Documents, tools needed to set up a company


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The so-called agile methodologies, Lean Startup and others promote very different criteria than following a series of instructions to the letter in order to develop a business plan. On the contrary, new methodologies advocate the use of flexible criteria that lead us to answer a series of questions on the answer to which success or failure depends. It is therefore not about filling in documents but about reasoning, working hard and taking risks.

There is no such thing as a perfect valid methodology for any type of project. Each project is unique and its promoter must be able to build a methodological framework that responds to the challenges that arise at any given moment.

It is therefore important that, as read each of the methodologies available to you, sift them with your experience and common sense and apply them. But do so with scepticism, willing to review them and to change them if they prove ineffective.

Neither the methodology nor the business plan can be an alibi for anything. What matters is to test your hypotheses against the real world, experiment with them and validate them. Fear and uncertainty will never go away. They are there and it is good that they are.

Let's get to the fun part!

Neither fear nor uncertainty can prevent the process of creating a company or a startup from being agile, casual, even fun. There is no need to work in an environment decorated in a certain way and with motivational posters everywhere. It has to be a colourful, bright environment with large letters. Don't think soft sofas but simple things that you can do yourself and that create a stimulating environment.

Those same documents that you tape to the wall and use to determine the viability of your business are of enormous importance.

Here are a few options. They are just to make you think, so that you don't lose focus, the important thing is to create your business and be successful. The aim is not to complete or fill in these tools, but to reflect on them.

  • Replaces the Business Model Canvas for something more contemporary, Lean Canvas (+) intended for startups (+) who need to get to know their early adopters (+).
  • A empathy map (+) will be very useful is always useful. The Value Proposition CanvasOsterwalder's work is also very useful because it allows you to match real customer needs with your value proposition (+).
  • The competition value curve will clear up any doubts as to which startup is more innovative and best combines the keys to customer relations.
  • A good customer experience mapThe customer journey map, customer journey map, clearly illustrates the customer's journey through the relationship with your company.
  • A interesting contribution of the Kanban (+) is the Validated Learning BoardThe "Canvas format" tool is used by the participants to record in greater detail the evolutions of the business model they are developing, in terms of the hypotheses to be validated about the client, the problem to be addressed and the solution for it, as well as the experiments designed for this validation and their results.



Now that you have learned all about this TIP, practice with your project by applying the advice you have received:

  • Do you think that the way you have developed your project responds to a traditional business plan development model or to a Lean philosophy?
  • Which of the tools we have discussed have you used, or which would you use?
  • Do you use the proposed methodologies at face value or do you improvise on them and adapt them to your project?




Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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