Product Market Fit



Lograr un Product Market Fit (Ajuste Producto-Mercado) es esencial para el éxito empresarial, enfatizando la importancia de validar tanto la etapa de Cliente-Problema-Solución como el ajuste del producto con el mercado. Este proceso garantiza que se está desarrollando un producto o servicio que no solo resuelve un problema real para el cliente sino que también cumple con las demandas y necesidades del mercado.

Para alcanzar un Product Market Fit exitoso, los emprendedores deben:

  1. Identificar y entender el mercado objetivo: Realizar investigaciones de mercado y entrevistas con clientes potenciales para comprender sus necesidades y expectativas.
  2. Desarrollar un producto que satisfaga las necesidades del mercado: Ajustar el producto basándose en la retroalimentación recibida para satisfacer mejor las demandas del mercado.
  3. Probar y obtener retroalimentación: Continuar con el proceso iterativo de prueba y mejora del producto, basándose en la retroalimentación directa de los usuarios.
  4. Refinar el producto constantemente: Mejorar y ajustar el producto según sea necesario para asegurar que se mantenga relevante y en demanda dentro del mercado.

La validación del Product Market Fit no solo aumenta las probabilidades de éxito empresarial sino que también minimiza riesgos, facilita la planificación estratégica, fomenta la innovación y asegura que los recursos se inviertan en ideas viables y rentables

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In your new company you have to validate these two stages

  • Validation of the client-problem-solution:

The initial stage of product or service development, which seeks to identify and validate that the customer problem is real, that customers are willing to pay for a solution, and that the proposed solution effectively solves the problem. This is early concept validation and focuses on ensuring that the right product is being built for the right market.

  • Product-market fit:

Further stage of product or service development, which seeks to ensure that the proposed solution is a good fit for the market and that there is sufficient customer demand for the product or service. In other words, it is about validating that the product or service is in line with the needs and wants of the market, and that there is a large enough market for the product or service.

Customer-problem-solution validation focuses on validating that the right product is being built for the right market, while product-market fit focuses on validating that the product or service is a good fit for the market and that there is sufficient demand for it. Both stages are important in product or service development and must be validated to ensure market success.

Customer validation problem solution

Customer-problem-solution validation is a key process for entrepreneurs seeking to develop a product or service that effectively meets customer needs. The following are the steps to carry out a successful customer-problem-solution validation:


It is important to have a clear understanding of who the ideal customers are for the product or service being developed. This involves having a detailed understanding of their needs, wants and problems.


Once you have identified the ideal customer, it is important to define the specific problem you are trying to solve for that customer. This may require researching and obtaining feedback from potential customers to better understand their needs and problems.


After defining the problem, a solution must be developed to solve it. This solution must be designed to meet the specific needs and wants of the customer and be viable from a business perspective.


It is important to obtain feedback from potential customers on the proposed solution to ensure that it meets their needs and solves the identified problem. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews or proofs of concept to assess the customers' reaction to the solution.


If the proposed solution does not meet the needs of the clients or does not solve the identified problem effectively, the solution needs to be adjusted and refined. This may involve redefining the problem or devising an alternative solution.

Customer-problem-solution validation is a crucial process for entrepreneurs seeking to develop a product or service that effectively meets customer needs. It involves identifying the ideal customer, defining the problem, developing a solution, validating the solution with customers, and refining the solution as necessary.

Practical examples of customer validation problem solution

The following are some practical examples of customer-problem-solution validation:


Dropbox founders Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi realised they had a common problem: they couldn't access their important files from anywhere. To validate their proposed solution, they began working on a prototype of their cloud storage service and shared it with friends and family to get feedback. This early feedback allowed them to fine-tune and refine their solution before launching it to the market.


Airbnb founders Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky realised that many people were attending a conference in their city and that hotels were sold out. To validate their proposed solution of offering home accommodation, they created a website with photos and details of their flat and posted it on Craigslist. They received several requests for accommodation, which allowed them to validate their solution before investing more time and money in it.

  • MINT

Mint founders Aaron Patzer and Jeff Padawer realised that most people did not track their spending and did not know where their money was being spent. To validate their proposed solution, they created a prototype of their expense tracking service and shared it with friends and family to get feedback. This feedback allowed them to fine-tune and refine their solution before launching it to the market.


PayPal founders Peter Thiel and Max Levchin realised that it was difficult to send money online securely and easily. To validate their proposed solution, they created a prototype of their online money transfer service and offered it to friends and family for feedback. This feedback allowed them to adjust and refine their solution before launching it to the market.

These examples demonstrate the importance of validating the value proposition and solution with potential customers before investing time and resources in developing a product or service. Early feedback from potential customers can help entrepreneurs adjust and refine their solution to effectively meet the needs and wants of the market.


