Business Model Canvas

Business Model CANVAS

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El Modelo Canvas: Un Enfoque Efectivo para Definir Propuestas de Valor Empresarial

El Modelo Canvas, concebido por Alexander Osterwalder en 2008, es una herramienta fundamental para la definición de propuestas de negocio a partir de propuestas de valor. Desarrollado junto a Ives Pigneur y presentado en el libro «Business Model Generation» en 2010, este modelo destaca por su aplicabilidad sencilla, siendo útil para organizaciones de cualquier dimensión y sector.

Los Nueve Pasos del Modelo Canvas:

  1. Segmentar Clientes: Identificar oportunidades de negocio mediante la especificación clara del segmento de mercado al que se desea dirigir. Puede ser un mercado masivo, nicho, segmentado, diversificado o de múltiples caras.

  2. Definir Propuesta de Valor: Elaborar la propuesta de valor del negocio considerando variables como novedad, rendimiento, diseño, marca, precio, accesibilidad y conveniencia. Diferenciarse de la competencia es clave.

  3. Delimitar Canales de Comunicación y Distribución: Establecer la estrategia para acceder a los clientes y entregar productos/servicios. Decidir entre canales propios o intermediarios, así como la longitud del canal.

  4. Establecer Relaciones con Clientes: Definir el tipo de relaciones que la empresa mantendrá con sus clientes, ya sean directas o indirectas, personales o impersonales, y basadas en el autoservicio, servicios automatizados o trato personal.

  5. Determinar Fuentes Económicas: Establecer las contraprestaciones que los clientes pagarán por el producto/servicio ofrecido, ya sea mediante venta, tarifas, cuotas de suscripción, licencias o honorarios.

  6. Identificar Recursos Claves: Reconocer los recursos necesarios para desarrollar la propuesta de valor, incluyendo materiales (físicos, humanos y financieros) e inmateriales (intelectuales e intangibles).

  7. Conocer Actividades Clave: Identificar las acciones críticas para la empresa desde perspectivas como la producción, la solución de problemas y el establecimiento de plataformas y redes.

  8. Identificar Socios Claves: Establecer alianzas con socios estratégicos, tanto no competidores (proveedores, clientes) como competidores, para complementar recursos y garantizar el éxito del modelo.

  9. Diseñar la Estructura de Costes: Dividir entre costos fijos y variables, estimar los costos y asegurarse de que sean inferiores a los ingresos para garantizar la viabilidad económica de la empresa.


Conclusiones sobre el Modelo Canvas:

El Modelo Canvas destaca por su simplicidad y aplicabilidad universal. Su enfoque estructurado en nueve pasos ofrece una guía clara para la formulación de propuestas de valor empresarial. Al segmentar clientes, definir propuestas de valor, delimitar canales, establecer relaciones, determinar fuentes económicas, identificar recursos y capacidades, conocer actividades clave, identificar socios y diseñar la estructura de costes, las organizaciones pueden desarrollar modelos de negocio sólidos y sostenibles.

Este enfoque ha demostrado ser efectivo independientemente del tamaño o sector de la organización, convirtiéndolo en una herramienta valiosa para emprendedores y empresas establecidas por igual.

If you are in the initial phases (EMPRENDE phase) do not complete the questions of the internationalisation phase.



  1. Identify your customer segment (see+): define who your ideal customers are and what characteristics they have. You can use tools such as the customer profile or buyer persona (+) to create a detailed description of them. Make a complete list of all your customer segments.
  2. Select the customer segment in which you can grow the fastest.
  3. What problem or need does this customer segment have? (see+).
  4. What is the value proposition of your solution? Focus only on one customer segment. Describe your value proposition (see+): analyse what needs or problems of your customers you are going to solve with your product or service. 
  5. Describe the solution you have created (see+).
  6. Define your distribution channel: determine how you will reach your customers and how you will distribute your products or services. You can use tools such as the empathy map (see+) for get to know your customers better (see+) and determine the appropriate distribution channel. 
  7. Determine your sources of income (see+): describe how you will earn revenue through your business model. You can consider different options, such as direct sales, pay-per-subscription, advertising, among others.
  8. Does it show that your solution fits your customer segment's needs? (see+) 
  1. Identify your key resources (see+): determine what resources you need to carry out your business model, such as personnel, technology, equipment, financing, among others. 
  2. Define your key activities (see+): analyse which are the key activities you need to perform for your business model to work, such as production, marketing, customer support, among others. 
  3. Identify your key partners and suppliers (see+): determine which partners and suppliers are important to the success of your business model. You can consider strategic allies, technology providers, service providers, among others.
  4. Analyse your cost structure (see+): determine what are the costs associated with your business model and how you are going to manage them. You can consider different aspects such as fixed, variable, production, distribution and other costs.

