Director of a company


A company director, also known as a management director or non-executive director, is a A person external to the organisation who is chosen by the board of directors to provide strategic advice and guidance to the company.

The role of the counsellor is to provide a objective and external perspective in the decisions of the company and to monitor the performance and practices of the board and management. They are often highly respected individuals in their fields and bring experience and expertise that can help guide the company to success.

Company directors also can provide valuable contacts and resources that can be beneficial to the company. They are responsible for overseeing the performance of the company and the decision-making of the board and management.

They should also ensure that the company is complying with applicable laws and regulations and that it has sound corporate governance policies and practices. In addition, they can help set strategic objectives for the company and oversee the implementation of key strategies.

In short, the role of a company director is to provide an objective outside perspective, monitor the performance and practices of the board and management, ensure that the company is complying with applicable laws and regulations, and help set strategic objectives for the company.

Directors of new companies

Advisors to new companies, also known as startup mentors are professionals with experience in the business world who provide advice and guidance to entrepreneurs and start-ups.

The role of the director of a new company is to provide strategic advice and guidance to help the company grow and reach its full potential. Start-up advisors can provide a wide range of services and advice, from business strategy to financing, marketing, human resource management and innovation.

They can also help founders develop business plans and find ways to attract investors and customers. Start-up advisors are often successful entrepreneurs or business executives with extensive experience in business start-ups and management. PThey may have valuable contacts in industry and the business world that can be beneficial to the company.

In a nutshell

The role of the advisor to a new company is to provide strategic advice and guidance to help the company grow and reach its full potential.

This can include a wide range of services and advice in areas such as business strategy, financing, marketing, human resource management and innovation. Start-up advisors are often successful entrepreneurs or business executives with extensive experience in business start-up and management.


Yes, a company director can be remunerated and generally receives financial compensation for his or her time and expertise. The amount of remuneration may vary depending on the company and the size of the board.

In addition, a company's directors also assume certain responsibilities, such as overseeing the company's performance and the decision-making of the board and management, ensuring that the company is complying with applicable laws and regulations, and setting strategic objectives for the company.

Directors of a company may also be considered fiduciaries, meaning that they have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. As fiduciaries, directors must make decisions in good faith and with a high degree of diligence and care.


A company director may be remunerated for his or her time and expertise, and also assumes certain responsibilities, such as overseeing the company's performance and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, company directors may be considered fiduciaries and have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.



Maria is an entrepreneur who has started a digital marketing company. Although she has gained some clients and has achieved some success in the local market, she is struggling to expand her business and reach a wider audience.

She has realised that she needs outside help to achieve her goal, but is unsure whether to hire a paid advisor or seek a mentor. After some research, Maria discovers that a paid advisor can offer her a wealth of business experience and help her set strategic goals for her business. However, also realises that a mentor can offer more personalised guidance and may be more willing to share his or her personal experiences and industry contacts.

To make a decision, Maria decides to make a list of the benefits of each option. As for the paid counsellor, Maria recognises that he would have access to a wealth of business experience and a more professional approach. He is also aware that he would have to pay for the services and that the advisor could be more focused on the financial and management aspects of the company.

On the other hand, Maria also recognises that a mentor can offer her more personalised guidance and a broader perspective. She could get more detailed guidance on how to grow her business and can receive more help in areas such as marketing and human resource management. You are aware that a mentor may have a personal agenda and may not always be available to you.

After analysing her options, Maria decides that a mentor would be more beneficial to her business. While a paid advisor can offer her more business experience, Maria believes that a mentor can provide more personalised guidance and offer more practical advice on how to grow her business.

In addition, she knows that she can find a mentor in the industry who has experience in digital marketing and can help her to expand her network.


Maria decides to seek a mentor for her digital marketing business rather than hire a paid advisor. She believes that a mentor can offer her more personalised and practical guidance on how to grow her business, as well as a broader perspective and a network of valuable contacts.


After the question and before think of yourself.

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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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