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Fuentes de ingresos
FINANCING INSTRUMENTS Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Financing Instruments". Analyse and discover this TIP! Find out which financing instruments for SMEs and entrepreneurs help cover liquidity needs. Accessing financial sources is the key to success.
YBI Innovation Challenge YBI Innovation Challenge is a pilot service to help entrepreneurs like you to access international markets. Do you want to internationalise your business? We make it easier for you to access international markets by tapping into the largest community of entrepreneurs, mentors, business people and experts. What does it consist of?
propósito para que de tu empresa
Discover how to define the purpose of your company and its importance in your business strategy. Tips and keys in the Wikitips article
This is a demand account aimed at both professionals (self-employed) and legal persons that allows them to have access to a certain amount of money up to a certain limit and within a previously agreed period of time.
coaching empresarial
Find out how business coaching can help you improve your leadership and management skills, increase productivity, and achieve
accesibilidad empresa aprovechando tecnología
Learn about the importance of accessibility in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Learn how to make your products
An incubator is an organisation that helps entrepreneurial projects in their start-up phase. It differs from accelerators, which mainly support young companies that already have a revenue model and are already generating revenue.
hubs de innovación
«Conoce los innovation hubs o hubs de innovación, espacios de colaboración para fomentar la innovación y el emprendimiento.
ACCELERATORS: TYPES AND FEATURES Accelerate your business with these expert tips "Accelerators: types and features". Analyse and discover this TIP! Accelerators are one of the most important players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem that can help you a lot to launch your business. Accelerators are a very important help as they allow you to
propiedad intelectual
Protect your creations with intellectual property. Find out how to register your copyrights and trademarks in this article.