

Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Facebook" - take a look and discover this TIP!

What is Facebook?

Facebook is an online social network founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and other Harvard University students. The platform allows users to create profiles, share content (including photos and videos), connect with friends and family, join groups, and follow pages of brands and organisations. Facebook is one of the world's most popular social networks, with more than 2.9 billion monthly active users worldwide.

What does the Facebook user profile look like?

The Facebook user profile consists of several sections, including personal information (such as name, location and education), photos, recent posts, friends and groups. Users can also add additional information, such as interests and hobbies, and adjust the privacy of their profile and content to control who can see their information.

What are some practical examples of using Facebook for start-ups?

  • Create a Facebook page to promote the brand and products.
  • Using Facebook ads to reach a wider audience
  • Using Facebook groups to build a community of loyal customers

What success stories are there of new businesses using Facebook to win customers?

There are several examples of start-ups that have used Facebook to reach customers, including Warby Parker, Casper and Dollar Shave Club. Warby Parker used Facebook ads to reach new customers and increase sales, while Casper used Facebook groups to build a community of loyal customers. Dollar Shave Club also used Facebook ads to increase its subscriber base.

How could an entrepreneur use Facebook in his or her start-up?

An entrepreneur could use Facebook in his or her new business by creating a Facebook page to promote the brand and products, using Facebook ads to reach a wider audience, and creating Facebook groups to interact with customers and create a loyal community.

What are some recommendations for an entrepreneur to take advantage of Facebook?

Some recommendations for an entrepreneur to leverage Facebook include posting content regularly to keep the audience engaged, using attractive images and videos to attract attention, and using audience targeting to reach specific potential customers.

What kind of advertising can be done on Facebook?

Various types of advertising are possible on Facebook, including text ads, image ads and video ads. In addition, the platform offers detailed audience targeting options that allow advertisers to reach specific groups of people.

How does Facebook compare with other social networks?

Facebook focuses on social interaction between friends and family, allowing users to share content, connect with other users and follow pages of brands and organisations. In comparison, Instagram focuses on posting photos and short videos, LinkedIn focuses on professional connection and networking, and Twitter focuses on quick and concise communication through short text posts.


What is Facebook for an entrepreneur?

For an entrepreneur, Facebook is a digital marketing tool and a platform to connect with potential and existing customers. The platform allows entrepreneurs to create a Facebook page to promote their brand and products, and to use Facebook ads to reach a wider audience. In addition, Facebook groups can be used to create a community of loyal customers and encourage interaction with them. Facebook also allows entrepreneurs to gather information about potential and existing customers through detailed audience segmentation and data analysis. The data collected can be used to improve the marketing strategy and adapt it to the needs of the audience. In short, Facebook is a a valuable tool for entrepreneurs in promoting their brand, acquiring new customers and building a community of loyal customers. The platform allows entrepreneurs to use various digital marketing strategies and collect valuable audience information to improve the strategy in the future.

Describes the Facebook user profile

The Facebook user profile consists of several sections, including personal information, photos, recent posts, friends and groups.

Each of these sections is described in more detail below:

  1. Personal information: In this section, users can add information such as their name, location, education, job and marital status. They can also add details about their interests and hobbies, and links to their website or profile on other social networks.
  2. Photos: Users can upload and share photos on their profile, as well as create albums to organise them. They can also tag friends in photos and adjust privacy settings to control who can see them.
  3. Recent publications: In this section, users can post status updates, share links, photos and videos, and interact with the posts of friends and pages they follow. Users can adjust the privacy of their posts to control who can see them.
  4. Friends: In this section, users can view a list of their Facebook friends, search for new friends and accept friend requests from other users. They can also adjust the privacy of their friends list to control who can see it.
  5. Groups: Users can join Facebook groups to connect with people who have similar interests and discuss specific topics. They can also create their own groups and manage them.

In addition to these sections, Facebook users can adjust their profile and content privacy settings to control who can see their information. They can also receive notifications of activity on their profile and on posts from friends and pages they follow. In a nutshell, Facebook user profile is a powerful tool to connect with friends, family and brand followers and share information and content online.

Practical examples of using facebook for start-ups

Here are some practical examples of how new businesses can use Facebook to connect with potential and existing customers and promote their brand and products:

  1. Create a Facebook page for the company: A Facebook page is a powerful tool for promoting a company's brand and products. The page can include information about the company, photos and videos, regular posts and links to the online shop. It also allows customers to interact with the company through comments, questions and answers and private messages.
  2. Use Facebook ads: Facebook offers several advertising options to reach a wider audience, including text ads, image ads and video ads. Ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on geographic location, age, interests and other demographics. This allows new businesses to reach people who may be interested in their products and services.
  3. Create Facebook groups: Facebook groups are an effective way to connect with loyal customers and encourage interaction between them. New businesses can create groups related to their products or services and use them to share information, promotions and news related to the business. They can also use groups to get feedback and comments from customers about new products or services.
  4. Collaborate with Facebook influencers: Facebook influencers are individuals with a large following who can promote a company's products or services. New businesses can collaborate with influencers to promote their products or services and reach a wider audience.

