Innovation culture, in your new company


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The culture of an organisation is not seen, it is reflected, in the behaviour of the people who make it up. For promoting innovative behaviour is important understand what types of leadership are needed, what structures and organisations develop innovative capabilities and how to manage innovation teams with people who are action-oriented, initiative-driven and constantly learning.

The dissemination of innovations is a sociological theory which aims to explaining how, why and how fast new ideas move (and technologies), through, of different cultures.

Everett Rogers described the curve that classifies users into different categories depending on their willingness to adopting a particular technology or innovation

These are:

As is the case with technology, not everyone in the company is willing to embrace innovation in the same way. and should therefore be assume that different profiles will coexist in the organisation, each one perfectly valid for the fulfilment of its mission and, that they shall integrate, for achieve the desired objectives.

The people dedicated to operating the business and continuous improvement require above all analytical skills because they need interpret customer and market data and translate it into concrete improvements of the offer.

However, the people dedicated to the most disruptive innovation, are designers, scenario planners and analysts who are comfortable with ambiguous data and use discovery processes for analyse social needs, market trends and the development of emerging technologies.

The challenge for the company is to how to create an innovation management system that does not clash with the organisation, that takes advantage of possible synergies with management systems already in place and who can to feed back to the company with a constant flow of knowledge obtained in the different phases of the projects.

It is necessary to set in motion the human resources policies necessary to ensuring that the best people are selected and that their personal and professional growth is promoted. Design training programmes in working tools and experimentation methodologies. It is also important, promoting communication programmes that promote the integration of teams and the free exchange of ideas, that to provoke behaviours that generate a culture of innovation.

Culture of innovation

Refers to an organisational environment that encourages and supports the generation of new ideas, creative thinking and experimentation. A culture of innovation promotes collaboration, calculated risk-taking and the acceptance of mistakes as learning opportunities. To achieve a culture of innovation in a new company, various strategies and practices can be implemented.


  1. Leadership and vision: It is essential that the organisation's leaders actively promote and support the culture of innovation. They should communicate a clear and motivating vision, setting goals and objectives related to innovation and fostering an environment of openness to new ideas.
  2. Creation of multidisciplinary teams: Forming teams that include people with diverse skills and perspectives can foster creativity and the exchange of ideas. Diversity of thought and experience enriches the ability to find innovative solutions.
  3. Encouragement of autonomy and experimentation: Giving employees the freedom and confidence to propose and test new ideas is essential. Safe spaces must be created where employees are motivated to take risks, learn from failures and constantly look for ways to improve.
  4. Promotion of collaboration and knowledge sharing: Establishing effective communication channels and fostering collaboration between teams can drive the generation of new ideas. Regular meetings, shared workspaces and digital platforms can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  5. Establishment of an innovation management process: Implementing a formal innovation management system helps to organise and track ideas and projects. This involves establishing clear stages from idea generation to implementation, allocating adequate resources and establishing metrics to evaluate success.
  6. Recognition and reward: Celebrating achievements and recognising the efforts of employees who contribute to innovation reinforces a culture of innovation. Rewards can be both tangible and intangible, such as public recognition, financial incentives or career development opportunities.
  7. Continuous learning and iterative improvement: Fostering a mindset of constant learning and continuous improvement is essential for a culture of innovation. Promoting training, knowledge sharing and reviewing existing processes helps to stay agile and adapt to change.

It is important to emphasise that creating a culture of innovation takes time and effort. It requires continuous commitment from all members of the organisation, as well as a willingness to learn from failures and persevere in the search for new solutions and opportunities.


  1. Suggestions and feedback programme: Establish a formal programme where employees can submit ideas and suggestions for improving processes, products or services. Clear channels of communication and a system for evaluating and recognising promising ideas should be provided. This encourages employee participation and makes them feel that their contribution is valued.
  2. Time devoted to innovation: Designate a percentage of employees' working time exclusively for the generation of ideas and innovation projects. This is known as "innovation time" or "innovation time off". During this time, employees can work on projects that they are passionate about and that contribute to the company's innovation.
  3. Creative workspaces: Create workspaces that encourage creativity and collaboration. These can include inspirational breakout areas, informal meeting rooms or even outdoor spaces. These environments facilitate interaction between employees, encouraging the generation of innovative ideas.
  4. Training and development programmes: Offer specific training and development programmes in innovation-related skills, such as creative thinking, product design or innovative project management. These programmes help develop the competencies needed to promote a culture of innovation throughout the organisation.
  5. Collaboration with startups or entrepreneurs: Establish partnerships or collaboration programmes with external startups or entrepreneurs. These partnerships allow the company to benefit from the entrepreneurial mindset and agility of startups, as well as access to new technologies or innovative ideas.
  6. Celebration of constructive failure: Change the perception of failure and encourage a learning mindset. Celebrate attempts at innovation, even if unsuccessful, as long as valuable lessons are learned and experimentation and the search for novel solutions are encouraged.
  7. Evaluation and monitoring of innovation: Establish indicators and metrics to evaluate and monitor innovation projects. This allows the impact of initiatives to be measured and adjusted as necessary. In addition, it is important to periodically review innovation results and communicate them throughout the organisation to maintain focus and momentum.

These are just a few practical examples of how innovation culture can be implemented in a company. It is important to adapt strategies according to the needs and characteristics of each organisation, and to remember that the culture of innovation is a continuous process that requires constant commitment from all members of the company.

