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Derailment: this is a behaviour or weakness that prevents the leader (our entrepreneur) from fulfilling the expectations that the organisation has placed in him/her and that requires development in order to adapt to the demands of his/her job. (Difficulty of the entrepreneur to become a good leader).
360 degree feedback for entrepreneurs 360 degree feedback is a tool that consists of receiving feedback from the business environment with the aim of learning about oneself and continuing to improve in one's entrepreneurship. We understand feedback to be the information that we offer to another person with the intention of giving him or her the
DISC Methodology Imagine for a moment that you had a pair of glasses whose lenses had the power to scan the inside of people's minds, so that you could predict their behaviour in certain situations: How they react to stress. How they motivate themselves and how to motivate them. How they communicate
Claves para centrar el RETO del emprendedor en la sesión de mentoring  El mentor debe de RETAR a su emprendedor, pero…. ¿Cómo hacer que tu emprendedor se centre en un reto concreto?. Debemos dedicarle atención y foco a esta competencia, pues tanto si el emprendedor tiene muchos retos, (en este
aprendizaje emprendedor
Discover the keys to learning for entrepreneurs and how to apply them to your business. Learn to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
modelo grow mentoring emprendedores
Learn about the GROW model in mentoring entrepreneurs and how it can help you achieve your goals. Discover each phase of the process
Beneficios del coaching
Acelera tu empresa con estos consejos de expertos «Beneficios del coaching para emprendedores». ¡Analiza y descubre esta TIP!
autoconocimiento mentor
Descubre la importancia del autoconocimiento para ser un buen mentor y guiar a emprendedores. Aprende a identificar tus fortalezas
modelo aprendizaje emprendedores VAK
¿Conoces el modelo VAK para el aprendizaje? Descubre cómo puede ayudarte a mejorar tu capacidad de absorción de conocimientos como emprendedor
Evita al saboteador interno del emprendedor
Descubre cómo identificar y vencer al saboteador interno del emprendedor. Aprende estrategias efectivas para evitar el autosabotaje