Projecting positive expectations. The self-fulfilling prophecy. The Pygmalion effect

Project positive expectations.

The fulfilled prophecy. The Pygmalion effect

Projecting positive expectations is a a strategy that consists of conveying a positive self-image to another person, which can influence their behaviour and improve their performance. This technique is based on the belief that our expectations of people can affect their performance and behaviour.

The self-fulfilling prophecy, also known as the Pygmalion effect, is a psychological phenomenon in which one person's expectations of another can influence the latter's performance. This effect is based on the idea that our expectations of people can influence their behaviour and performance.

In the business context, projecting positive expectations can have a significant impact on employee performance. If leaders project positive expectations on their employees, employees may feel more motivated and have a greater sense of purpose in their work. Conversely, If leaders project negative expectations, employees may feel less valued and have lower motivation to work.

The Pygmalion effect has been demonstrated in numerous studies. For example, in one study in a primary school, a group of children were randomly selected and told by their teachers that they were particularly talented and expected to be highly successful academically.

At the end of the school year, the randomly selected children performed significantly better than the rest of the children. The only difference between them was that teachers had higher expectations for the randomly selected children.

In short, projecting positive expectations can have a significant impact on people's performance. If we project positive expectations on others, we can influence their behaviour and help them reach their full potential. Conversely, if we project negative expectations, we can limit the performance of others and hinder their growth.

Why is it important in entrepreneurship to PROJECT POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS?


Projecting positive expectations in entrepreneurship is critical as it can have a significant impact on the success of the project. The self-fulfilling prophecy and the Pygmalion effect are two psychological concepts that help explain why it is important to have positive expectations.

Fulfilling prophecy, also known as self-fulfilling prophecy, is the phenomenon where a belief or expectation about something or someone can influence the outcome of that situation or person.

If someone believes that an entrepreneurial project will fail, they are more likely to make decisions and take actions that contribute to that outcome. On the other hand, if someone has a positive belief and expects the project to succeed, they are more likely to make decisions and take actions that contribute to that outcome.

The Pygmalion effect is a similar concept that refers to how one person's expectations can influence another person's performance. If an entrepreneur has positive expectations of his or her team, the team is more likely to perform well and contribute to the success of the project.

On the other hand, if the entrepreneur has negative expectations of the team, the team is more likely to underperform and contribute to the failure of the project.

In short, projecting positive expectations in the venture is important because it can influence the decisions and actions taken, as well as the performance of team members. If you expect success and work accordingly, you are more likely to achieve that success.

Conversely, if you expect failure, you are more likely to make decisions and take actions that lead to that outcome. Therefore, it is essential to have a positive mindset and project positive expectations into the venture.

How can a mentor apply the Pygmalion effect with his or her entrepreneur?

The Pygmalion effect is a powerful tool that can be applied by a mentor in their relationship with an entrepreneur to foster positive growth and greater success in their project.

To apply the Pygmalion effect, the mentor must have positive expectations of the entrepreneur and his or her ability to achieve his or her goals. These expectations should be clearly and specifically expressed to the entrepreneur, and should be realistic and achievable. The mentor should also show confidence in the entrepreneur and offer support and resources to help him/her achieve his/her goals.

The mentor can also use positive and constructive feedback to reinforce the entrepreneur's achievements and point out areas for improvement. This helps the entrepreneur to maintain a positive attitude and focus on success, which in turn can increase motivation and commitment to the project.

In addition, the mentor can use positive behavioural modelling to show the entrepreneur how to face challenges and overcome obstacles on the road to success. By demonstrating effective problem-solving, decision-making and leadership skills, the mentor can inspire the entrepreneur to adopt these skills and behaviours in his or her own life and project.


The Pygmalion effect can be applied by a mentor to foster a positive and motivating environment for the entrepreneur, helping them to grow and achieve success in their project. To achieve this, the mentor should have positive expectations, offer support and resources, use constructive feedback and model positive behaviours.



  • Think about the people who have had a positive impact on your life. Those people have been your mentors, your pygmalions. It can be a teacher, a boss, your mother, your father, a more experienced colleague. Annotate what they did and how they did it to have this influence. How they encouraged him and made him feel that he was capable of learning and growing.
  • Visualise yourself as a mentor to others, with those qualities and behaviours. Put yourself six months from now and imagine them talking about you as a mentor. What would you hear; what would you see; how would you feel?


Juan is a mentor working with a young entrepreneur named Pedro. Pedro has an online clothing business and is experiencing difficulties in generating sales and staying motivated in his project.

John, as a mentor, decides to apply the Pygmalion effect to help Peter overcome his challenges. First, John communicates to Peter that he believes in his ability to succeed and shows his unconditional support.

John then ensures that Peter has access to the resources he needs to improve his business, such as marketing and sales training, and encourages him to set realistic and achievable goals.

John also uses positive and motivational language when talking to Peter about his business, highlighting Peter's positive aspects and strengths rather than focusing on the problems.

As Peter begins to experience more success in his business, John continues to bolster his confidence and encourage him to pursue his goals with determination and passion.

Over time, John's positive and motivational approach helps Peter develop greater self-confidence and overcome his entrepreneurial challenges. As a result, Peter is able to increase his sales and build a loyal customer base, demonstrating how the Pygmalion Effect can be a powerful tool to support the growth and success of entrepreneurs.


After the question and before think of yourself.

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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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