Implementing a culture of innovation in a company can provide a number of significant advantages


  1. Adaptation to change: A culture of innovation fosters an adaptive and flexible mindset in the company. Employees are more willing to face challenges and changes in the business environment, enabling the organisation to adjust quickly to new conditions and remain competitive.
  2. Improved efficiency and productivity: Innovation involves looking for new ways of doing things. This can lead to the identification of more efficient processes and the implementation of new technologies and tools that increase the company's productivity.
  3. Market differentiation: The ability to generate innovative ideas and develop unique and differentiated products or services helps to stand out in a competitive market. Innovation can be a key factor in attracting and retaining customers, as well as gaining a competitive advantage over competitors.
  4. Stimulation of entrepreneurship: The culture of innovation fosters an entrepreneurial spirit among employees. It encourages initiative-taking, creativity and the search for opportunities for improvement in all areas of the company. This can lead to a more motivating and stimulating work environment.
  5. Attracting and retaining talent: Companies with a strong culture of innovation tend to be attractive to talented professionals. Employees look for organisations that encourage creativity and personal and professional growth. A culture of innovation can help attract and retain the best talent, which in turn can drive the company's success and growth.
  6. Improved problem-solving skills: A culture of innovation encourages critical thinking and the search for creative solutions. Employees feel empowered to proactively identify and solve problems, which can streamline decision-making and improve the resolution of business challenges.
  7. Generation of new business opportunities: Innovation can open up new business opportunities for the company. By developing new ideas and products, you can explore untapped markets, expand your product or service portfolio and diversify your revenue streams.

These are just some of the benefits that implementing a culture of innovation in a company can bring. By fostering creativity and adaptability, a culture of innovation can drive organisational growth, profitability and long-term sustainability.

The artificial intelligence (see+ TIP) can play an important role in implementing a culture of innovation by providing information, ideas and resources to a company's employees.

  1. Idea generation: Employees can interact with artificial intelligence to generate innovative ideas. They can pose challenges or questions related to innovation and receive creative suggestions and potential solutions. Artificial intelligence can provide different perspectives and approaches to inspire and expand employees' thinking.
  2. Research and learning: can be a reference tool for up-to-date information on trends, emerging technologies and best practices in innovation. Employees can ask specific questions and receive answers based on up-to-date data and knowledge.
  3. Training resources and materials: can provide training materials and resources related to innovation. This may include links to online courses, books, articles or case studies on successful innovation. Employees can take advantage of this information to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of innovation.
  4. Guidance on innovation methodologies and processes: can provide guidance on innovation methodologies and processes, such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup or Scrum. Employees can get information on how to carry out innovation projects, including problem identification, idea generation, prototyping and proof of concept.
  5. Feedback and analysis: Employees can share their innovation ideas or projects with artificial intelligence and receive feedback based on analytics. Artificial intelligence can assess the strengths and weaknesses of proposals, identify potential obstacles and offer recommendations for improving innovation initiatives.

It is important to keep in mind that artificial intelligence is a tool and does not replace human experience and judgement. Its role is to complement and support the efforts of employees in implementing the culture of innovation.

In addition, It is always advisable for employees to seek feedback and guidance from experts in the field of innovation to gain a more complete perspective specific to their business context.




Company: XYZ Tech Solutions

Context: XYZ Tech Solutions is a software development company that has experienced steady growth in recent years. However, to maintain its competitiveness and accelerate its growth, the company recognises the need to implement a culture of innovation throughout the organisation.

Objective: The main objective of XYZ Tech Solutions is to foster the creativity and innovative spirit of its employees to drive the generation of disruptive ideas and solutions that drive the company's growth.

  1. Communication and leadership: XYZ Tech Solutions' leaders must clearly and consistently communicate the importance of innovation and the company's commitment to this culture. They must establish a clear vision that inspires and motivates employees to contribute innovative ideas.
  2. Creation of a space for innovation: A dedicated physical or virtual innovation space should be established where employees can collaborate, exchange ideas and experiment. This space can include flexible work areas, white boards, technology resources and rapid prototyping tools.
  3. Recognition and incentive programme: XYZ Tech Solutions may implement a recognition and incentive programme to encourage participation and reward innovative ideas. This may include prizes, bonuses or the allocation of additional time to work on personal innovation projects.
  4. Training and development: The company should offer training and development programmes in innovation-related skills such as creative thinking, product design, agile methodologies and problem solving. This will help strengthen the competencies needed to drive innovation throughout the organisation.
  5. Establishment of processes and methodologies: XYZ Tech Solutions can implement formal innovation management processes, such as appointing an innovation team or committee, creating a process for evaluating and selecting ideas, and allocating specific resources to carry out innovative projects.
  6. External collaboration: The company may seek collaboration opportunities with startups, universities or research centres to foster the generation of new ideas and knowledge sharing. This will allow XYZ Tech Solutions to access different perspectives and innovative technologies.
  7. Culture of learning and experimentation: A mindset of constant learning and experimentation should be fostered throughout the organisation. Employees should feel confident to propose ideas, take risks and learn from failures. The company should promote a culture of constructive feedback and celebrate achievements and learning from innovation.

By implementing a culture of innovation, XYZ Tech Solutions hopes to increase the generation of innovative ideas, improve competitiveness in the market, accelerate its growth and develop disruptive solutions that meet the changing needs of its customers. In addition, the company expects to strengthen its ability to retain and attract highly creative and motivated talent.





Picture of Mertxe Idoate Huarte

Mertxe Idoate Huarte

More than 10 years of experience leading innovation and digitalisation areas in a Multinational Group. Currently as a Business Coach I help companies and entrepreneurs to achieve their goals through their own transformation and development.
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