In short, Facebook is a powerful tool for new businesses looking to connect with potential and existing customers and promote their brand and products. The platform offers several digital marketing options, including Facebook pages, ads, groups and influencer partnerships.

Success stories of new businesses using Facebook to win customers

Here are some examples of new businesses that have used Facebook to acquire customers:

  1. Glossier: This online cosmetics company has used Facebook to reach a wider audience and build a loyal community of followers. Glossier has used Facebook ads to promote its products and target specific audiences based on geographic location, age and other demographics. They have also created Facebook groups to encourage interaction with customers and get feedback on new products.
  2. Dollar Shave Club: This subscription-based shaving company used Facebook ads to reach a wider audience and increase their subscriber base. Facebook ads allowed them to reach men of different ages and geographic locations, and the results were impressive. In just two days, the ads generated more than 12,000 new subscribers and a return on investment of 333%.
  3. Bonobos: This online men's fashion company has used Facebook to reach potential and existing customers and increase sales. They used Facebook ads to promote their products and target specific audiences based on interests and online shopping behaviours. The ads generated a return on investment of 20%, resulting in a significant increase in sales and customer loyalty.

In short, Facebook is a powerful tool for new businesses looking to acquire customers and increase sales. Businesses can use Facebook ads to reach a wider audience and target specific audiences based on demographics and buying behaviour. They can also use Facebook groups and customer interaction to get feedback and build a loyal community of followers.

Recommendations for an entrepreneur to take advantage of facebook

Here are some recommendations for an entrepreneur to take advantage of Facebook:

  1. Create a Facebook page for the company: A Facebook page is an essential tool for new businesses on Facebook. The page allows customers to interact with the business through comments, questions and answers and private messages. It also allows businesses to share information about the company, photos and videos, regular posts and links to the online shop.
  2. Publish quality content on a regular basis: It is important to post quality content regularly on the company's Facebook page to keep the audience engaged and increase the company's visibility on the platform. Entrepreneurs can use attractive images and videos to attract attention and share news and promotions related to the company.
  3. Use Facebook ads: Facebook ads are an effective way to reach a wider audience and target specific audiences based on demographics and purchasing behaviour. Entrepreneurs can use text ads, image ads and video ads to promote their brand and products.
  4. Interact with customers and create a community: Entrepreneurs can use Facebook groups to encourage interaction with customers and create a loyal community of followers. Groups can be used to share information, promotions and news related to the business, and to get feedback and comments on new products or services.
  5. Analyse the data and adjust the marketing strategy: Facebook offers detailed data analysis tools that allow entrepreneurs to gather valuable audience insights and adjust their marketing strategy accordingly. Entrepreneurs can use the data to improve the marketing strategy and adapt it to the needs of the audience.

In short, Facebook is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs looking to connect with potential and existing customers and promote their brand and products. By following these recommendations, entrepreneurs can make the most of the platform and increase their chances of success in the marketplace.

Why should an entrepreneur use Facebook instead of other social networks?

There are several reasons why an entrepreneur should consider using Facebook instead of other social networks, among them:

  1. Broad and diverse audience: Facebook has a global and diverse audience, which means that entrepreneurs can reach people of different ages, geographic locations and interests. In addition, Facebook is the world's largest social media platform, with more than 2.8 billion monthly active users in 2021, which means there is great potential to reach a wide and diverse audience.
  2. Effective marketing tools: Facebook offers several effective marketing tools, including Facebook Ads, Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups. These tools allow entrepreneurs to create highly targeted advertising campaigns and reach specific audiences based on demographics and purchasing behaviour.
  3. Integration with other platforms: Facebook integrates with several other platforms, including Instagram and WhatsApp, meaning that entrepreneurs can tap into the audience of these platforms using Facebook marketing tools.
  4. Detailed analytics: Facebook offers detailed data analysis tools that allow entrepreneurs to gather valuable audience insights and adjust their marketing strategy accordingly. This allows entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and improve their marketing strategy over time.

In summary, Facebook offers several advantages for entrepreneurs, including a large and diverse audience, effective marketing tools, integration with other platforms and detailed analytics. While other social networks can be effective in certain cases, Facebook remains one of the best options for entrepreneurs looking to reach a wide audience and promote their brand and products. The profile of Facebook users is diverse and varied, including people of different ages, interests and cultural backgrounds. In general, it can be said that Facebook is a social network most used by people over 25 years old and who have a more active and participative attitude online. Compared to other social networks, Facebook has a broader and more diverse audience, while other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are more popular among young people and have a more visual focus. Snapchat is known for its focus on privacy and message sharing. It is important to consider the profile of Facebook users when using the platform as a marketing channel to ensure that you are reaching the right audience with the right message.

