SUBSCRIPTION MODEL, THE MOST SOLID Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Subscription Model, the most solid". Analyse and discover this TIP! This model is based on the payment of a periodic fee, which allows the subscriber to enjoy a product or service.
Bait & Hook Model, FIRST FREE THEN PAY Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Bait & Hook Model, first free then pay". Analyse and discover this TIP! 10 types of models This is: I give you the product for free and you pay for it.
P2P REVENUE MODEL - "PEER TO PEER" Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "P2P Revenue Model - PEER TO PEER". Analyse and discover this TIP! TYPES OF MODELS: P2P Lending These are platforms designed so that users of the same platform can
TRANSACTION PROCESSING REVENUE MODEL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Transaction Processing Revenue Model". Analyse and discover this TIP! TYPES OF MODELS: Shopping for sellers Platforms that allow shops to handle payments in other ways, whether in business
SALES LICENSE REVENUE MODEL Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Sales Licensing Revenue Model". Analyse and discover this TIP! TYPES OF MODELS: Per individual user (Per Seat) A fixed price is charged for the use of licenses (usually software) for every