Motivation of the entrepreneur


Motivation of the entrepreneur refers to the internal and external factors that drive the entrepreneur to start and maintain his or her business. Motivation is essential to the success of the entrepreneur and his or her business, as it influences his or her ability to overcome challenges and take risks.

Internal motivating factors may include the desire to achieve a personal or professional goal, passion for an idea or product, creativity and innovation, the desire for independence and satisfaction in achieving goals.

External motivating factors may include support from family, friends and mentors, the opportunity to improve financial status, social recognition and prestige, and the potential to make a difference in the community.

Entrepreneurial motivation can fluctuate over time and can be influenced by internal and external factors, such as stress, market competition and operational challenges. It is important that entrepreneurs work to maintain their motivation through proper time management, network support and effective problem solving.

Typical examples of motivation in entrepreneurs

The following are some typical examples of motivation in entrepreneurs:

  1. Passion for the idea: Entrepreneurs are often motivated by an idea or a product in which they deeply believe. They may be passionate about the creation and development of their idea and will be motivated to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  2. Independence and freedom: Many entrepreneurs are motivated by the opportunity to own their own business and make their own decisions without having to report to a boss or comply with a hierarchical structure.
  3. Community impact: Some entrepreneurs are motivated by the opportunity to make a difference in the community. They may be motivated by the creation of local jobs, the development of products and services that improve people's lives, or the creation of a social business that addresses an important social problem.
  4. Financial opportunities: For some entrepreneurs, the primary motivation may be the opportunity to generate significant income. They may be motivated by the possibility of financial success, such as earning money for themselves or their families, or having the financial freedom to pursue other interests.
  5. Recognition and prestige: Some entrepreneurs may be motivated by the opportunity to be recognised for their achievements and gain prestige in their industry. They may be motivated by the creation of a business that has a significant impact on their field or by the opportunity to be seen as a leader in their industry.

How can a mentor know the motivation of his mentee?

In order to know the motivation of a mentee, the mentor can use some techniques and tools.


  1. Active listening: Good active listening is essential to understand the mentee's motivations. The mentor should be attentive to what the mentee says and how he/she says it. The words the mentee uses and the way he/she uses them can be indicative of his/her motivation.
  2. Open questions: Open-ended questions are those that allow the mentee to respond in a broad and detailed way, which can help to uncover their motivations. The mentor should ask questions that invite the mentee to reflect and talk about what motivates him/her.
  3. Strengths and weaknesses assessments: The mentor can use strengths and weaknesses assessments to help the mentee discover what motivates him or her. These assessments can reveal the mentee's values and skills, which can give insight into what drives him or her.
  4. Remark: The mentor can observe the mentee's behaviour and how he or she responds to different situations. This can help to identify the mentee's motivations.
  5. Feedback: The mentor can give feedback to the mentee and comment on what motivates him or her. If the mentee is aware of his or her motivation, the mentor can help focus that motivation on specific goals and the development of an action plan.

In general, the mentor must be sensitive and attentive to the mentee's motivational cues. Once the mentor understands the mentee's motivations, he or she can help focus that motivation on achieving specific goals and developing an action plan to achieve them.

How can a mentor know that his mentee is unmotivated?


  1. Lack of commitment: If the mentee shows a lack of commitment or interest in his or her entrepreneurial project, it is a sign of demotivation.
  2. Loss of enthusiasm: If the mentee no longer shows the same excitement or enthusiasm for your project as before, this may be a sign of demotivation.
  3. Lack of progress: If the mentee has stopped progressing in his or her entrepreneurial project or has stopped making significant progress, this may be a sign of demotivation.
  4. Lack of initiative: If the mentee has stopped taking the initiative in his or her project and is not looking for new opportunities or solutions to problems, this may be a sign of demotivation.
  5. Reduced communication: If the mentee has reduced communication with the mentor or other team members, this may be a sign of demotivation.

It is important that the mentor communicate with the mentee regularly and watch out for these signs of demotivation. If the mentor notices that the mentee is demotivated, he/she can talk to the mentee to identify the problems and look for solutions together. The mentor can also offer additional support and resources to help mentees regain their motivation and commitment to their entrepreneurial project.

How can a mentor increase the motivation of his mentee?


  1. Set clear and realistic objectives: Helping the mentee to set clear and realistic goals can help increase motivation. Goals should be specific, measurable and achievable.
  2. Celebrate achievements: Recognising and celebrating the mentee's achievements, however small, can help increase motivation and self-esteem.
  3. Provide constructive feedback: Giving constructive and specific feedback to the mentee can help maintain motivation and improve performance.
  4. Create a positive environment: Creating a positive and supportive environment can help the mentee feel motivated and confident to explore new ideas and opportunities.
  5. Helping to find purpose: Helping the mentee to find their purpose and connect it to their entrepreneurial project can increase their motivation and commitment to the project.
  6. Provide resources and support: Providing resources and support to the mentee, such as training, networking and mentoring, can increase their confidence and motivation.
  7. Promoting autonomy: Encouraging mentees' autonomy and allowing them to make decisions and take responsibility can increase their motivation and commitment to the project.

In general, the mentor must be attentive to the mentee's needs and motivations and adapt his or her approach to help the mentee achieve his or her goals and maintain his or her motivation.

How can an entrepreneur become self-motivated?


  1. Set clear goals: It is important for the entrepreneur to have clear and realistic goals for his or her entrepreneurial project. Setting achievable and measurable goals can help to maintain motivation.
  2. Remember the vision and purpose (+): The entrepreneur can remember why he/she started the entrepreneurial project and how his/her work can positively impact his/her life and the lives of others. 
  3. Celebrate successes: It is important for the entrepreneur to celebrate his or her achievements, even small ones. This can help to maintain a positive and motivating attitude.
  4. Maintain a positive attitude: Positive attitude and mindset can be very important to maintain motivation. The entrepreneur can concentrate on the positive aspects of his or her entrepreneurial project and avoid focusing on the obstacles.
  5. Learning from failures: Failures are a natural part of the entrepreneurial process. Instead of being defeated by them, entrepreneurs can use them as learning opportunities to improve their approach and strategy.
  6. Seeking Inspiration: The entrepreneur can look for inspiration from other successful entrepreneurs, books, podcasts, TED talks, etc.
  7. Taking care of health and well-being: Health and wellbeing can have a big impact on motivation. It is important for the entrepreneur to take care of his or her body and mind through exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep and meditation or relaxation practices.



Juan is an experienced mentor and has been working with Ana, an entrepreneur who has been working on her project for over a year. During their regular mentoring meetings, Juan notices that Ana is demotivated and seems to have lost her enthusiasm for the project.

After talking to Anne, John discovers that he is experiencing personal problems that are affecting his motivation. John asks Anna about her goals and objectives for the project and discovers that they are not very clear. He also realises that Anna has been working too hard and has not been taking enough breaks, which may have contributed to her demotivation.

To help Ana regain her motivation, Juan works with her to set clear and realistic goals for the project. Together, they establish an action plan and focus on the tasks that Ana enjoys and is good at. Juan also encourages Ana to take breaks and take care of her physical and emotional well-being. To keep her motivated, Juan and Ana celebrate her small accomplishments and progress. In addition, Juan shares success stories of other entrepreneurs and sources of inspiration to motivate Ana.

After several mentoring sessions, Ana starts to feel more motivated and focused on her project. She has set clear goals and is working on tasks that interest her and that she is good at. He is also taking care of his well-being and has adopted a more positive attitude towards his project. Thanks to Juan's help, Ana has regained her motivation and is ready to face the challenges ahead.


After the question and before think of yourself.

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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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