Market positioning


Accelerate your business with these expert tips on "Market, brand, product positioning". Analyse and discover this TIP!

Market positioning is one of the keys to ensuring the success and economic viability of your company. When an entrepreneur seeks to create a company, he/she must look for the positioning he/she wants to achieve in the market, with respect to the competition of products and brands that will also compete to carve out their own niche.

The A company's market positioning is understood as the position it occupies in the mind of a consumer vis-à-vis the competition that also operates on the same playing field, either with the same products or with substitute products.

People have ideas, thoughts, opinions, even feelings about the brands they buy. They may think that some products are important or unnecessary, that some companies care about our health, and others about the environment, just as they may believe that some brands are more expensive than others. These consumer perceptions of one company versus another is what is known as positioning.

It is very important to find the right market positioning. See TIP competition map to find your niche. Furthermore, it is essential that the positioning we occupy is the one we intend to show so that there is no difference between what is projected and what is perceived outside our company.

How to position yourself in the market?

This is one of the most important and complicated tasks for marketing and communication experts in companies, as it takes time and requires a marketing plan with coordinated and coherent actions that make the consumer see us as we want to be seen.

Brand positioning

Good brand positioning is achieved by actively communicating the benefits, attributes and distinctive values of a brand and its products to your target audience. CANVAS (+).

Achieving a good brand positioning or product positioning in the minds of consumers strengthens the company, can lead it to confer a real competitive advantage (+)

Examples of brand positioning


This strategy is based on trying to position oneself based on the lifestyle of the target consumer and is a type of strategy that is very present in the automotive sector.


Through this model, it is the consumer, through his or her experience, who positions the brand or product in the minds of other consumers.


It is based on the use of the product itself, which is linked to a specific time, place and environment. This is the case, for example, with sports energy drinks or sunscreen.


This is the tactic followed by brands that want to be related to exclusivity and luxury, basically basing their positioning on the quality of the product or its price. ¡¡!This is the positioning resource most used by the big fashion and jewellery brands!


Through this technique, you can make a comparison of your product with one or more other products of the competition, to highlight the supremacy of your product over the rest. It is very common in the case of detergents.


This strategy aims to position a product in the minds of consumers by highlighting the benefits of its use or consumption. In addition to the obvious need that the user wants to cover with the purchase of the product, if the company attributes complementary benefits to the product, it will be easier to achieve an optimal positioning in the mind of the target audience.


The main basis for positioning in this case is the technical characteristics of the product. It is mainly used in automotive and technology companies.


Products are the most rational part of a company's relationship with its consumers, as they have a basis of experimentation and usability that intangible elements do not possess.

Thus, product positioning is based on principles other than branding and responds to the marketing strategy, where market segmentation is taken as a starting point.

Depending on how this segmentation has been carried out, the process may require a more or less complicated methodology. The greater the precision with which the fragmentation is carried out according to demographic, geographic, market size, psychographic, customs or accessibility criteria, the better product positioning can be obtained.


Positioning refers to a firm's position in relation to other competing brands. This position is achieved according to the strategy adopted.

Here are six examples of the most widely used and successful positioning strategies:

It is clear that it is the relationship between price and quality that is the determining factor. A good example of the success of this strategy is the Rolex brand, which has positioned itself as a prestigious watch brand at high prices, allowing access to a small group of consumers where exclusivity is at stake.


The brand manages to position itself as a benchmark in its specific sector. This is the case of the Kleenex brand in the field of tissues and Danone in the case of yoghurts.


In this strategy, the brand is positioned on the basis of the benefits it brings. For example, an anti-wrinkle and rejuvenating cream or a toothpaste with whitening and anti-tooth decay power.


In this case, the strategy focuses on a specific attribute of the product or brand. For example: the age of the brand or the size.

In this case, it is better to concentrate the strategy on a single attribute, the one that makes the most difference, because the more attributes you try to position, the more difficult it will be to occupy a preferential space in the mind of the target audience.


This strategy is based on comparing the advantages of the product with those of the competition, showing supremacy.


Positioning is achieved by relating the product to a specific moment in time, highlighting its quality and specificity.


Brands are emotional assets that are irremediably linked to the realm of emotions and feelings. Depending on the feelings they arouse among consumers, their relationship with the brand will be stronger or weaker.

Every company needs to know where it is positioned in the minds of consumers in order to implement an appropriate strategy to position itself for success. Some of the companies that have achieved optimal brand positioning, are Apple or Coca-Cola, The project has been successful in achieving a good perception among consumers, as well as their involvement.

