10 | Mentores
Mentores voluntarios. Voluntariado corporativo. Altruismo y felicidad de los mentores 4.4 (10)
"Descubre el voluntariado corporativo de mentores voluntarios y sus beneficios en la felicidad y altruismo. Aprende cómo ser un mentor.
“En esta competencia el mentor utiliza su enfoque y habilidades para apoyar al emprendedor a realizar los cambios deseados” Los objetivos de la mejora de esta competencia de evaluación como mentor son: Mejorar la capacidad para enfocarse en objetivos y resultados concretos Fortalecer la habilidad para guiar al mentee hacia una acción
Diagrama de Dispersión Con este diagrama puedes establecer la relación y la dependencia de diferentes problemas de tu emprendimiento, de manera que rápidamente ubiques cuál de ellos está impactando con mayor fuerza.  Si atacas ese gran problema, se terminan los demás. Usa el Método Kaizen para tu plan de acción.
Encourage the entrepreneur's responsibility and commitment to fulfil his action plan. Sustainability of actions. On occasions, we come across situations that lead us to ask ourselves some questions about how to enhance the sustainability of the entrepreneur's action: Why do entrepreneurs leave the session excited?
Sort out and diagnose the lost entrepreneur We observe: The mentor observes that his entrepreneur brings a lot of information, comments feeling overwhelmed, or does not quite know where to start. Aim: Help the entrepreneur to gather a lot of information on a topic in a structured way, facilitating the awareness and discernment process. Phases
Application of transversal tools and techniques to all phases of a mentoring session for entrepreneurs How can we help our entrepreneur to discover something new, to change his or her feelings, to get out of a blockage, to take action? A coaching or mentoring session can have a profoundly catalytic impact on the entrepreneur,
MAP / SYSTEMIC SETTING TO DISCOVER THE INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PEOPLE AND THEMES IN AN ENTREPRENEURSHIP MENTORING SESSION We Observe The mentor observes that his/her entrepreneur brings a theme involving other people, e.g. a team or a family, to a situation or project that he/she would like to explore. Target
VENTILATE BREATHING TECHNIQUE TO CONNECT WITH THE PRESENT MOMENT IN ENTREPRENEUR MENTORING SESSION Accelerate your business with these tips on "Ventilate Breathing Technique to Connect with the Present Moment in Entrepreneur Mentoring Session". Analyse and discover this TIP! We observe The entrepreneur is distracted,
Mentoring supervision as an option for continuous development Supervision offers a confidential framework for analysing practice, processes and challenges in mentoring/coaching work through the methodology of supervision. "Supervision is the interaction that occurs when a mentor or coach brings in cases of
Competencia 3: Gestión del contrato Mentor-Emprendedor 4.6 (17)
"The mentor sets and maintains the expectations and boundaries of the mentoring/coaching contract with the entrepreneur and the sponsor (mentorDay)". The objectives to be achieved by improving this competence are: Manage the expectations and agreements with the mentee Manage the conditions and responsibilities of the mentoring contract Ensure compliance with


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