Experience as a competitive advantage


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Accumulated experience can be a competitive advantage for a company. As a company operates and accumulates experience in a given market or sector, it can develop a deeper understanding of customer needs and preferences, as well as of the challenges and opportunities in the market. This accumulated experience can enable the company to make more informed and effective decisions and to identify opportunities that may not be obvious to other companies.

For example, a company that has been operating in the technology market for many years may have developed deep expertise in developing innovative products that meet customer needs. This accumulated experience may enable the company to be more agile and effective in developing new and improved products in the future.

In addition, accumulated experience can help a company build strong relationships with customers and suppliers. If a company has a long track record of successful operations in a particular sector, customers and suppliers are more likely to see it as a market leader and be willing to work with it.

In general, accumulated experience can be a competitive advantage. valuable to a company, as it can help it make more informed and effective decisions, identify market opportunities and build strong relationships with customers and suppliers.

Practical examples of accumulated experience as a competitive advantage

Here are some practical examples of how accumulated experience can be a competitive advantage for a company:

  1. Microsoft: has a long history in the development of software and operating systems, and has accumulated a wealth of experience in the design, development and launch of new software products. This accumulated experience has enabled the company to develop innovative and attractive products for its customers, which has allowed it to remain a leader in the software market for decades.
  2. Amazon: has been operating in the e-commerce market since the 1990s and has accumulated a great deal of experience in order management and in the fast and efficient delivery of products to customers. This accumulated experience has enabled the company to develop a highly efficient distribution network, which allows it to deliver products to customers within very short lead times.
  3. Toyota: is one of the world's largest automobile manufacturing companies and has accumulated a wealth of experience in manufacturing high quality automobiles and continuously improving its production processes. This accumulated experience has enabled Toyota to continuously improve its products and processes, leading to the production of highly reliable and high quality automobiles.
  4. Coca-Cola: has been producing soft drinks for over 100 years and has accumulated a wealth of experience in the production and distribution of beverages. This accumulated experience has enabled the company to develop a highly efficient global distribution network, allowing it to expand into new markets and increase its market share worldwide.

In short, accumulated experience can be a valuable competitive advantage for a company in any sector, as it can enable it to develop innovative products, continuously improve its processes, build strong relationships with customers and suppliers, and expand into new markets.

What are the differences and similarities between accumulated experience and validated knowledge as competitive advantages?

Both accumulated experience and validated knowledge can be competitive advantages for a company.


  1. Both are intangible assets that cannot be easily copied by competitors.
  2. Both develop over time as the company operates in a given market or sector.
  3. Both can enable the company to make more informed and effective decisions and improve its market performance.
  1. Accumulated experience refers to the practical experience gained through the operation of the company in the market, while validated knowledge refers to the technical knowledge and skills that have been validated through research and development.
  2. Accumulated experience can be acquired by any company simply by operating in the market for an extended period of time, while validated knowledge may require significant effort and investment in research and development.
  3. The accumulated experience focuses on the practical knowledge that has been acquired through the daily operation of the company, while the validated knowledge focuses on the application of theoretical principles to develop new products, processes and technologies.

In a nutshell, Both accumulated experience and validated knowledge can be valuable competitive advantages for a company. The accumulated experience focuses on the practical experience gained through the daily operation of the company, while the validated knowledge focuses on the application of theoretical principles to develop new products, processes and technologies.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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