When you get to the end write on your canvas (CANVAS), put only the key words that summarise the reflections and conclusions you have described in the deliverable. You can make a CANVAS for each customer segment. 


If you are internationalising, each country should be treated in a separate CANVAS.

  1. Why do you want to internationalise? (see+)
  2. Explain why you are ready, why you are ready (see+).
  3. Which countries have you chosen (see+)?
  4. Adapt the business model to each chosen country (see+).

It is an excellent tool that helps you design the business model of your new company, it shows how you are going to create value. Known simply as "CANVAS", it is very easy to use, as it visualises the 9 most important areas that you need to have clear and validated in the market. This business model design tool was created in 2004 by the entrepreneur and professor of the University of Lausanne Alexander Osterwalder, who made it known in his successful book "Generation of business models", co-written with the Belgian professor Yves Pigneur, and in which 470 experts participated providing practical cases of real companies. 

The CANVAS - a French word meaning "canvas" - soon began to be used by large multinationals, such as Ericsson or General Electric, and also by numerous start-up businesses around the world and is recommended for all types of companies and all types of sectors.

The 9 modules answer the typical questions anyone would ask you to get to know your project.

  • ¿A who? (customers, relationship, channel).
  • ¿What(proposal).
  • ¿How? (partners, activities, resources).
  • ¿How much(consumption and how much the model consumes).


The CANVAS is much more practical than the business plan (+) This is replaced by a simple outline the size of a sheet of paper, which integrates in nine sections or "modules" all the company's data in pursuit of its four main objectives.

  1. Knowing the client.
  2. Identify what problems or needs you have.
  3. Define a solution to these.
  4. Know how much they would be willing to pay for such a solution.

Unlike the business plan, the CANVAS uses a single table contained on a single page and divided into nine "modules" that entrepreneurs fill in, often with removable post-it notes (it is advisable to use a shared online version), so that the information, by definition changeable, can be updated quickly and easily adapted to the continuous evolution of the market. The CANVAS allows the business to adapt by the simple and easy method of substituting one key word for another, giving the information a visual, dynamic and interactive format.

Another major difference with respect to the business plan is that it forces you to be in constant contact with the client to find out their opinion on the product or service to be launched. The theoretical hypotheses on which the business plan has always been based are no longer valid. The motto of the CANVAS when you write a word is "go out into the street, ask the customer and feel the reality".

Thus, it serves as a roadmap that ensures that all important aspects of a business are covered, while, as a research and analysis tool, it uses a different colour to highlight what has already been validated. As feedback is received from the client, the "canvas" is modified, in a continuous process of refinement and adaptation, much faster than the business plan. We always keep it updated!!!! The CANVAS facilitates the participation of the entire team of founders, contributing ideas. 

  • Start with the right side, your customer, the emotional side. The left side is the rational side and is much easier to complete when the right side is clear.
  • Avoid the mistake of starting from the left without being clear about who your customer is.
  • Each customer segment is a different CANVAS. Create a CANVAS for each customer segment. There are entrepreneurs who like to give a colour to what each segment refers to, but in my opinion it complicates the analysis. 
  • If you are going to internationalise your company, create a CANVAS for each country in which you want to establish yourself. 
  • It is better to make a graphic that clearly shows your model and is easy to understand (if you have played Pictionary...).
  • Don't write too much, just put key words.... if you need to write more explanations for each module, do it in the business plan. A picture is worth a thousand words!!!
  • In the CANVAS it has to be seen how the euro moves, how it comes out of the customer's pocket, how it enters the company through revenues and how it goes out to pay for resources, activities and partners. 
  • Share your CANVAS with as many people as possible. The more people who understand it, the more feedback and value you will receive. If you don't receive advice, it's because you need to work on its clarity. Joan Miró is able to show you a concept just by drawing a line!
  • Use different colours for what is already validated, so that you can identify which hypotheses are not yet tested against reality.
  • Don't use post-it notes, use any of the online tools that make it easy to make corrections.


