

Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Twitter" - take a look and discover this TIP!

Twitter is an online social networking platform that allows users to post and read short messages known as "tweets". The tweets have a character limit of 280 characters and are used to share information, opinions, news, images, videos and links to other online content. Users can follow other users and see their tweets on their timeline, and can also tag other users in their tweets using the "@" symbol. Twitter is a popular communication and marketing tool for individuals, businesses and organisations around the world.

Twitter for entrepreneurs

Twitter is a social networking platform that allows users to post and read short messages called "tweets". For entrepreneurs, Twitter is a very useful tool to connect with their audience and build business relationships. Entrepreneurs can use Twitter to share news and updates about their business, interact with potential and existing customers, build relationships with other professionals in their industry and promote their products and services. In addition, Twitter provides tools to analyse and measure the success of marketing campaigns in real time, allowing entrepreneurs to adjust their strategy to achieve better results. They can also use Twitter to keep abreast of trends in their industry and news from competitors. Twitter is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs looking to connect with their audience, build business relationships and promote their company.

What is one of the benefits of using Twitter for entrepreneurs?

One of the benefits of using Twitter for entrepreneurs is the possibility to connect with a wide and diverse audience, as well as with other professionals and companies in your industry. In addition, Twitter provides a platform to share relevant information, interact with potential and existing customers, and promote your brand and products or services effectively. It also allows entrepreneurs to monitor and respond to customer feedback in real time, helping them to improve customer satisfaction and their company's reputation.

What type of business is Twitter recommended for?

Twitter can be recommended for all types of businesses, especially those that want to have an active online presence and connect with their audience in real time. It is especially useful for companies that want to generate interaction with their customers and followers, and for those looking to increase their reach and visibility on social media. It is also a good option for businesses that want to share short, relevant content, such as product updates, promotions, industry news and more. In general, any business that wants to stay up-to-date and connected with its audience can benefit from using Twitter.

Practical examples of Twitter use by entrepreneurs

Here are some practical examples of how entrepreneurs can use Twitter:

  1. Interacting with the audience: Entrepreneurs can use Twitter to interact directly with their audience, answer questions, solve problems and listen to their suggestions and comments.
  2. Promote the brand and products: Twitter is an effective platform for promoting a company's brand and products. Entrepreneurs can use this platform to share relevant news, new product announcements and special promotions.
  3. Generate traffic to your website: Entrepreneurs can share links to their website on Twitter, which can generate additional traffic to their site and increase their online visibility.
  4. Market research: Twitter is a valuable source of real-time information about the interests and behaviours of potential customers. Entrepreneurs can use this information to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategy.
  5. Engage in relevant conversations: Entrepreneurs can use Twitter to engage in relevant conversations in their industry and connect with other professionals and thought leaders. This can help them build relationships and increase their online reach.
  6. Monitor competition: Twitter can also be used by entrepreneurs to monitor competitors and gain valuable information about their products, marketing strategies and other important details.

In a nutshell, Twitter can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs to promote their brand, interact with their audience and conduct market research.

Types of targeting on Twitter

On Twitter, there are several types of targeting that can be used to target your messages to your desired audience.

Some of the types of segmentation are

  1. Geographical segmentation: You can target your messages to an audience in a specific geographic location, whether at the country, city or even postcode level.
  2. Interest-based segmentation: Twitter collects data on the interests of its users, allowing you to target audiences that have specific interests related to your product or service.
  3. Keyword targeting: You can target your messages to users who have used certain keywords in their tweets, suggesting that they may be interested in your product or service.
  4. Behavioural segmentation: Twitter also allows users to be segmented according to their behaviour on the platform, such as the accounts they follow, the interactions they have had and the types of devices they use.
  5. Customised audience targeting: You can target your messages to custom audiences that you have created from your own data, such as email lists or followers on other social platforms.
  6. Segmentation by event: You can target your messages to users who are talking about a specific event in real time, which can be useful for promoting a live event or a special promotion.

