6 ventajas de trabajar para una startup si sabes inglés


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The world of entrepreneurship is here to stay, especially for bilingual professionals. Today, working for a startup (+) is a change that many professionals are taking in order to have more possibilities for growth than in a large corporation, as well as learning how to do business with the use of new technologies.

What many people don't know, and perhaps this is the case for you, is how much you can achieve professionally within these projects if you have a perfect command of the English language. The possibilities are endless!

Today, we will look at the 6 benefits of being bilingual and venturing into entrepreneurship.

What advantages does this bring me?

Ongoing training in English

The leaders of these projects are looking for employees who always want to learn more than they already know. Working for a startup means you'll need to be familiar with innovation and creativity, so your current level of English is just the beginning.

Many companies dedicate special rooms to training in the language, having at their disposal materials and books to learn English (+). They know it is an investment that will return much more.

In addition, once you have demonstrated your language skills, it is common for you to be offered training to improve your language skills. For this, there are many online English language academies (+), with interactive exercises that you can carry along with your daily work.

Opportunity for constant promotion

A startup gives you an accelerated and dynamic way of working, where you will learn many new skills. Knowing English will put you in consideration for acquiring new positions and, as the way of working is from digital technologies, remote positions are common.

The worker most considered for new roles is the one with the most useful hard skills, and language skills are among the most sought after today.


Start-up teams are often diverse, with people from all over the world. Remote work has opened up the possibility for you to expand your cultural horizons and knowing English will give you a complete openness to communicate with anyone.

This will also allow you to work from anywhere and to make Virtual networking (+), by becoming a digital nomad (+). Imagine how much you can learn over time in this way of working.

Flexibility of schedules and projects

Gone completely is the rigid "9 to 5" structure. Start-ups provide great flexibility in schedules and focus more on how you perform on tasks and stick to deadlines than just clocking in and out.

Therefore, speaking English opens the door to being a successful entrepreneur and taking on several international projects at the same time. You set the work limit for yourself.


Alongside growth within the company, being fluent in the language will put you at the forefront of talking to international clients and partners. Not every employee has this fluency and it will be the basis for trusting the way you work and the decisions you make.

Autonomy in a startup goes hand in hand with good communication. The better the quality of conversations with customers or your peers, the better decisions you can make.

Vision for entrepreneurship

Once you dive into the world of entrepreneurship and learn everything it takes to grow the business, you won't think twice about venturing out on your own. It's the entrepreneur's vision syndrome, one of the few you'll want to catch.

With the background knowledge of the business, the relationships you build and a full command of English, you can strike out on your own and on an international scale. Working for these organisations is just the start of a successful career.

Career advancement for success

As we saw, venturing into a startup would have a great impact on your professional life if you already have a perfect command of English. It is opening multiple doors at the same time, so you can:

  • Learn more about the language from a professional perspective and within your field of work.
  • Position your skills for promotion and more opportunities for sustained growth, both inside and outside the organisation.
  • Sharing your work with people from many countries and cultures, learning the way of doing business from all over the world.
  • Open up your range of projects due to the startup's flexible and open schedule
  • Empowering your decision making through autonomy
  • Learn how to start and launch your own business successfully

Now that you have seen all the ways to grow professionally within a startup, don't waste any more time and start learning and perfecting your English!!!! Your professional life will thank you for it.





Picture of Guillermo Navas

Guillermo Navas

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