Crowdfunding vouchers


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Crowdfunding Bonds" - take a look and discover this TIP!

Crowdfunding bonds are financial instruments used on crowdfunding platforms to raise funds from individual investors. Crowdfunding is a a crowdfunding model in which a large number of people contribute small amounts of money to finance a project or company.

In the context of crowdfunding, bonds represent a form of debt investment. Investors who purchase these bonds lend money to the issuing entity in exchange for a financial return, usually paid in the form of interest. These vouchers may have different characteristics, such as maturities, interest rates and repayment conditions.

Crowdfunding of bonds can be an attractive option for both entrepreneurs in need of funding and investors looking for investment opportunities. Through crowdfunding platforms, entrepreneurs can access a broad base of potential investors and raise capital for their projects. On the other hand, individual investors can diversify your portfolio (see+ TIP) investing in different projects or companies in which they believe.

It is important to keep in mind that crowdfunding, including bond crowdfunding, involves certain risks. Projects may not succeed and investors may lose their money. Therefore, it is essential to conduct thorough research on the project and the issuing entity before investing.

It should be noted that regulations and laws related to crowdfunding and bonds may vary from country to country. It is important to check local regulations and seek professional financial advice before engaging in this type of investment.

Here are two examples of crowdfunding bond funding

  1. SolarCity (now part of Tesla): In 2014, SolarCity, a US company specialising in solar energy, issued crowdfunding bonds through its Solar Bonds platform. These bonds allowed individual investors to finance the installation of solar energy systems on homes and businesses. Investors received quarterly interest payments for the life of the bond, and at maturity, the principal invested was returned to them. This initiative allowed SolarCity to raise capital to drive solar adoption and offer investors a way to invest in clean energy.
  2. BrewDog: a popular Scottish brewery, has used crowdfunding to finance its growth. Through their crowdfunding platform "Equity for Punks", they have offered investment vouchers to supporters of the brand. Investors can purchase vouchers that give them a stake in the company and provide them with exclusive benefits, such as discounts on beers and special events. With the money raised, BrewDog has expanded its business, opening new breweries and increasing its production capacity.

These are just two examples of how companies have used bond crowdfunding to finance their projects. Crowdfunding bonds provides an opportunity for individual investors to support initiatives that interest them, while allowing companies to raise finance in a decentralised way. It is important to carefully research each project and understand the associated risks before investing.

Crowdfunding bonds have both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Access to finance: Crowdfunding bonds give companies and projects the possibility to access funding without relying solely on traditional financial institutions. This broadens financing options and allows them to reach a wider base of potential investors.
  2. Diversification of the investor base: Crowdfunding makes it possible to reach out to individual investors, which can help diversify a company's investor base. Instead of relying on a few large investors, funding can be raised from a large number of people contributing smaller amounts.
  3. Creating a community of supporters: Bond crowdfunding can help establish a closer connection between the company or project and its investors. By opening up the possibility of investment to people interested in the project, you can build a community of supporters and advocates who can provide additional support, outreach and long-term loyalty.
  1. Associated risks: Investing in crowdfunding bonds carries risks, as projects or companies may fail to meet their objectives or face difficulties. There is a risk of total or partial loss of the invested capital, especially in high-risk projects.
  2. Lower liquidity: Unlike bonds issued in traditional financial markets, crowdfunded bonds are generally less liquid. It may be more difficult to sell them or to find willing buyers in case you need to get your money back before maturity.
  3. Limited regulation and supervision: In many countries, crowdfunding is still in a developmental stage and regulations may be limited compared to established financial markets. This can mean less protection for investors in terms of transparency, disclosure of information and complaints mechanisms in case of problems.

It is important to take these advantages and disadvantages into account when considering investing in crowdfunding bonds. Each crowdfunding project and platform may have specific characteristics, so it is essential to research and evaluate carefully before making an investment decision.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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