Debts owed to the public administration


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To be eligible for public aid, you must be able to prove that your company is up to date with payments to all public administrations, for which you must obtain a certificate proving that you are up to date with payments "clean", with no overdue debts. You can have debts and still get a clean certificate, as long as you negotiate with the administration for a postponement (see +)!

Social Security

To obtain a certificate certifying that you have no Social Security debt, you must access the Social Security electronic office with Cl@ve, via SMS, electronic certificate (+) or DNIe. Once inside, you will have to fill in a simple form in which you will have to indicate the type of certificate you want (tick "Subsidies") and if you want it to indicate the details of the debt if applicable (tick this box too, because if the certificate is negative you will know why).

After submitting the form, it automatically allows you to PRINT and download the PDF certificate showing all your details, your associated contribution accounts and whether the certificate is POSITIVE. (you have no debts) o NEGATIVE (You have debts) and in this case the origin of these debts. The certificate of good standing shall be valid for SIX months from the date on which it is issued.

If you do not yet have a Contribution Account associated with you, you will not be able to obtain a certificate of being up to date, but you can request a Certificate of not being registered as an employer (and therefore, it is impossible to have debts with the Social Security).

To do this, go to the Certificates section of the Social Security e-Office and click on the option, "Proof of not being registered as an employer" (+). After identifying yourself with your electronic certificate, electronic ID card, cl@ve or even SMS, if you are not registered as an employer in the social security system and therefore do not have a contribution account as an employer, the system will present you with a certificate stating this fact, which you will be able to download in PDF.

Tax Agency

To obtain a certificate certifying that you do not have any debt with the state tax agency, you must access the AEAT website in the section All procedures - Certificates - Tax situation - Tax certificates. Issue of tax certificates. Being up to date with tax obligations, on this link (see +). You must click on APPLICATION and access the procedure with your Digital Certificate. If you are applying in your own name, all you need to do is tick the type of certificate you wish to obtain, normally, "To be up to date with tax obligations in order to obtain public subsidies".

The application is validated and in the following screens the digital certificate is signed, after which the certificate will be displayed and we will be able to download in PDF. If the certificate is POSITIVE (you have no debts) o NEGATIVE (You have debts). The certificate of good standing shall be valid for SIX months from the date on which it is issued.

Canary Islands Tax Agency

The Canary Islands have their own tax regime, so companies with activities in this region must also apply for a Certificate of being up to date with payments to the Canary Islands Tax Agency.

To do this, access the Canary Islands Government Electronic Headquarters - Online Procedures - Certificates - Individual Certificate Application and click on Telematic Application in the menu on the left. After identifying ourselves with our digital certificate, we will access the application form in which we will select the type of certificate, "Ayudas o subvenciones de las AA.PP.", acting "en nombre propio" and validate the application.

The application will generate the Certificate that we will be able to download in PDF. If the certificate is POSITIVE (you have no debts) o NEGATIVE (You have debts). The certificate of good standing shall be valid for SIX months from the date on which it is issued.





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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Deudas con la administración pública

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