Accelerate your business with these expert tips on the Pitch Deck - Analyse and discover this TIP!

A pitch deck is a technique that refers to a way of selling, which seeks to explain in a presentation the product or service, to get an investor interested in our startup or company.

The pitch deck must be short, with a maximum duration of 15 minutes. There are three different types of Pitch Deck depending on the stage of the project or company. The main difference between these formats lies in how many points of your project you are going to describe and in what detail.

In general, the structure of this presentation should be as follows, containing the following points:

  1. CONCEPTIt is very important that from the very beginning we make it clear what we are going to do. Including it at the beginning helps to clearly understand your product or service, at least as a concept.
  2. PROBLEMHere you have to make it very clear what you are solving for your clients.
  3. SOLUTION/PRODUCTAt this point you should expand on what your product or service does, how it solves the problem and the magic that makes it work.
  4. BUSINESS MODELIf so far we have said that there is a problem and that we have a solution, at this point we should talk about how we plan to make money by solving the problem. Making it clear what you hope to sell (or how you will make money), the scalability and the price.
  5. MARKETAt this point we are expected to describe how many people potentially have the problem (market size), whether it is growing (market trend) and what the customer is like (customer profile).
  6. TRACTIONOne of the most important points if you are looking for investment, and which conveys what you have achieved and how close or far you are from achieving the famous product/market fit. It aims to reflect whether you have validated the idea with potential users, preferably with sales.
  7. TEAMA description of the profiles of the main team members and what each one brings to the project as a differential, as well as any relevant experience.
  8. COMPETENCEThe famous competition analysis not only indicates that you have done your homework in terms of knowing who the most important competitors are and their strengths/weaknesses, but it also makes it clear that there is a market, and that you know it and its dynamics. If you think you have no competition, it is probably because there is no market.
  9. FINANCIAL ASPECTSThe dreaded numbers. The important thing at this point is not to break down the costs too much, but the revenue lines, which is what the investor is really interested in.
  10. EXITIt is necessary to have a clear idea of how we are going to increase the value of the company, since investors want to take a small piece of the pie in the hope that the pie will be bigger later on. That is why it is necessary to have foreseen what exit we are going to give it.

These would be the most important points to defend in a presentation to investors using the pitch deck.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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