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registro marca
Protect your brand by registering it properly. Learn the necessary steps to register your trademark and ensure its exclusivity. Article
POST-COVID19 RESTAURANT MARKETING Accelerate your business with these tips on "Post-COVID19 Restaurant Marketing". Analyse and discover this TIP! Many of us entrepreneurs have a lot of doubts when it comes to reopening our restaurant after the whole COVID19 issue. In these few lines I will try to summarise the best ones.
SPEAKING IN PUBLIC Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Public Speaking". Analyse and discover this TIP! When speaking in public, the speech will be different depending on the objective of the speech: Inform, Persuade, Inspire or Entertain. In any case, the speech is divided into
AN EMERGING TOOL OF MAXIMUM UTILITY Accelerate your business with these tips on "Define your social media strategy with Social Listening". Analyse and discover this TIP! Social media listening is a new digital marketing tool that is becoming increasingly popular.
CREATE SALES REPORTS WITH GOOGLE DATA STUDIO Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Create sales reports with Google Data Studio". Analyse and discover this TIP! Google Data Studio is a fast and powerful data visualisation tool, which will allow you to link different sources of
HOW TO SELECT THE BEST PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION? TYPES OF CORPORATIONS Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Types of partnerships". Analyse and discover this TIP! Due to the interest of corporations in seeking solutions to their problems in a changing market and the need for
WHY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN COLLABORATING WITH CORPORATIONS? BENEFITS AND GOALS Accelerate your business with these tips on "Am I ready to collaborate with corporations? Analyse and discover this TIP! As an entrepreneur of a B2B or B2B2C business model, your first mission is to reach the Problem-Solution Fit milestone.
colaborar corporaciones beneficios objetivos
Descubre cómo encontrar oportunidades de colaboración con corporaciones y cómo maximizar los beneficios de trabajar en conjunto.
trabajar corporaciones
Get tips and guidance on how to build successful business relationships with corporations. Discover the keys to collaboration
Objetivo comercial
Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Commercial targeting". Analyse and discover this TIP!