How does an entrepreneur set, negotiate wages with his workers?

How should an entrepreneur set and negotiate wages with his employees?

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Setting and negotiating workers' wages is an important and necessary process for any company, including start-ups. Here are some tips to help entrepreneurs set and negotiate wages for their workers.


  1. Research market wages: It is important to know the average market salaries for the type of work being offered. This can help to set a fair and competitive wage range.
  2. Assesses the experience and skills of workers: The skills and experience of workers should be considered when setting and negotiating wages. Workers with more experience and skills should receive higher wages than those with less experience and skills.
  3. Establish a salary range: It is advisable to establish a salary range for each position in the company, which allows for flexibility in negotiating salaries with employees. This also allows for greater transparency and consistency in the wage-setting process.
  4. Consider other benefits: Wages are not the only form of compensation for workers. Employers may offer other benefits, such as health insurance, pension plans, holiday days, sick days, etc. that can make the wage offer more attractive.
  5. Be transparent: Transparency in the process of wage setting and negotiation is important to establish healthy industrial relations and avoid conflicts. It is important to explain how wages are set, what factors are taken into account and how wages can be negotiated.
  6. Communicate expectations and objectives: Communication is key in any wage negotiation. Employers should communicate the company's expectations and objectives, and employees should communicate their expectations and needs. This can help to reach a fair agreement for both parties.

In summary, setting and negotiating wages is an important part of a company's human resource management. By following these tips, entrepreneurs can ensure that they are offering fair and competitive wages to their employees and establishing healthy and transparent labour relations.

Practical examples of wage setting for an entrepreneur in a new venture

Suppose an entrepreneur has started a software company and needs to hire a software developer for his team.

Here is a practical example of how the entrepreneur could set and negotiate the salary:

  1. Market research: the entrepreneur should research the market and determine what the average salary is for software developers with similar skills and experience in their geographic area. Assume that the average salary is $40,000 per year.
  2. Assess the candidate's ability: the employer must assess the candidate's ability to determine if he or she is qualified for the position. If the candidate has exceptional skills or relevant experience, a higher than average salary may be justified.
  3. Initial offer: the entrepreneur may initially offer a salary that is at the upper end of the average range, e.g. $45,000 per year. This amount could be justified if the candidate has exceptional skills.
  4. Negotiation: if the candidate wishes to negotiate salary, the entrepreneur should be prepared to justify the salary offered. It may be useful to highlight the benefits of working in a start-up, such as the opportunity for growth and development in a growing company.
  5. Consider other benefits: In addition to salary, the entrepreneur should consider other benefits that might be attractive to the candidate, such as flexible working hours, remote work options, a comprehensive health insurance plan or a retirement plan.

In general, it is important for the entrepreneur to consider fair and equitable wages for workers, while ensuring that the enterprise is profitable and sustainable in the long term.

Setting wages internal equity and external coherence

Setting wages in a company is not an easy task and must be done with care and attention to several important factors. Two of these factors are internal equity and external consistency. Internal equity refers to the comparison of salaries of employees in the same company, while external consistency refers to the comparison of the company's salaries with the salaries of similar companies in the same market.

To set wages with internal equity and external coherence, an entrepreneur should consider the following:

  1. Assess the roles and responsibilities of each employee: It is important to have a clear idea of what each employee does in the company and what his or her responsibilities are. This assessment will help determine the hierarchical position of each employee and set salaries according to that position.
  2. Knowing the market: It is necessary to know the market in which the company is located and what salaries similar companies are paying for similar positions. This will help ensure that the company's salaries are competitive.
  3. Establish salary ranges: Once the positions have been evaluated and the market is known, it is important to establish salary ranges for each position. This will help to ensure that employees performing the same functions receive similar salaries.
  4. Take into account the experience and skills of employees: Employees with more experience and skills should receive higher salaries than those with less experience or skills.
  5. Regularly review wages: Wages should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain competitive and fair compared to the market and within the company.

A practical example of wage-setting in a new company would be as follows

An entrepreneur is setting up a digital marketing company and has hired three employees: a marketing manager, a graphic designer and a social media specialist. After evaluating the roles and responsibilities of each employee, the entrepreneur has determined that the marketing manager is the most senior, followed by the graphic designer and the social media specialist.

The entrepreneur has researched the market and found that similar companies in the same market pay salaries of $70,000 to $90,000 per year for a marketing manager, $50,000 to $60,000 per year for a graphic designer and $40,000 to $50,000 per year for a social media specialist.

Based on this research, the entrepreneur has established a salary range of $75,000 to $85,000 per year for the marketing manager, $55,000 to $65,000 per year for the graphic designer and $45,000 to $55,000 per year for the social media specialist.

The entrepreneur has also taken into account the experience and skills of each employee when setting their salary within the salary range. In addition, he is committed to reviewing salaries every six months to ensure that they remain competitive and fair compared to the market and within the company.

How to set wages in an internationalisation process?

Setting wages in an internationalisation process can be a challenge, as there are many factors to consider.

Some suggestions include:

  1. Research market wages: Before setting wages in a new geographic location, it is important to research the average market wages in that area. This can help ensure that wages are competitive and attractive to workers.
  2. Take into account living costs: Living costs vary from place to place, so it is important to take this into account when setting wages in a new location. Wages should allow workers to meet their basic needs and have an adequate standard of living.
  3. Consider local laws and regulations: Labour laws and regulations vary from country to country, so it is important to ensure that wages meet the legal requirements in the new location.
  4. Maintaining internal equity: It is important to maintain internal equity within the company when setting wages in a new location. This means considering factors such as skill level, experience and job title to ensure that wages are fair and equitable within the company.
  5. Ensure external coherence: While it is important to consider market wages in the new location, it is also important to ensure that wages are consistent with company wages in other locations. This can help ensure that workers feel valued and treated fairly compared to other workers in the company.

In a nutshell, Setting wages in an internationalisation process can be complex, but it is important to research market wages, take into account living costs, consider local laws and regulations, maintain internal equity and ensure external consistency.



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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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