Mobile Marketing


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Mobile Marketing" - take a look and discover this TIP!

The irruption of smartphones into our lives has completely changed the way we relate to the rest of the world. Our information, purchasing and consumption habits have changed radically and their importance continues to grow as the mobile world affects more and more facets of our lives: health, leisure, culture and work.

Advantages of Mobile Marketing

The mobile phone is the first of the devices used by Spaniards to access the internet and its importance continues to grow while other devices are declining. 53.3% of web traffic in the world today is generated via mobile. In Spain, 91% of users accessing the Internet do so via a smartphone. It is not surprising, therefore, that organisations of all sizes, fields and locations have developed an intense and complex marketing activity around mobiles. Entrepreneurs can also be no strangers to this development of mobile marketing and to exploiting the enormous benefits it brings.

Let us look at some of these advantages:

  • The number of users continues to grow year on year. More and more people are using more than one device.
  • Smartphone shopping is on the rise. The year-on-year increases in Spain are staggering.
  • Mobile marketing allows for fine-tuned geographic targeting. This is a huge advantage for local businesses. Bars, hotels, restaurants, shops etc. GPS is an invaluable tool for the creation of mobile marketing campaigns.
  • Mobile applications continue to grow and offer great business opportunities for companies: Facebook, Snapchat, Foursquare o Instagram are just some of them.
  • Games like Pokémon can help companies increase their sales by reaching more people.
  • Communication with the public can be even faster. You can send your customers promotions and discounts in real time and at a very low cost, which contributes to a higher response speed in Mobile Marketing campaigns!!!

All these advantages contribute to the rise of Mobile Marketing worldwide. In the following Mobile in Spain and the World 2020 report by ditrendia, you will find comprehensive, up-to-date trend information and statistics that amply support the growing importance of mobile marketing in business strategy.


It is marketing included in what we call digital marketing, but it has very clear and complex specificities. We can define mobile marketing as the set of actions aimed at attracting mobile device users in order to convert them into customers and build long-term relationships with them. These actions are based on an increasing number of functionalities that allow effective interaction with the customer/market.

As we will see below, the typologies of these actions are very heterogeneous and their use requires increasing levels of expertise on the part of professionals.

Let us look at the most important ones:



It is one of the most widely used strategies. The business objectives are not only to increase sales and customer loyalty, but also to convey an innovative brand image to the market.. Companies spend a lot of money on developing their own applications, taking on not only the cost of the development itself but also the communication effort needed to make it known. 

The so-called "in app Ads", which are a formula for inserting advertising within the apps themselves, can be found within the app modality. In-app advertising is a formula that is very popular among digital advertisers as it helps to amortise the development costs of the apps themselves and also allows them to be used free of charge for the user.


It is an excellent tool for small and medium sized businesses operating at a local level. Statistics show that 30% of searches performed on mobile devices are related to places to sleep, eat, places to visit, shopping, etc. In addition, half of these searches involve immediate purchase decisions by users. 

Geolocation services are increasingly used not only to locate physical businesses but also to share location information or exchange opinions and experiences with others. In addition, local advertising is proving to be a great tool for attracting buyers from physical businesses into their sales funnel.

Bluetooth technology has enabled the development of proximity marketing, which consists of sharing information about offers, products or services and establishments located in the vicinity of the customer. While it is true that this strategy only works over short distances, and only with Bluetooth-enabled devices, it has the great advantage that it is completely free of charge and requires no maintenance. In addition, the advertiser, you can create campaigns and get them up and running quickly and easily!!!


Investment in social ads continues to rise for advertisers as it is a tool that enables surgical targeting, allowing them to effectively reach small niche markets. The adoption of artificial intelligence by marketing agencies allows them to make quick decisions to discard campaigns that do not work or to boost those that do. 


Almost half of all emails in Spain are opened on mobile phones. Experts agree that email marketing is one of the actions that offers companies the best ROI. It is essential to think that the messages transmitted by this medium must be adapted to the context of the mobile phone. 

One version of this strategy is SMS Marketing!


This is a technology that, when used well, can give good results. We are talking about a two-dimensional barcode that, once read by the smart phone through the camera and a specific application, immediately redirects the user to a web page.

QR codes have various applications such as connecting the user to a product installation tutorial. Creativity in their use is essential to get the most out of them. 


As you can see, mobile marketing has great advantages if used properly. Here are some recommendations:

  • Put yourself in the hands of experts. Don't waste time and money on the use of a tool whose usefulness depends on the expertise of trained people.
  • It is not advisable to be intrusive or overwhelming. This can lead to customer rejection.
  • Provide value to your customer. Give them content and information that helps them in some way.



Now that you have learned all about this TIP, you should be able to answer these questions:

  1. Do you think mobile marketing can be useful for your business?
  2. What goals do you think you can achieve through the use of mobile marketing strategies?
  3. What need do you fill or what problem do you solve for your customer segment?

We encourage you to do the exercise of answering them!




Picture of Fernando Weyler

Fernando Weyler

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