and can last from 3 to 12 months. You will be able to check the status of your review through the B Impact Assessment once you have submitted your assessment.
  2. Required Documentation: You must provide documentation to support each response you provide in the B Impact Assessment. Areas of Impact and Location of Information:
    1. Governance: Mission and commitment; ethics and transparency (Sources: finance department, legal department)
    2. Workers: Financial security; health, welfare, career development (Sources: Human Resources)
    3. Community: Diversity, equity, inclusion; economic impact; civic engagement (Sources: Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources)
    4. Environment: Environmental management; climate and air; water; land and life (Sources: procurement, sustainability)
    5. Clients: Customer care (Sources: sales and marketing)
  3. Before you start: You need to build your B-team, which is the set of internal people who will help you achieve certification.
    1. Roles of Team B
      1. Project Manager (B Keeper or B Champion): Gather all the necessary information.
      2. Finance: Answer questions on income and expenditure.
      3. Human Resources: Answers questions about benefits and employee demographics.
      4. Legal Adviser: It answers legal questions related to transparency.
      5. Marketing and Communications: It is in charge of education and communication.
      6. Procurement: It answers questions about the supply chain.
      7. Senior Leadership: It is recommended to obtain their support due to the time and transparency involved in the process.
      8. Sustainability: Answer questions on environmental and social impact.
    2. Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles
      1. Educating employees about what it is B Corp certification and why it is important.
      2. Dividing the work among the members of the team B.
      3. Set a target date for the certification helps to keep the project moving.
      4. Maintain informed leaders on the progress and support necessary.
      5. Use the B Corp directory for find and contact with companies in your sector who are already certified.

With these instructions, I hope that any entrepreneur can understand best the B Corp certification process and what is required to obtain it.



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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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