Action plan for being a good mentor to accompany entrepreneurs


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Dear mentor,

As a professional committed to accompanying and guiding entrepreneurs on their path to success, we understand that your experience, knowledge and skills are fundamental to the growth and development of your mentees. But have you stopped to consider how you can further improve your performance as a mentor and ensure you continue to grow in your role?

Develop a personalised action plan (see+ action plan) is the key to taking your mentoring to the next level and, in turn, providing even more effective support to your entrepreneurs. By designing and following a detailed action plan, you will not only be able to identify areas for improvement, but also set clear goals and concrete actions to achieve them. In this way, you will ensure a structured and continuous growth process that will benefit both you and your mentees.

A well-designed action plan will allow you to stay focused on your objectives and priorities, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your development goals. In addition, By monitoring your progress and adjusting your approach as necessary, you will be in an ideal position to adapt to the changing challenges and opportunities that arise in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

By investing time and effort in creating your action plan, you will also be demonstrating a clear commitment to your own growth and self-development. This proactive and results-oriented approach will position you as an exemplary mentor, which, in turn, will inspire your entrepreneurs to follow your example and work tirelessly on their own growth and success.

Ultimately, by embarking on this process of continuous improvement, you will not only become a more effective and valuable mentor, but you will also play a critical role in the long-term success of your entrepreneurs. Your dedication to excellence in mentoring will be a lasting and meaningful legacy in the lives of those you guide and support.

Therefore, we encourage you to take this important step and start designing your personalised action plan. We are confident that, in doing so, you will discover new opportunities to grow, learn and thrive in your valuable role as a mentor.

Tips for a mentor to learn how to realise his or her action plan


  1. Self-assessment: Before creating an action plan, it is crucial that the mentor carries out a self-assessment to identify his/her strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement in relation to the competences mentioned above.
  2. Set clear objectives: Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). These objectives will guide the actions to be included in the action plan.
  3. Research and learn: Research and learn about best practices, tools and approaches in mentoring and personal development. The information gathered will serve as the basis for the action plan.
  4. Break down objectives into actions: Turn the objectives into specific and concrete actions that the mentor can carry out. These actions should be aligned with the competences and areas for improvement identified in the self-assessment.
  5. Set deadlines and priorities: Allocate realistic deadlines for each action and prioritise according to the importance and urgency of the actions. This will help the mentor to stay focused and manage his/her time effectively.
  6. Monitor and adjust: The mentor should regularly monitor your progress and adjust the action plan as necessary. If an action is not producing the expected results, the mentor can modify it or replace it with a different action.
  7. Solicit feedback: It is important for the mentor to solicit feedback from mentees, colleagues and other professionals to evaluate his or her performance and effectiveness as a mentor. The feedback received can be useful to adjust the action plan and improve further.
  8. Maintain a flexible approach: The mentor must be open to adapting and adjusting the action plan as circumstances change or new learning opportunities arise.
  9. Document and review: It is essential that the mentor documents and periodically reviews their action plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. In addition, this will allow the mentor to track their progress and celebrate their achievements over time.
  10. Commitment and perseverance: The mentor must be committed to his or her own growth and development, and persevere in implementing his or her action plan. Successful personal and professional development requires time, effort and dedication.


Here is an example of an action plan in the form of a table. The first column corresponds to the date on which you think you will be able to carry out the action or to mark the actions already carried out and when you carried them out.

