Profile and motivations of the mentor who accompanies entrepreneurs on MentorDay


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The mentors it accredits mentorDay are people who want to help entrepreneurs by accompanying them as mentors. Entrepreneurs, managers, professionals with business experience and/or knowledge who wish to share it with entrepreneurs. People willing to help entrepreneurs to create quality jobs.

Some, mentors, giving away their professional experience, and others, entrepreneurs, absorbing practical knowledge that can only be learned by building businesses, and which is vital to their success. This programme is a practical guide for all mentors and entrepreneurs who are interested in start up businesses that create quality jobs.  Aimed at all persons wishing to develop their personal mentoring skills, learn about proven successful mentoring processes and the acceleration tools that have facilitated the creation of more than 1,000 companies at mentorDay.

Motivations shown by the more than 600 mentor applications we received on mentorDay


To analyse the motivations shown by the mentoeDay mentors, and based on the answers given, several categories of motivations can be identified, such as personal and professional development, helping other entrepreneurs, feeling useful in society, learning from others, working in a team and sharing experiences. 

Some of the most frequent motivations are to acquire communication and teaching skills, to help entrepreneurs, to see the projects and the enthusiasm they have, to contribute to humanity and to feel useful to society.

Less common motivations include connecting with other cultures, supporting global wealth and employment generation, and helping the transition to sustainable development and the circular economy.

  • Accompany in a process of entrepreneurship, new or change of business, helping to find the professional identity and talents that are the driving force.
  • Learning by listening. Reflect on the problems of others. The success of your projects will also be a bit of personal success.
  • Learning.
  • Social contribution.
  • To provide a vision of commitment and social, ethical and sustainable transformation of the business models of consolidated companies and of the individual or group performance of their members.
  • To bring my experience to others. Make business-critical technology easy.
  • Help.
  • Helping young entrepreneurs to get their projects and business ideas off the ground.
  • Helping people.
  • To help transform lives, families, organisations and communities.
  • Help them find their purpose.
  • To help companies achieve their goals and optimise the import and export process.
  • To help them enjoy life EVERY DAY. To make them see that every day they can enjoy what we do, fight for a goal, a dream, have a beautiful desire to live.
  • Helping entrepreneurs in a part that I believe is extremely important for making progress in their projects, but which is not taken into account so much: the mentality.
  • Assist the transition towards sustainable development and the circular economy. To provide guidance on sustainable governance. To provide guidance on the governance of development on a human scale.
  • Basically, to contribute to society and to other people, to transfer knowledge and, above all, enthusiasm.
  • Sharing experiences helps to make informed decisions, prioritise and focus projects, to learn from each project and to broaden my knowledge, contacts and horizons.
  • Sharing experiences, being useful to society.
  • To share positive and negative experiences that I have lived throughout my entrepreneurial process. To contribute my knowledge to transform society through the creation of new businesses that generate well-being in the short, medium and long term.
  • Share the knowledge gained from your own experience.
  • Sharing is my mission.
  • Communication, teamwork.
  • Connecting with other cultures.
  • Getting to know entrepreneurs from other countries, their know-how, their culture, fascinating stuff!
  • Contributing to humanity to ensure a better universe.
  • To create a network of entrepreneurial women who can gain economic independence as victims of gender-based violence is a group I am very sensitive to. I want to show all the girls that there is a life and a very productive one after their aggressor. If I can achieve this goal, I will be very, very fulfilled.
  • Create entrepreneurship projects with social impact.
  • I think it is a step in my professional career, helping others, just what I need.

They claim to have experience and expertise in the following areas

Management, strategy and planning63,87%
Coaching, personal development, competence registration47,22%
Business model design43,95%
Development, technology and innovation40,85%
Business management and administration40,00%
Communication and marketing37,25%
Contacts, networking36,39%
Human Resources Management29,37%
Other areas of interest for mentoring31,96%
Business financing17,52%
Operations / Production, engineering14,87%
Search for investors (business angel)13,67%
Legal notice, tax, commercial, labour, trademarks and agency services9,84%
Establishment, location, softlanding5,56%


Perfil del mentor3
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Specialities where you are an expert with experience exceeding 4 years and would like to share.

We will look for entrepreneurs in need of these same experiences

Design of business strategy, business model48,20%
Entrepreneurial skills35,62%
Personal development29,08%
Time planning and organisation27,54%
Team Coach27,29%
Business development26,06%
Marketing strategy23,86%
Customer service21,24%
Executive Coach21,08%
Business management, scorecard18,28%
Management expert17,65%
Human Resources management and selection17,16%

Sectors or segments where you would most like to mentor

Women entrepreneurs46,69%
Companies / professional services43,11%
Fiscal economy33,45%
E-commerce, marketplace. Electronic commerce33,27%
Collaborative economy32,82%
Trade, distribution31,13%
Tourism, travel, travel26,80%
Gastronomy, food, beverages27,56%
Local business27,56%
Creative industries27,19%
Internet platforms24,51%
Advertising and marketing24,15%
80 years)"}">Senior (>80 years)23,43%
Environment, energy22,00%
Communication and social networks20.87%
Perfil del mentor10
Perfil del mentor11

US study, motivation for mentoring.

The reasons given by mentors for playing this role showed a strong motive of altruistic contributionThey wanted to help young people succeed (82%), they wanted to make a difference in someone's life (76%) and they wanted to give back to society (43%).


Now that you are clearer about the profile of mentors, reflect:

  • Do I have the profile to be a mentor?
  • What motivates me to accompany an entrepreneur?


Juan is a professional with more than 10 years of experience in the technology industry. He has always enjoyed sharing his knowledge with his colleagues and collaborators, and has helped many of them develop their skills and advance their careers.

Lately, Juan has been reflecting on the possibility of becoming a mentor to entrepreneurs. He likes the idea of working with passionate and creative people who are willing to take risks and challenge the status quo. However, he is also aware that mentoring can be a difficult task and requires significant commitment.

Juan wants to explore whether he has the profile and motivation to be a mentor to entrepreneurs. How can he do this?

  1. Do you have experience working with entrepreneurs?
  2. Are you willing to invest time and resources in mentoring?
  3. Do you have leadership and communication skills to guide entrepreneurs?
  4. Are you open-minded and willing to learn from entrepreneurs?
  5. Are you committed to the success of entrepreneurs?
  6. Do you have a network of contacts and resources that can help entrepreneurs?

To assess whether John has the profile and motivations to be a mentor to entrepreneurs, he should carefully consider these questions. If he answers yes to most of them, he may have what it takes to be a successful mentor.

However, if there are areas in which you need to improve, you can work on them to increase your chances of success as a mentor.


You can also consult other Related TIPs.

Learn more about mentoring by downloading this free EBOOK.


Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
Todos los Comentarios

  1. Vanessa

    It is extremely enriching to know the perceptions of other people who joined the experience, confirming the decision to participate in this network of entrepreneurs and mentors!

  2. Jacinto Oliva

    I have been working for some years advising entrepreneurs who want to start up their project, especially in rural areas, on issues related to the development of their business idea, the incorporation procedures, the search for public and private financing, etc. I also advise people who are already running their business but want to improve it, either by expanding their business into new revenue streams, or by trying to improve their internal economic, financial and logistical management. The people who come to me ask a wide range of questions in very different fields.
    As a future mentor, I think it is very interesting to be able to help them using the mentoring techniques that the mentor trainer programme can provide us with, as well as being able to create a network of collaboration with other mentors specialising in different fields in which the entrepreneurs are interested.

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