Education and training in a new company


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Providing adequate training to employees is one of the key commitments to be assumed by the entrepreneur. Good training and qualification will generate greater motivation among employees. There are, logically, different ways of providing training (classroom, e-learning, distance, blended learning), some being more appropriate than others, depending on the type of company, the profile of the worker and the objective pursued by the training action.

Education and training are fundamental elements in the success of a company, as they allow workers to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their functions efficiently and effectively. An entrepreneur must provide his employees with the necessary training and education to enable them to perform their work effectively and improve their performance.

Among the forms of training and education that an entrepreneur can offer to his employees are

  • Internal training: This is training that takes place within the company itself. It can be provided by the company's own staff or by external professionals. This training can be in the form of workshops, lectures, online courses, among others.
  • External training: This is training that takes place outside the company. This training can be in the form of courses, workshops, seminars and so on.
  • Mentoring: This is a process in which an experienced employee in the company helps a new employee to adapt to his or her new position and to develop his or her skills.
  • Job shadowing: This is a process in which a new worker observes the work of an experienced worker in order to learn from his or her skills and knowledge.
  • Coaching: is a process in which an employee receives advice and guidance from a coach to improve his or her performance.

In general, training and education should be tailored to the specific needs of the individual worker and the company as a whole. In this way, ensures that workers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to improve their performance and contribute to the success of the company.

How should an entrepreneur choose the right education and training for his employees?

An entrepreneur must choose the right training and education for his employees taking into account the specific needs of his company and of the individual employees.

Some steps you can take are

  1. Identify the skills and knowledge required for each job in the company.
  2. Assess the current skills and knowledge of workers.
  3. Identify the skills and knowledge gaps that exist in the company.
  4. Define training and capacity building objectives to close these gaps.
  5. Select the training and education options that best suit the objectives and needs of the company and the employees.
  6. Implement education and training effectively, providing the necessary support to workers so that they can apply what they have learnt in their daily work.

It is important that the entrepreneur is also willing to invest in the education and training of his employees, as this can be key to the long-term success of the company.

Why is education and training important in a new company?

Education and training are important in a new company for a number of reasons:

  1. Improve the performance and efficiency of workers: education and training enable workers to acquire new skills and knowledge that they can apply in their daily work, allowing them to be more efficient and productive.
  2. It promotes innovation and business development: education and training can provide workers with the necessary skills to implement new technologies or work processes, which can lead to innovation and company growth.
  3. Increases employee satisfaction and motivation: employees appreciate the opportunity to learn and develop in their work, which can increase their job satisfaction and motivation.
  4. It reduces errors and increases security: training and education in occupational safety and risk prevention can reduce errors and accidents in the workplace.

In short, training and capacity building are essential for the growth and development of a new enterprise, as they improve workers' performance, foster innovation and development, increase employee satisfaction and motivation, and improve workplace safety.

Practical examples of training and capacity building

Some practical examples of training and capacity building that an entrepreneur could offer to his or her employees include:

  1. Technical skills training: Depending on the type of business, the entrepreneur could offer training in job-specific technical skills, such as programming, graphic design, digital marketing, etc.
  2. Soft skills training: Soft skills are also important in any enterprise. Therefore, the entrepreneur could offer training in soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, problem solving, etc.
  3. Training in occupational safety: Workplace safety is essential to avoid accidents and injuries in the workplace. Therefore, the entrepreneur could provide workplace safety training to ensure that his workers follow safety procedures and operate equipment properly.
  4. Customer service training: If the company offers products or services to the customer, it is important to train workers in customer service to ensure that they provide excellent service and meet the needs of customers.
  5. Training in new technologies: Technology evolves rapidly and the entrepreneur could offer training in new technologies so that his workers are up to date and can use new tools and systems.
  6. Diversity and inclusion training: Diversity and inclusion are important issues in the workplace. Therefore, the entrepreneur could provide diversity and inclusion training for his or her employees to learn about the importance of inclusion and how to foster a diverse and respectful work environment.

These are just a few examples, but training and education can vary according to the needs and objectives of the company and the workers.




Laura is an entrepreneur who has just opened a shop selling organic products. As it is a new business, she has a team of young workers without much experience in the sector, so she wants to offer them training and education to improve their skills and knowledge.

To this end, Laura has decided to implement a training plan consisting of several steps:
  1. Identification of training needs: Laura has analysed the tasks and responsibilities of each of the workers and identified the skills and knowledge they need to improve in order to perform their duties effectively.
  2. Design of the training plan: Based on the needs identified, Laura has designed a training plan that includes courses, workshops and coaching sessions in specific areas such as sales, customer service, product knowledge, among others.
  3. Implementation of the plan: Laura has recruited experts in each of the training areas and has set up a schedule of training sessions for workers to attend and learn.
  4. Evaluation of the plan: At the end of the training plan, Laura has evaluated the results to measure the effectiveness of the training and to determine whether the objectives of improving workers' skills and knowledge were met.

With this training plan, Laura has ensured that its workers are better trained and prepared to face the company's challenges, which has improved the quality of service and increased customer satisfaction. In addition, workers feel more valued and motivated by having the opportunity to learn and grow professionally in the company.


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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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