CEF Connect impulsa la interoperabilidad digital y la conectividad en la UE. Facilita el acceso a servicios digitales transfronterizos, promoviendo la banda ancha y la administración electrónica.
Fondos solidarios rotatorios: Sistema de préstamos informales para proyectos sociales y necesidades de consumo, administrados por ONG y organismos internacionales.
FOLLOW ON Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Follow on". Analyse and discover this TIP! It refers to the money that an investor puts into a follow-on round of a startup, in which he has previously invested. Follow on is a round of financing (+) in
This is a form used to harmonise and simplify the flow of information between different customs authorities and has to be presented to customs for international trade operations with countries outside the EU (with some exceptions). The SAD is used to comply with customs formalities