Types of advertising on Twitter

Twitter offers several types of advertising that entrepreneurs can use to promote their business, among them are:

  1. Promote tweets: This option allows entrepreneurs to promote a specific tweet to reach more people in their target audience. Promoted tweets will appear on users' timelines as a normal tweet.
  2. Promoted account: This option allows entrepreneurs to promote their Twitter account to attract more followers. The promoted account will appear in users' suggestions of accounts to follow.
  3. Promoted trends: This option allows entrepreneurs to promote a specific trend on Twitter to appear in the trending section worldwide or in a specific location.
  4. Video advertisements: This option allows entrepreneurs to create and promote video ads on Twitter.
  5. Website card: This option allows entrepreneurs to promote their website on Twitter through an interactive card that includes an image, a title and a description.
  6. Application advertisements: This option allows entrepreneurs to promote their mobile application on Twitter.
  7. Direct message announcements: This option allows entrepreneurs to send automated direct messages to users who interact with their promoted tweets.

Each type of Twitter advertising has different objectives and targeting options, so it is important for entrepreneurs to choose the right option for their business and target audience. Taking advantage of the benefits of the social network Twitter can grow your business by attracting more customers, tweeting and running advertising campaigns on Twitter ads. It is widely used in professional environments. When we talk about Twitter, we are talking about a a two-way communication service with which information of various kinds can be shared quickly, easily and free of charge. It is one of the most popular microblogging Social Networks available today and its success lies in the sending of short messages called tweets.

It is a tool that is free but a powerful commercial tool. It is perfect for using marketing 2.0 in order to promote a product or service. Including, a powerful Twitter account (with one thousand followers) can be a business in itself as there are also options for generating direct revenue with Twitter such as advertising. In Twitter ads you have many ways of targeting, by keywords, interests, followers of other accounts (such as your competitors, or magazines that your customers read...). It is one of the channels that you have to validate in your business model to see how many customers you can get by investing x and comparing the CAC with other channels.

Steps to follow to create a Twitter strategy for your business

1. Before you start

You should bear in mind that Twitter is a social network to create conversationnot just a tool to include links.

  • You must tweet every day.
  • Use Tweriod to find out what time your followers are most active.
  • Write attention-grabbing headlines.
  • Start pleasant conversations on interesting topics and thank your followers.

2. Competition study

Look for the Twitter of 5 of your competitors and study what kind of followers they have and how they behave. Most of them will follow you if you follow them first.

3. Customer strategy: create a relationship with the customer, you can make it happen

  • Use Tweetscan to find out what they say about you.
  • Create an RSS Feed of your brand's Twitter searches.
  • Have they talked about you on social media? Answer them even if you are not tagged.
  • Mention at least 10 people per day.

4. Your company's reputation management strategy

  • If you've already responded to users who were talking about you on Twitter, you can now follow them so they can see that you care.
  • Create Networking: To do this, follow your competitors and join the conversations they genuinely create.
  • Change your mentality from "what can I sell you? to "how can I help?

5, Twitter outreach strategy

  • It offers cudio-media contentYou will get more RTs if you add photos or videos.
  • Share exclusive information in your sector.
  • Tweets programme to be published at peak times.

6. Proximity strategy

Be approachable, talk about your company and share "light-hearted" information about what they do in the office.

To understand what Twitter is and how it is used, we review the related terminology here; to get a better understanding of what it means.


Each registered user. Represented by @username


Each of the messages you publish. Remember that you have a limit of 280 characters not counting the multimedia material you include in your content.


This is the part of your account where you can see, in chronological order, the posts of the users you follow.


Re-posting of a tweet launched by another user.


This is the user who follows your account. They can see all the tweets you post.


It is the action of following another user within this network.

  • LIST

List that you can configure with your favourite accounts. You can create as many lists as you want and give them a name.
For example, we can have a list related to WordPress hosting, another one with PrestaShop hosting, another one with Email Marketing tips, etc.


Direct and private message we send to a Twitter user.

  • I LIKE

It is represented by a heart icon. We click it if we have liked a tweet.


It is represented by a hash icon (#) and allows you to add any terms you want after it. It is used to facilitate searches.
For example, using #WordPress in the search engine, you will find a list of users who have used that term in their tweets.


These are the most commented topics of the moment, i.e. the words with the most mentions on the social network in a given period of time.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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