How should an entrepreneur use Facebook to make sales?

  1. Create a Facebook page for your business: you can promote your products and services to a wide and qualified audience.
  2. Publish relevant content: publish interesting, useful and relevant content for your audience.
  3. Interact with your followers: answer your followers' questions and comments to create a close relationship with them.
  4. Run promotions and offers: offer exclusive promotions and discounts to your Facebook followers to encourage sales.
  5. Use Facebook advertising: create Facebook ads that reach your target audience and increase the visibility of your business.
  6. Analyse your results: use Facebook's analytics tools to understand how your strategy is working and make adjustments if necessary.
  7. Use videos: videos are an effective way to showcase your products and services and attract the attention of your followers.
  8. Share user-generated content: engage your followers by sharing fan-generated content on your Facebook Page.

Facebook tips for entrepreneurs

  1. Identify the target audience (+): understanding who you are targeting and how they use Facebook is essential to creating relevant and effective content.
  2. Create a company page: Having a Facebook business page allows you to promote your company and its products, interact with customers and share relevant information and updates.
  3. Use Facebook ADS advertising: Facebook offers a variety of advertising options, from sponsored ads to videos, which allow you to reach a wider audience.
  4. Share valuable content: sharing interesting and useful content to your target audience increases engagement and helps build a strong brand.
  5. Interacting with customers: Responding to customer comments and questions on Facebook shows customers that the company values their participation and is accessible.
  6. Analyse and adjust the strategy: Measuring and analysing the results of actions on Facebook allows entrepreneurs to adjust their strategy and improve their presence on the platform.


  1. Mass audience reach: Facebook has a massive audience, allowing entrepreneurs to reach a large number of potential customers.
  2. Personalisation of messages: Facebook allows entrepreneurs to personalise their messages and reach their target audience effectively.
  3. Cost effective: Facebook is an effective and affordable way to promote a business and attract customers.
  4. Interaction with the public: Facebook allows entrepreneurs to interact with their audience and build lasting relationships with their customers.
  5. Analysis and monitoring: Facebook provides analytics and tracking tools that allow entrepreneurs to see the impact of their campaigns and improve their strategy accordingly.

This is another social network that you should validate in your business model (+) to attract customers and increase sales. You can publish free content of interest that will reach only a part of your followers for free. To increase outreach, you will need to invest in Google ADS advertising campaigns. Go to Google ADS and analyse how they have segmented people, by keywords, interests... maybe you are lucky and you can reach your segment through this one. social network (+), have to test and validate by investing a budget that will allow you to calculate the ACC (+) and compare it with other channels (+)! Use the Facebook tracking pixel on your website to build up your audience and practice re-marketing (Facebook has all the updated instructions on how to do it yourself).

Some of the objectives that every company defines when starting its strategy on Facebook are

  • Get users interested in your products or services.
  • Create a community of users to connect with and relate to, the so-called potential customers.
  • Promote commercial offers that convert users into leads and potential customers.
  • Setting up your Facebook business page.

A company page is by default public, unlike user profiles, where privacy can be configured.

Users have two ways of interacting with your site:

  • "I like it: the user likes you but may not follow you.
  • "Follow": the user likes and follows you; that is, they receive your updates.

When you start your setup, you will need to select what type of page you are going to be:

  • Physical business.
  • Company or organisation.
  • Brand or product.
  • Artist or public figure.
  • Entertainment or community.

To create a company page, you must choose the option:

  • Company.
  • Organisation.
  • Institution.
  1. Once you click, you will need to choose the category and your name. In this regard, a word of advice, the category can influence the Page Rank of your page.
  2. To create a company page, you must choose the option: company, organisation or institution.
  3. Add favourites: you can determine which content is of interest to you to be displayed in the news section of your private profile.

After these three steps, Facebook will ask you if you want to "like" your own page - don't do it yet, if you do, it will appear publicly on your timeline and it's best to wait until you have your page fully set up.


  • Administrator: has unlimited access to all features of your page; manage roles and page settings, edit the page and add applications, create and delete posts on behalf of the page, send messages on behalf of the page, reply to and delete comments and posts on the page, remove people and ban them from the page, create announcements, view statistics and see who posted on behalf of the page.
  • Publisher: edit the page and add applications, create and delete posts on behalf of the page, send messages on behalf of the page, reply to and delete comments and posts on the page, remove people and ban them from the page, create announcements, view statistics and see who posted on behalf of the page.
  • Moderator: send messages on behalf of the page, reply to and delete comments and posts on the page, remove people and ban them from the page, create announcements, view statistics and see who posted on behalf of the page.
  • Advertiser: you can create ads, view statistics and see who posted on behalf of the page.
  • Analyst: view statistics and see who posted on behalf of the page.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
Todos los Comentarios

  1. Jose Badaraco

    I think it's excellent that faceboock supports new companies in their ventures, both in advertising and in comments to avoid fraud and/or excellent sales points through this medium.

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