Market positioning is important to ensure the success of a company. It refers to the position a company occupies in the consumer's mind compared to the competition. Proper positioning can give the company a competitive advantage and strengthen its brand.

To achieve good brand positioning, it is important to communicate the benefits, attributes and distinctive values of the brand and its products to the target audience. Some positioning strategies include basing it on consumer lifestyle, product usage, quality or price, comparison with competitors, product benefits or technical features.

Product positioning refers to the marketing strategy based on market segmentation and responds to different principles than branding. Aome product positioning strategies include relying on price/quality ratio, product category, product benefits, product attributes, comparison with competitors, product use or application, and brand image.

In order to implement a proper positioning strategy, it is important that the company knows its position in the consumer's mind and works accordingly. Successful companies with optimal brand positioning include Apple and Coca-Cola.


  1. Specialisation in a niche market: One way to position the company is to identify a niche market with specific needs and focus on satisfying them. For example, a company that specialises in selling organic and natural products can stand out in a market saturated by large supermarket chains.
  2. Price differentiation: Another way to position the company is to offer lower prices than the competition. For example, a company that specialises in selling low-priced clothing may attract consumers who are looking to save money on their purchases.
  3. Top quality: A focus on the quality of the product or service can also help position the company. For example, a company that specialises in selling high-quality handmade jewellery may attract consumers who are looking for unique and durable pieces.
  4. Geographical positioning: A company can position itself according to its geographical location. For example, a company that is located in a tourist area may stand out by offering specific tourism products or services.
  5. Recognised brand: A recognised and respected brand is also a way of positioning the company. For example, a company that has a reputation for excellence in electronics manufacturing can stand out in the marketplace.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other positioning strategies that can work for different types of businesses. It is important for entrepreneurs to analyse their market and competition to identify the most effective positioning strategy for their business.

How can the artificial intelligence (see+ TIP) help to position a company in the market?

Artificial intelligence can help position a company in the market by providing information and advice on marketing and branding strategies, as well as help identify market opportunities and analyse competition.

For example, artificial intelligence can provide recommendations on how to define and communicate the company's value proposition, how to identify the target audience and segment the market, how to design an effective pricing strategy and how to select the right marketing channels to reach potential customers.

In addition, artificial intelligence can provide information on market trends and consumer behaviour that can be useful for business decision-making. It can also help to identify the right keywords for search engine optimisation and to create quality content for online business promotion.

In a nutshell, can provide valuable information and advice to position a company in the market and help entrepreneurs make strategic decisions based on data and analysis.


Let's imagine that an entrepreneur has an online shop that sells eco-friendly and sustainable products. The company is new and needs to position its brand and products in the market to attract potential customers and generate sales.

In this case, the entrepreneur could use artificial intelligence to obtain recommendations on brand and product positioning strategies based on his target market, competition and other relevant factors.

  • What are the main marketing channels I should use to reach my target audience?
  • What kind of messages and content should I use to attract my target audience and differentiate myself from my competitors?
  • What features of my products should I highlight to attract customers interested in green and sustainable products?
  • What pricing strategies should I use to be competitive in the market and at the same time generate sufficient revenue for my company?

In addition, artificial intelligence could help the entrepreneur create a keyword strategy to improve their search engine ranking and increase the visibility of their website. It could also provide recommendations on how to improve the user experience on their website to increase conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

In short, artificial intelligence could help the entrepreneur to get personalised and targeted recommendations to position his company in the market and increase its visibility, attractiveness and sales.

Positioning a company internationally

Positioning a company internationally can be a major challenge due to the complexity of the global market and competition in different countries and cultures.


  1. Market research: Before entering a foreign market, it is important to understand the culture, language, rules and regulations, competitors and customer needs in that country. Detailed market research can provide valuable information to create an effective positioning strategy.
  2. Global brand strategy: Branding is a key element in the positioning of a company. It is important to create a coherent and effective brand strategy that is relevant and attractive to international customers.
  3. Effective communication: Effective communication is crucial to reach international customers. It is important to adapt the marketing message and communication strategy to the language and culture of each country.
  4. Product adaptability: A company's product or service must be adapted to the requirements and preferences of international customers. This may require changes in product design, functionality and presentation.
  5. Alliances and partnerships: Alliances and partnerships can help position a company internationally. Collaborating with local companies or partnering with well-known brands can help create a stronger presence in a foreign market.

In terms of how artificial intelligence can help a company position itself internationally, it can provide relevant and up-to-date information on the global market, trends and best practices. In addition, artificial intelligence can help to create effective marketing and communication strategies, provide recommendations on product adaptation and assist in identifying potential alliances and partnerships.






Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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