What are exporting companies like?



Descubre cómo las empresas exportadoras en España están marcando la diferencia, con ventas promedio de 2.2 millones de euros y beneficios de 125,000 euros. Un crecimiento del 11% en 2019 destaca la tendencia ascendente de la internacionalización, especialmente entre startups tecnológicas que, en promedio, operan en 14 países y buscan expandirse rápidamente después de su creación.

Internacionalización: El Motor de Crecimiento y Empleo

La internacionalización no solo impulsa el crecimiento económico sino que también es sinónimo de generación de empleo. Las startups tecnológicas lideran este avance, con un enfoque notable en sectores como el e-commerce y las telecomunicaciones, que representan el 21% cada uno, seguidos por el turismo y otros.

Características de las Empresas Exitosas en la Exportación

  • Escalabilidad y Tecnología: El uso intensivo de tecnologías avanzadas y modelos de negocio escalables son fundamentales.
  • Vocación Global y Capital Extranjero: Una visión global y el apoyo de inversores internacionales facilitan el acceso a nuevos mercados.
  • Diversificación de Sectores: Desde e-commerce hasta IoT, las empresas exportadoras abarcan una amplia gama de industrias.

Destinos Principales y Perfil Emprendedor

  • Latinoamérica y Asia: Los destinos favoritos para la expansión, mostrando la importancia de adaptarse a mercados emergentes.
  • Talento Joven y Tecnológico: Con una edad media de 29 años, el capital humano es crucial, destacando perfiles en desarrollo de software y marketing online.
  • Emprendedores con Visión: Mayoritariamente hombres con formación universitaria, mostrando una tendencia hacia la formación avanzada como MBA.


Las empresas que se atreven a exportar son jóvenes, tecnológicamente avanzadas, y con un fuerte impulso hacia la internacionalización. Su éxito no solo radica en la capacidad de adaptación y la innovación sino también en la identificación de mercados con alto potencial de crecimiento. Con una clara inclinación hacia la captación de talento joven y la inversión en tecnología, estas empresas están definiendo el futuro del comercio global.

Para más detalles sobre cómo tu empresa puede unirse a este grupo selecto de exportadores exitosos, explora nuestro sitio para descubrir estrategias, consejos, y mucho más.

In Spain, exporting companies have an average sale of 2.2 million and a profit of 125,000 euros, according to the study carried out by the MESIAS observatory (see+). The number of companies exporting has grown by 4 points in a single year, reaching 11% in 2019. (see study).


More and more, growth, employment generation capacity and internationalisation go hand in hand and become almost synonymous. This is especially true when it comes to startup (+), according to the III Study on the Internationalisation of Spanish technology-based startups prepared by Ticketbis.com. This study analyses the panorama of the main start-ups in Spain, their international expansion process, their technological components and human capital.

It highlights its role in society as generators of employment and engines for the reactivation of the economy. From The average number of countries where the companies operate is 14, which is the average number of countries in which they operate. startups Iberian. 82% of the companies surveyed started their expansion process only a year or two after their creation, This highlights the strong need to expand markets. The international vocation is increasingly becoming a common denominator and a natural process for the startups technological.

Characteristics of exporting companies

The sectors of activity that are most easily thriving abroad are the e-commerce (21%) and the Telecommunications and New Technologies (21%), followed by Tourism (16%), Leisure and Entertainment (11%), Transport (11%), Ticketing (5%), Training (5%), IoT - Internet of Things - (5%) and Search Engines (5%), the report reveals.

Highlight 28% of the total number of business models based on the Sharing Economy. The business scalability and the new technologies used are the common key factor (42%) and the main reason for internationalisation indicated by the companies that participated in the study. In addition, the global vocation of the project (24%) and the identification of countries with high growth potential (18%) stand out.

With regard to the investment sector, 39% of the companies analysed in the study have foreign capital, while the others are supported by Spanish 100% capital. For many startupsThis is a key factor and a key driver in gaining access to new markets or establishing a foothold in them. Approximately half of the participating companies stated that they more than 40% of its total turnover comes from outside Spain..


For the third consecutive year, LATAm stands out as the favourite destination for startups Spanish companies to continue to grow. Asia now ranks second as the continent of opportunity and Europe drops to third, followed by the USA and Africa.


66% of the companies surveyed have app adapted to the different countries in which they operate.  The 100% has a web design responsive o is working on the adaptation to mobile.


Exporting companies are not only an engine of growth, but also a magnet for young talent at home and abroad. The average age of the people employed by the startups The age range of the respondents is between 24 and 36 years old.. The overall average is exactly 29.69 years. The study shows that the most sought-after professions are mostly related to new technologies, such as Software Developer and Experts in Online marketingHowever, there is no shortage of more traditional jobs such as sales force or customer service.

However, new profiles such as those related to web analytics and web analytics are starting to emerge strongly. big data or with the user experience (UX). The international vocation of the startups means that the selection of employees also takes place at a global level. After the Spanish, some of the nationalities most present in the workforce are, in order, Italian, French, English, Brazilian and Peruvian.


The average entrepreneur is male (although the percentage of women is slightly higher than the previous year), and with an average age of 32.12 years at the time of launching the business. The Basque Country stands out as the Autonomous Community of origin of 26% of entrepreneurs, followed by Madrid and Catalonia (both with 21%) and Andalusia (11%).

For 45%, this is their first entrepreneurial experience, while the other half have already had other previous initiatives. All the entrepreneurs have a university degree and 52% of them also have an MBA or postgraduate training. The most sought-after degrees are in Engineering Management and Administration, Business Administration and Management and Business Studies.

By clicking on this link (+) you can access the full study. You can complement the tip with this video (+) with real cases of internationalisation in different countries.

Companies that internationalise their business tend to have some characteristics in common.


  1. Business scalability: Companies that internationalise often have a business model that allows them to grow quickly and easily, enabling them to adapt to new markets.
  2. Intensive use of technology: Companies that go international tend to use advanced technologies and to be at the forefront of their sector.
  3. Global vocation: Companies that internationalise have a long-term vision that involves the conquest of new markets and the international expansion of their business.
  4. Identification of countries with high growth potential: Companies going international often have a clear vision of the countries where they can succeed and which offer opportunities for growth.
  5. Foreign capital: Internationalising companies are often assisted by foreign investors who help them access new markets and grow faster.

In terms of the profile of these companies, they tend to be young and technological companies, with an average employee age of around 29.

In addition, the founding entrepreneurs of these companies are usually men, a pending subject!!! and have a background in areas such as Business Administration, Business Management or Engineering. Companies that internationalise also tend to be in sectors such as e-commerce, telecommunications, tourism and leisure and entertainment.

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  • What export experience do you already have?
  • Are you ready for internationalisation?
  • Is the time right for your company?
  • Have you consolidated your market?
  • Do you have adequate staff and funding?
  • What resources do you have to internationalise (export staff, available management and sales management hours, budget allocation for opening new markets, etc.)?





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
Todos los Comentarios

  1. Juan Kriete Eceiza

    The characteristics of exporting companies are becoming increasingly varied, since with today's means, even a self-employed person with no employees can export.

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