 1st Competence: Understanding oneself
 Conduct a personal SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
 Complete a personality test to obtain information on characteristics and preferences.
 Reflect on personal biases and develop strategies to minimise their impact on mentoring.
 Research and study the code of ethics for mentors and coaches.
 2nd Competence: Commitment to self-development
 Identify key areas of knowledge and skills that require improvement.
 Attend courses, workshops and conferences on mentoring and personal development.
 Create a plan to overcome identified limiting beliefs.
 Establish a programme of continuous reading and learning on mentoring and entrepreneurship.
 3rd Competence: Managing the mentor-entrepreneur contract
 Study and understand the differences between professional roles similar to mentoring.
 Create a list of criteria for selecting entrepreneurs to mentor.
 Develop a mentoring contract that includes clear objectives and commitments.
 Plan and conduct discovery sessions with potential entrepreneurs.
 4th Competence: Building the mentor-mentee-mentorDay relationship
 Learn and apply communication and rapport techniques to build trust.
 Practice active listening in all interactions with the entrepreneur.
 Establish a schedule and structure for mentoring sessions.
 Analyse the progress of the mentoring relationship in terms of the key phases.
 5th Competence: Facilitating entrepreneurial insight, awareness and learning
 Research and apply the 5 C's model in mentoring.
 Practising and perfecting the art of questioning to stimulate entrepreneurial reflection and learning.
 Identify opportunities for the entrepreneur to examine his situation and environment.
 6th Competence: Goal, result and action orientation
 Help the entrepreneur to set SMART objectives and develop an action plan.
 Identify and address the adaptive and technical challenges of entrepreneurship.
 Practice giving constructive and effective feedback.
 Evaluate and adjust the mentoring approach according to objectives and results.
 7th Competence: Use of models, tools and techniques in mentoring
 Research and practice the use of metaphors to facilitate entrepreneurial learning.
 Learn and apply tools and techniques to help entrepreneurs diagnose and address their problems.
 To help the entrepreneur to generate perspective and make their ideas tangible during the mentoring sessions.
 Connect with the entrepreneur's sense of purpose and align actions with his or her values and objectives.
 8th Competence: Evaluation
 Establish evaluation methods to measure progress before, during and after each mentoring session.
 Solicit feedback from the entrepreneur on the effectiveness of the mentoring and make adjustments as necessary.
 Monitor the success of the mentoring programme using performance indicators.
 Plan and conduct a closing session of the mentoring programme, evaluating progress and achievements.

This example action plan provides a general structure that the mentor can customise and adapt according to his or her specific needs and context. It is important that the mentor reviews and adjusts the action plan periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.



Maria is a professional with a solid background in marketing and business strategy. Throughout her career, she has worked in several successful companies and has helped many entrepreneurs to improve their businesses. Maria has decided that she wants to become accredited as a mentor to improve her mentoring of entrepreneurs and has decided to join the mentorDay programme.

During the MentorDay programme, Maria realises that she needs to work on several competencies to become a more effective mentor.

  1. Self-awareness: Maria decides to conduct a comprehensive self-assessment to identify her strengths and areas for improvement in relation to the mentor's competencies. She can then focus on improving those areas that need attention.
  2. Continuous learning: Maria is committed to participating in courses and workshops related to mentoring, coaching and entrepreneurship to broaden her knowledge and skills.
  3. Networking: To enhance her network, Maria joins mentoring and entrepreneurship groups and associations, where she can learn from other professionals and share her own experiences.
  4. Development of communication skills: Maria understands that effective communication is crucial in mentoring. Therefore, she aims to improve her active listening, empathy and assertiveness skills by practising in her mentoring sessions and soliciting feedback.
  5. Target setting: Maria learns how to set SMART goals for her entrepreneurs and makes sure to align these goals with their individual needs and desires.
  6. Application of tools and techniques: Maria researches and adopts various mentoring tools and techniques, such as the 5 C's model, to facilitate the learning and development of her entrepreneurs.
  7. Evaluation and monitoring: Maria incorporates evaluation and follow-up into her mentoring process, monitoring the progress of her entrepreneurs and adjusting her approach as necessary.
  8. Reflection and adjustment: Maria is committed to regularly reviewing and adjusting her action plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. She also celebrates her achievements and learns from her challenges.

By planning and carrying out these actions on an ongoing basis, Maria is on her way to becoming a more effective and accredited mentor, which will enable her to provide even better support to her entrepreneurs and contribute to their long-term success.


After the question and before think of yourself.

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Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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