Motorola method


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The Motorola model is a tool that is part of the "learning by doing" methodology. that is used for the development of business projects. This model is intended as an instrument that helps to structure both the approach and the follow-up of an entrepreneurship project that is implemented with an action plan. Moreover, being an element of the "learning by doing" methodology, it accommodates learning as a fundamental fact in its deployment.

This instrument is used as an iterative model in the launching and closing of each project. It can also, with appropriate adaptations, be used for monitoring as well as for necessary re-planning. It helps to structure and document different milestones of the action plan, such as office sessions, field sessions, production sessions, discussions with clients, etc. It supports the definition of objectives and conclusions in different sessions.

The Motorola model is based on the existence of two types of reports: the Pre-Motorola and the Post-Motorola. The Pre-Motorola report is the instrument where we write down the process that our mind goes through when transforming an idea into a project. With it, we analyse and evaluate the project itself, its strengths and weaknesses, and we mark the path it should follow.

On the other hand, the Post-Motorola report is the tool used to capture the learning acquired in various milestone-sessions. As an example, it would be used after meetings, client visits, follow-up checks, completion of a phase and completion of a project.

It is the space where we can crystallise those aspects we have worked on, both positive and negative. It will allow us to evaluate ourselves, as well as the client or the project itself, and thus serve to correct the action plan and extract the necessary learning for future occasions.

In summary, the Motorola model is an important tool for the success of an entrepreneurship project, as it helps to structure the approach and follow-up of the project, as well as to learn from successes and mistakes in the process.


The Pre-Motorola is a report that is part of the Motorola Model, a learning methodology that focuses on project development through learning by doing. The Pre-Motorola debriefing is done before starting to develop a project from an idea and aims to clarify the direction the project will take. This report is structured around a series of pre-determined questions that help to establish clear project objectives and ways of implementing the project.

Some of the questions raised in the Pre-Motorola report are: What are my learning objectives? What is the role of the clients in the project? What theories will I use in this project? What skills will I put into practice in this project? How will I achieve my final goal? The Pre-Motorola report is essential to make the project development smoother and easier. 

The Motorola model is a tool of the "learning by doing" methodology that is used to structure and follow up an entrepreneurial project that is executed with an action plan. This model is conceived as a It helps to structure and document different milestones of the action plan, such as desk, field, production and client discussion sessions, among others.

The Pre-Motorola report is the instrument where the process our mind goes through when transforming an idea into a project is written down. This report is always done before starting to develop an idea or project and aims to make the idea take shape with the intention of making the development smoother and easier. The report consists of five questions The project is based on a set of predetermined objectives that establish clear objectives for the development of a project from an idea.


  1. What are my learning objectives?
  2. What is the role of customers?
  3. What theories will I use in this project?
  4. What skills will I put into practice in this project?
  5. How will I achieve my ultimate goal?

The Post-Motorola report, on the other hand, is carried out after the completion of a major milestone, customer visit, partial phase, etc. The Post-Motorola questions are used as an evaluation and learning method and are the same for both a customer visit and the completion of a project. The The aim of the Post-Motorola report is to capture the learning acquired in various milestone-sessions and to allow us to evaluate ourselves as well as the client or the project itself in order to correct the action plan and extract the necessary learning for future occasions.


Suppose an entrepreneur has the idea of launching a home catering service for corporate and private events. Before starting the project, he could apply the Motorola model and complete the Pre-Motorola report as follows:

  • Learn how to run a successful catering business.
  • Learn how to develop an effective marketing strategy to attract customers.
  • Learning to lead and motivate a work team.
  • Identify the types of events and clients that demand home catering services.
  • Establish a relationship of trust with customers to understand their needs and expectations.
  • To offer a personalised and quality service that meets the needs of customers.
  • Business management theories for running and managing the catering business.
  • Marketing theories for developing an effective promotion strategy.
  • Leadership and teamwork theories to motivate and manage the work team.
  • Business management skills to manage the day-to-day operations of the business.
  • Marketing skills to promote and sell the catering service.
  • Leadership skills to motivate and manage the team.
  • Offering a quality service that meets the needs and expectations of customers.
  • Developing an effective marketing strategy to attract and retain customers.
  • Efficiently managing the day-to-day operations of the business to ensure the profitability and success of the project.

