Email marketing


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Email marketing" - take a look and discover this TIP!

Email marketing is a digital marketing technique that consists of sending mass emails with the aim of promoting products, services or events.

Success stories of companies that have used email marketing

Here are some examples of companies that have used email marketing successfully:

  1. Airbnb: uses email marketing to keep their users informed about new properties, promotions and discounts. They have been able to increase their email open rate and achieve a 25% click through rate with their personalised email strategy.
  2. Uber: uses email to send reminders and updates about their services. They also use email to promote new services and special offers. They have achieved a 40% open rate with their email strategy.
  3. The Skimm: is a daily email newsletter aimed at young women. They have used email to build a large follower base and achieve a 50% open rate. They also use email to promote events and products related to their brand.
  4. Grammarly: is a grammar correction tool that uses email to send tips and suggestions to its users. They have achieved an open rate of 60% with their personalised email strategy.
  5. Bonobos: uses email to promote their men's clothing and products. They have been able to increase their click-through rate by 25% by using personalised emails and special promotions for subscribers.


To prevent your emails from ending up in the spam folder, follow these tips:

  1. Use a reliable and reputable email provider: By using a reliable email provider, you increase the likelihood that your emails will be delivered to the inbox.
  2. Use a recognisable sender: Make sure that the sender's name and email address are recognisable to the recipients. If recipients do not recognise the sender, they are more likely to mark the email as spam.
  3. Avoid using spam words and phrases: Avoid using words and phrases that often appear in spam emails, such as "special offer" or "quick cash". It is also advisable to avoid excessive use of exclamation marks and capital letters.
  4. Includes an unsubscribe option: Include an unsubscribe option in your emails so that recipients can unsubscribe at any time if they no longer wish to receive emails.
  5. Personalise your emails: Personalise your emails with the recipient's name and use conversational language to create a closer connection with the recipient.
  6. Avoid attaching large files: Large files can cause your emails to be marked as spam. If you need to send large files, use an online file transfer service.
  7. Test it out: Before sending a mass email campaign, test by sending the email to yourself and to other recipients to ensure that it is not filtered as spam.

Here is a case study of how an entrepreneur can apply email marketing in his new business:

Imagine you are the founder of a new online shop selling clothing for young women. Your goal is to increase sales and build customer loyalty. You decide to use email marketing to promote your products and maintain constant communication with your customers.

These are the steps you would follow:
  1. Segmentation of the database: The first thing you should do is segment your customer database to send personalised and relevant emails. You can segment by age, location, purchase history, product preferences, among others.
  2. E-mail design: Design an attractive and personalised email with images of your products, offers and promotions. Make sure the email is responsive, i.e. that it adapts to any mobile device or computer.
  3. Content of the e-mail: Make sure the content of the email is clear, concise and persuasive. Highlight the features and benefits of your products and offer incentives to make a purchase, such as exclusive discounts for email subscribers.
  4. Call-to-action: Include a clear and visible call to action in the email, such as a "buy now" or "download coupon" button. This will motivate your customers to make a purchase or visit your website.
  5. A/B testing: A/B test different subject lines, content and email layouts to see which works best with your audience and optimise your results.
  6. Email automation: Use email automation tools to schedule and send personalised emails at key times, such as birthdays, customer anniversaries or special dates.
  7. Measurement and analysis of results: Track the results of your email campaigns, such as open rates, clicks and conversions. Use this data to optimise your future email marketing campaigns.

By following these steps, you will be able to use email marketing effectively in your new business to increase sales and customer loyalty. Email marketing consists of use e-mail as a channel to reach your customer segment, as a way to promote your products and services to increase your sales.. Data protection law prohibits the sending of advertising messages (email, WhatsApp, voice...) that have not been previously explicitly consented to by the recipient. Entrepreneurs must assume this risk, y mitigate this by hiring the services of a specialist plus taking out insurance to cover damages and legal defence in case you are fined by the data protection agency. 