Product-Market Fit we need to validate that your product or service is able to meet the needs of the target market. In other words, it is about finding a balance between what the product or service offers and what the market demands. The idea behind Product Market Fit is that if a product or service does not meet the needs of the target market, no matter how much effort is put into its development, it will not succeed. Therefore, the aim is to find an appropriate fit between the product or service and the market.

To achieve Product-Market Fit, it is important to follow some key steps:

  1. Identify and understand the target market: It is important to know your target audience and understand their needs, wants and expectations. Conduct market research and interviews with potential customers to gain an in-depth understanding of the market.
  2. Develop a product or service that meets the needs of the market: Use the information you have gathered to create a product or service that meets the needs of the market. Make sure that the product or service is unique and differentiated.
  3. Testing and feedback: Test your product or service with potential customers and get feedback on their experience. Make sure you are solving a real problem for them and that they are willing to pay for your solution.
  4. Continuous improvement: Use the feedback to improve your product or service and make it even more market-fit. Keep testing and improving until you achieve Product-Market Fit.

The Product-Market Fit is fundamental to the success of any business. It is important to identify and understand the target market, develop a product or service that meets their needs, test and get feedback, and continue to improve until a good fit between the product or service and the market is achieved. If you follow these steps, you will be on the right path to business success.

Why is Product Market Fit important for an entrepreneur?

Product-Market Fit is essential for the success of an entrepreneur for several reasons:

  1. Maximise the chances of success: Product-Market Fit increases a venture's chances of success. If the product or service offered by a venture meets the needs of the market, customers are more likely to be willing to pay for it and recommend it to others.
  2. It reduces risk: Achieving Product-Market Fit helps to reduce the risk of failure of a venture. If the product or service does not meet the needs of the market, it is unlikely to succeed, which can lead to the failure of the venture.
  3. It allows for better planning: By achieving Product-Market Fit, entrepreneurs can get a better idea of market demand and adjust their business plan accordingly. This may include adjusting prices, changing the marketing strategy or adjusting the product or service to better meet the needs of the market.
  4. It encourages innovation: By achieving Product-Market Fit, entrepreneurs can focus on innovation and the development of new ideas, rather than worrying about the viability of the product or service in the market. This can foster long-term growth and success.

The Product-Market Fit is important for an entrepreneur because it maximises the chances of success, reduces risk, enables better planning and encourages innovation. By achieving the right fit between the product or service and the market, entrepreneurs can establish a solid foundation for long-term business success.

Examples of failures due to lack of product market fit

There are many examples of business failures due to the lack of Product-Market Fit, here are some of the best known cases:

  1. Google Glass: Google launched its smart glasses, Google Glass, in 2013. However, the product never took off due to design issues and a very high price tag. The market simply wasn't ready for such advanced technology.
  2. Segway: The Segway is an electric personal transporter launched in 2001. Despite a great deal of hype and hype, it was never successful in the market due to its high price, lack of practical utility and safety limitations.
  3. Kodak: Kodak was a leader in the photography industry for many years, but failed to adapt to the digital age and new technology. Despite trying to enter the digital camera market, the company failed to find an adequate fit between its product offering and market demand.
  4. Quibi: Quibi was a video streaming platform launched in 2020 that focused on short-form content exclusively for mobile devices. Despite a large investment in advertising and a roster of celebrities at its launch, Quibi was unsuccessful due to a lack of engaging content and a lack of understanding of the consumer market.
  5. Amazon Fire Phone: Amazon launched its own smartphone, the Fire Phone, in 2014. However, the product never took off due to its high price and a lack of significant differentiation in the smartphone market.

These examples show how a lack of Product-Market Fit can lead to business failure. If a product or service does not meet the needs of the market, it is unlikely to succeed, regardless of the quality or value it offers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to make sure that there is a good match between their offer and the needs of the market before launching their product or service.



Now that you have learned about Product Market Fit, apply it to your project by reflecting on this question:

  1. What validations have you done to check that the customer is willing to pay for your solution?
  2. See this video (+) of our Webinar.





Picture of Jose Navarro

Jose Navarro

Activating creativity and innovation through gamification.
Todos los Comentarios

  1. Marketing plan - Mentor Day WikiTips

    [...] we are not clear about our customer segment, if the proposal is not yet attractive, i.e. the product market fit has to be [...]

  2. Luis-Fernando Robledano-Esteban

    I always remember "A solution in search of a problem" as one of the main causes of failure in startups and I am very clear about the need for VEC to test and if possible even charge before having a developed solution.
    Stage 1) Product Market fit: already done and is what led me to Rocket.
    Stage 2) Transition: I precisely offer a discount in exchange for holding interviews to not only give more personalised attention but also get feedback.
    Stage 3) Growth: I'm not there yet with EUROPEA.RED - Rocket 😉

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