In this way, the entrepreneur can have a clear and structured vision of the objectives, strategies and skills needed to carry out his or her home catering project, which will allow him or her to have a better chance of success. In addition, this process of reflection and planning allows you to be prepared for challenges and obstacles that may arise during the development of the project.


The Post-Motorola Report is an evaluation and learning tool that is used in different phases of the project, after the completion of a milestone or relevant action. Its objective is to take full stock of what has happened during the course of the implementation, highlighting the points where things have been done well and the aspects where there is room for improvement.

This report consists of four pre-determined questions to capture the learning acquired and the feedback received in order to improve the next time.

The first question focuses on the positive aspects that have been obtained after the completion of the milestone, the customer visit or the project, in order to be able to keep them in the future and take them as an example. The second question focuses on the negative points, in order to improve them next time, getting constructive feedback.

In the third question, we write down all the learning or knowledge gained that can be useful both for the next time and for the information the client has given us, either to focus the project, new ideas or any kind of input he/she has given us.

The fourth question focuses on what we are going to change for the next time, writing down all the mistakes that have been made in the course of the action, the visit or the project, in order to learn from our own mistakes and not make them again in the future. This last question is essential to improve the development of the process.

In summary, the Post-Motorola Report is a fundamental tool in the "learning by doing" methodology, which allows for a complete evaluation of what happened in the project, capturing the learning acquired and the feedback received in order to improve the next time.


Let's imagine we are a company that has developed a digital marketing project for an online clothing shop. Once the project is finished, the Post-Motorola Report is carried out to evaluate the team's performance and the learning acquired.

  1. In the first question, "What went well?", the team highlights that the social media advertising strategy has been very effective in attracting potential customers, increasing visits and sales on the website. In addition, the content generated by the influencers hired to promote the brand has had a great impact on the audience and generated engagement.
  2. In the second question, "What went wrong?", the team points out that the email marketing strategy did not work as well as expected, as open and click-through rates were low. A problem was also detected in the loading speed of the website, which may have affected the user experience and sales.
  3. In the third question, "What did I learn?", the team highlights that proper influencer targeting can be a very effective digital marketing strategy, as well as the importance of monitoring website load speed to improve the user experience. They also learned that while email marketing remains an important tool, better tactics are needed to get customers to open emails and click on links.
  4. Finally, on the question "What will I change for next time?", the team decided to invest more in influencer targeting and in improving the loading speed of the website. In addition, they decided to improve the email marketing strategy, using more creative and personalised techniques to achieve higher open and click-through rates.

In this way, the Post-Motorola Report has allowed them to evaluate the successes and failures of the project, and to use them as a basis for improvement in future projects and decision-making.




Juan is an entrepreneur who is participating in a business acceleration programme that uses the Motorola method for project development. He has a business idea related to the production and sale of healthy baked goods.


In the Pre-Motorola phase, Juan asks himself the questions set out in the model in order to define his objectives and plan his project properly. To do this, he analyses which learning objectives he wants to achieve with his project and how he is going to focus on the customer and his product. Based on this, Juan defines the role of customers in his project and sets out the theories he is going to use to carry it out. He also identifies the skills he will need to apply and how he will achieve his ultimate goal.

Once Juan starts developing his project, he uses the Post-Motorola phase to evaluate and learn from his actions. After a meeting with a potential client, John applies the Post-Motorola report. In this phase, John analyses what went well in the meeting, what went wrong, what he learned from the experience and what he will change for next time. In this way, Juan can identify the strengths and weaknesses of his project and continuously improve to make his business successful.

In summary, Juan uses the Motorola method in his business acceleration programme to develop his project in a planned and strategic way. The model allows him to analyse his strengths and weaknesses in order to continuously improve and make his business successful.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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