Entrepreneurial leadership


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What makes a great leader?

Not everyone has the qualities to take on a tough job that never stops, but at the same time is immensely rewarding.

In the case of an entrepreneur, the ideal is to develop leadership skills as early as possible in his or her life or career in order to carry them out with his or her project and work team.

In addition, if you invest in becoming a good leader, you will know how to get it right when it comes to promote your business and get customers quickly to help you make your venture a success.

Many entrepreneurs support themselves by creating a mind map to map out what areas of the business they want to work on and how they want to do it, but we will still leave you with eight characteristics you can focus on to become the best leader you can be.

1. Responsibility and liability

One of the most challenging aspects of being a leader is that it comes with great responsibility. The leader needs to position himself as someone on whom others can depend. He or she must be the person who can complete tasks when they are assigned to him or her. A good leader knows how to take the initiative and speak up if he or she feels that things are not working as they should, even outside the work environment.

So, if you want to be a leader in your life and in your business, you must demonstrate that you can not only do the job, but also handle the pressure that comes with being in charge. One way to be seen as a leader is to maintain a positive attitude, even when things go wrong.

Eventually things will not go as planned, it is inevitable, so it is time to demonstrate your potential as a leader to others.

2. Hard work

The people around you must be able to see that you are ready to do the hard work required of a leader. This doesn't mean you should work longer hours or give up on having a life.

Working hard means working smart:

When there is a problem, you work on it to solve it. You don't shy away from difficult tasks just because they are challenging, but you are ready to make an effort. Also, keep in mind that hard work does not mean saying yes to everything.

Honestly, it's not the best use of your time, even if you try to organise yourself, it's not the idea to have your time so full of activities that you barely have a moment available to do any leisure activities. If you don't know how to do something or you can't take on any more tasks, don't be afraid to say no.

3. Social skills

Leaders communicate with people on a regular basis, so your interpersonal skills need to be excellent. You need to make the people around you feel appreciated and that they can talk to you when they need to.

Make people feel comfortable and inspired. You have to lead by example, and that's important in the way you handle people. We recommend that you seek to understand that everyone has different personalities; you cannot treat everyone the same and expect the same results.

Give people the space they need to shine, but stay close enough to notice when someone needs you. You have to strike a delicate balance in the way you relate to people. It will take some practice, but this is an important part of being a leader.

4. Trust

A leader must be confident in everything he or she does, especially in the decisions he or she makes. It is important that you do not question yourself because you will not be able to instil confidence in your team. Of course, confidence comes with practice and experience. However, there are some ways in which you can develop it now. One of them is to learn how to make a good first impression on the people around you.

Another is looking to break the ice when you enter a venue where you don't know anyone. From jokes to personal anecdotes, any comment is a good way to start an interaction.

Developing your confidence and exuding it when you are around your team will make them see you as a leader they want to follow. We recommend that you look for online infographics with positive quotes and tips to boost your confidence every day and show the world the best version of you.

5. Perseverance

Being a leader means not giving up at the first hurdle. This is particularly difficult especially when you are starting out with a venture. There are more stones that will appear in your path as an entrepreneur, but you have to persevere in the face of adversity if you want to be a leader.

This does not mean persevering when a task is useless, that is another waste of time (and not a good quality to have as a leader). Instead, perseverance is more about facing the odds and striving to come out on top no matter what. The "never say die" attitude is contagious and will support everyone around you.

6. Ingenuity

As a leader, it is inevitable that you will find yourself in unexpected situations at some point. In such circumstances, your resourcefulness will come in handy. Use your imagination to solve problems in different situations and always look for solutions instead of focusing on what went wrong. When people see how resourceful you can be in even the most difficult situations, you can begin to make great strides towards becoming a leader.

7. Analysis

Leaders must also be very analytical. Don't settle for approximate results when you are trying to make a decision. You need to know the facts and understand their context in order to make a decision that can potentially affect everyone you work with.

While it is important to be analytical, you should also be open-minded. Listen to what others have to say about the facts; they may influence your impression of the issue. Whenever you work on a project, conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, which will help you see the positive and negative aspects of your plan and how it can be improved.

As often as possible, look for accurate statistics so that you always have something to back up your decision-making process. One way of doing this analysis is through a gantt chart. It will allow you to visually communicate your project schedule in a simple and understandable way and make decisions with the data at hand.

8. Positive attitude

Nobody likes a negative person, not at university, not at work, and definitely not in your life. As a leader, it is your duty to be positive. You are in charge of other people who follow you and are inspired by you. If you are negative about something, that feeling will spread. You must be a ray of sunshine among the dark clouds. Show people that things are not as bad as they think.

Look for the good in the world and share it with everyone. Be the person who initiates team building activities to bring people together and make your work environment more enjoyable. When things go wrong, look at the lessons you can learn from them, don't dwell on the mistakes. Keeping a positive attitude will lift your mood and the working environment around you, making you an effective leader.

In summary, we believe these eight skills will help you become the leader you need to be. While you cannot acquire these skills overnight, with time and practice, you can become the leader you want to be and make a difference to people and places, be it your start-up or any other environment.


The exponential leadership or digital leadership, eis present in a multitude of startups and new companies that make innovation (see TIP) and creativity (see TIP) its hallmark.

They stand out for and for its analytical vision, and above all for its radical questioning of traditional models, always looking for new opportunities and differentiation.

5 qualities of these new leaders:


Exponential leaders believe above all in an open business culture that challenges the status quo and expresses authenticity and transparency in the workplace.


A determining factor for the success of a service or product is the ability to solve a problem experienced by a customer segment. The creative and innovative attitude of this new type of leadership is fundamental for many companies.

Moreover, they carefully evaluate what they offer, with an eye far beyond the commercial value, seeking to satisfy something much closer to the needs of humanity.


For any professional it is essential to continue learning, you are never fully prepared and you never know enough.

Learning and experimenting becomes much more than a necessity, talking to workers, getting to know the ins and outs of their tasks and empathetically understanding that there is always something that can be improved and was unknown.


Exponential leaders see problems as opportunities to grow and also to learn.

A startup may fall, companies come and go, but the attitude and experience remain, with new and better opportunities emerging.


Many talk about the need for employee involvement in the company, but few make this requirement an indispensable part of management.

A exponential leader is fully committed to his project and his team, works and fights hard for and with them for the common good. These leaders can take fifteen minutes every day to talk and debate passionately with their team, engaging and involving their workers, something unheard of in the traditional model.





Picture of Ermelinda Maglione

Ermelinda Maglione

Senior copywriter, SEO content specialist, social media strategist and manager. Bilingual: English and Spanish.
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