Índice https://youtu.be/RVTyKpwscoA A la hora de diseñar nuestro modelo de negocio, el aspecto más importante y el que genera mayor incertidumbre es la propuesta de valor. Ser capaz de encontrar un criterio que confirme que lo que estamos haciendo tiene sentido para el cliente es algo crítico. En esta parte
FREEMIUM MODEL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on the "Freemium Model". Analyse and discover this TIP! Very good model to launch and get customers to try! This model of monetising a business is based on offering, for free, a product or service to customers.
ADVERTISING REVENUE MODEL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Advertising Revenue Model". Analyse and discover this TIP! Model to handle user volume: Thanks to the popularity the Internet has gained since 2000, this method of monetising a business
AFFILIATION MODEL, TO CAPTURE WITHOUT CONVERTING Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Affiliation Model, to capture without converting". Take a look and discover this TIP! The name "affiliation" sounds nice, but it is more difficult than it sounds, because it goes from paying to
SUBSCRIPTION MODEL, THE MOST SOLID Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Subscription Model, the most solid". Analyse and discover this TIP! This model is based on the payment of a periodic fee, which allows the subscriber to enjoy a product or service.
Bait & Hook Model, FIRST FREE THEN PAY Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Bait & Hook Model, first free then pay". Analyse and discover this TIP! 10 types of models This is: I give you the product for free and you pay for it.