Some keys to make your emailing campaign effective and reach decent email open rates (>10%). Create your database of your customer segment (+), Avoid spam filters, send from an acquaintance, think a lot about the subject, personalise each email as much as possible... good links, few images, choose the right time to send... newsletters are very useful. Obtaining the email database of your customer segment is a very important step. Buying databases without segmenting them is useless and dangerous, the best thing to do is to create your own email database that you obtain little by little at trade fairs, meetings, LinkedIn, associations... I recommend that you store this valuable information about each person in a CRM (we use ZOHO).

In addition, si you send many emails at the same time, the mail servers will classify you as spam by blocking mail from your account. Check that you are not on blacklists. To avoid this spam problem, it is better not to send from your account and to send from platforms specialised in mailings such as MailChimp, SendiBlue... consult mentorAdvisor to locate experts. The subject line of your email is key to getting your email opened. Email marketing allows you to measure results (email by email and campaign by campaign), both individually and globally. Sending systems provide all the necessary statistics to measure the effectiveness of your actions. They are not public statistics, only the campaign administrators can see them, which differentiates it from other media in the area of digital marketing.

Proper audience segmentation is one of the cornerstones of email marketing.

For most companies, it is a question of a fairly fast, efficient and above all direct means of transport. to communicate with consumers and offer something that meets their interests. So, it manages to generate, an image of a company that cares about the needs of its audience.

Benefits of Email Marketing

#1. Information exchange

You will be able to learn about users' behaviour, their interests and learn how to offer them a service based on their expectations.

#2. Traffic redirection

Take advantage of the opportunity to include links on your website to improve your SEO. In addition, you will be able to reduce the amount of information in each email, where you can only include a maximum of three short paragraphs and an image. 

#3. Personalised messages

Start the email with Hello or Dear and their name, the more you personalise each email, the better results you will get! Promotional marketing is another way to communicate with customers and new users. You can target particular groups of customers or even individuals.

#4. Data

Beware of anyone who replies asking you to unsubscribe from the mailing list. You must pay attention to the user emails you receive in response to the automatic ones.. Firstly, you need to find out which emails are being responded to and identify which leads you can convert.

#5. Tight budget

It is very important to know what you are promoting and the message you want to send so that it can be read. Write an attractive subject heading and content, if you don't make it relevant to the recipient, it's worthless.

#6. Simple design

It is important to have your emails in responsive design and to make an impact on users. On the other hand, you have to write your emails in a precise way and include all the relevant information that you want the user to respond to and avoid distractions.

#7. Follow-up

It is also important to know at what time you have to launch the email marketing campaign. Best times or days.

#8. Adjusted mailing list

Email segmentation is necessary to be able to classify users by shopping preferences. You can use external tools to help you personalise these emails.

#9. Continuous improvement

It is advisable to establish a routine that works for you and then improve it.

#10. Increases revenues

If email marketing is developed correctly, it can boost the company's revenue. If a good strategy is planned in conjunction with social networks, it is an excellent way to get users to visit your website or blog. Therefore, revenue will increase.

Some tips to keep in mind when using email marketing:

  • Use all your resources. Include relevant links. Also, make a good mix of text, images and videos. Don't overdo it with the design... emails with too much design are deleted as advertising!
  • Surprise. It takes the user out of the routine, out of the typical newsletter they receive every Monday by including an impactful image, an original phrase or a novel video.
  • Capitalise on opportunities. A well segmented database will allow you to make your company or brand relevant in the most important moments of the audience's life. Birthday messages, congratulations, celebration of milestones in people's lives, greeting messages, etc.
  • Motivation. If the campaign always includes a newsletter, add a promotion, offer or invitation to an event.
  • Make customers feel special. Have details that are relevant to your audience. Send them a simple gift, an invitation, organise something just for them.
  • Update. Depending on the area of interest, there are audiences for everything. If your database is made up of business people, provide up-to-date information on the sector and the competition. If they are young people, about their topics of interest.
  • Be an ally. After-sales or post-registration service is key to keeping a customer happy. Send them product or service updates and even relevant reminders to show them that you are there to help them.
  • Share knowledge. Depending on the area of expertise, knowledge sharing is possible. It is feasible to consult the mailing list on who would be interested in subscribing to an online tutorial, webinar or workshop.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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