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It is the process of defining and building a brand through the planned management of all the graphic, communication and positioning processes that are carried out.
Known as angel investor or angel investor. A Business Angel is a natural or legal person who provides funding and/or expertise to new entrepreneurs in order to obtain a future profit.
ventas particulares b2c
Explore the strategies and keys to the B2C model in our WikiTIPs article. Learn how to achieve success in the relationship
Digital marketing or online marketing encompasses all those actions and advertising or commercial strategies that are executed in the media and channels of the Internet.
Setting up a business is now easier than ever thanks to the possibilities that the digital revolution puts in our hands. In addition, apps designed to improve the productivity of start-ups are an indispensable tool.
It enables all types of businesses to reach new heights of performance and effectiveness, both in day-to-day business and growth plans. The cloud empowers everything and enables small businesses to get the most out of themselves by leveraging its tools in the most effective way.
Influencer rankings allow you to locate those professionals who have the most followers in a sector or in a medium (instagram, twitter, facebook).
PLANNING Speed up your business with these expert tips on "Planning". Analyse and discover this TIP! It seems obvious to say that Planning is necessary in any professional activity. However, reality shows that it is one of the major shortcomings of many companies that have already been set up, forcing them to
What happens when people or entrepreneurs have problems? In today's system, we usually look for people to blame. This also happens with problems in your company. Problems start with an idea or a detail that is the cause that can grow in a few steps to have big effects.
Conscious listening is necessary in order to sell well, it is necessary to communicate well. To communicate well, the most important thing is to know how to listen.