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"The mentor has to learn to apply models and tools, techniques and ideas beyond basic communication skills in order to generate understanding and learning in their mentee" The objectives of improvement of this competence are: Implementation of strategies and tools to improve the mentoring process.
STIMULATING CREATIVITY AND OPENNESS TO POSSIBILITIES DURING THE MENTORING SESSION We Observe The mentor observes that his entrepreneur does not know how to move forward, is mainly focused on obstacles or is stuck between a few solutions that are not working for him. Objective: To invite our entrepreneur to dare to dare
Connecting with the entrepreneur's sense of purpose during the mentoring session When the mentor observes that his entrepreneur does not find the motivation to move forward with his challenge, is not sure if he really wants to achieve it, or fails to implement his action plans. The entrepreneur talks about "must do" more
The mentor observes that the conversation with the entrepreneur remains on a mental and conceptual level, without making the connection to the entrepreneur's real life. The entrepreneur speaks in general terms that are difficult to measure (e.g. I want to
Generate perspective in the entrepreneur during the mentoring session The mentor observes that the entrepreneur is confused or feels imprisoned by the dynamics around him/her. It is difficult for him/her to see clearly what is going on. He/she has a feeling of "not seeing the forest for the trees". Objective: To help
Use of metaphors to explain something complicated and access more intuitive information in a mentoring session for entrepreneurs The mentor observes that the entrepreneur needs to put into words a complex situation, feeling, emotion, process or objective. Objective: To help the entrepreneur to express him/herself more easily, by putting aside for a while
preguntas poderosas mentor emprendedor
Discover the importance of asking powerful questions in mentoring and how they can help entrepreneurs reflect and move forward.
cuarta competencia mentor construir relación mentor mentee mentorDay
Learn how to build an effective relationship between mentor and mentee. Discover the key competencies to build a strong relationship.
modelo CERCA
Descubre en nuestro wiki tips el modelo CERCA para construir una relación de mentoring efectiva y duradera. Aprende las claves para un buen
reformulación metnoring escucha activa
In this article, find out how reframing in mentoring and active listening can improve communication and personal development.