The Business Model Canvas consists of of 9 blocks which represent the key areas of your company and which you should carefully reflect on and contrast with the market in order to build the optimal business model for your company:

Groups of people your company is targeting. Segment is the grouping of customers who have in common the same need that we are going to satisfy or the same problem that we are going to solve. For each customer segment identified, we recommend that you create a different canvas. The business model is built around the customer segmentSo, it is very important that you focus on getting to know them perfectly, their demographic, psychographic, geographic and/or lifestyle profiles in order to get to know your customers perfectly.

A set of products or services that create value for the customer, to meet their needs or solve their problem. The value is created by the sum of key activities, and it is what makes the customer choose you over the competition - your competitive advantage! What is the solution you have designed and validated to satisfy the customer segment? To design the value proposition you can use the Design Thinking (+), which is based on observation, empathy and understanding of the problem to be solved by the products and services. you have already created and validated using the method Lean Startup (+).

How your company communicates with different customer segments to offer them a value proposition. Communication, distribution and sales channels establish the contact between your company and your customers. Which channel have you identified and validated to engage your customer segment? There are many channels, but you have to find out which ones work and which ones do not. have a lower CCS. It is the most efficient in your startup, since depending on the decisions you make at this point, you will have to shape one customer experience or another.

Here you will define how you are going to deliver the value proposition to each customer segment and which means of distribution(online, offline...). Personalised or automated relationship.

Who will be your key allies who will add value? They are all those qualified suppliers, strategic allies and business partners that will form a fundamental part of your business model, to complement your capabilities and enhance your value proposition, optimising resources and reducing uncertainty.

Key actions you need to take to make the business model work. Key activities are the actions that add value to the customer (value chain). Those that do not add value, although also necessary, are less important and can be outsourced or delegated. The activities where your core business (+) The sale is yours, and even more so in the early stages! We recommend you to use Trello (+) to incorporate all the activities you have in your head. And that, you order them with your mentor, starting with the core business (the one that brings you your competitive advantage (+)) and then those that add the most value.

They are those that consume costs, expenses or investments and are necessary for us to deliver value to the customer. Those that you will need to carry out the day-to-day operation of the business, such as machinery and equipment, furniture, transport, software, among others. You need to specify the quantity, intensity, type and quality of your resources.

How do you monetise the sales of your proposal? One-off sale, monthly subscription, membership, freemium (+), commission, etc..., and you will have to project the sales, in the short, medium and long term with unit quantity and price of each of your products, in order to know the cash flow that you will project in your company.

Where the money comes from. Design your structure of fixed and variable costs and investments needed in your business. Identify all the items that you will already quantify in the feasibility plan (+). Your model has to show clearly how the euro moves in your business, what comes in through payment from your customers and what goes out through consumption of resources, activities, partners...

The right side of the CANVAS is the emotional part, which is much more complicated to design (marketing fit...). The left is the more rational and therefore easier to design and calculate, but only when you have validated the emotional part.



We recommend that you complete one of the Lean Canvas webinars (+) we organise throughout the year (programming).

Aplicación Práctica del Modelo Canvas: Caso mentorDay

Imaginemos que mentorDay, una reconocida organización dedicada a la mentoría y aceleración de startups, decide utilizar el Modelo Canvas para optimizar su propuesta de valor y mejorar la eficiencia de sus operaciones. Aquí se muestra cómo podrían abordar cada uno de los nueve pasos del Modelo Canvas:

  1. Segmentar Clientes:

    • MentorDay identifica claramente a emprendedores y startups como su segmento principal.
    • Puede segmentar aún más, considerando la industria, la etapa de desarrollo de las startups y sus necesidades específicas.
  2. Definir Propuesta de Valor:

    • La propuesta de MentorDay podría destacar su red de mentores experimentados, los programas personalizados de aceleración y los recursos exclusivos que ofrece.
    • Podría diferenciarse destacando su historial de éxitos y conexiones en la industria.
  3. Delimitar Canales de Comunicación y Distribución:

    • MentorDay decide utilizar canales propios, como eventos presenciales y plataformas en línea, para llegar a emprendedores.
    • Establece estrategias para llegar a través de redes sociales, asociaciones con universidades y colaboraciones con otras organizaciones empresariales.
  4. Establecer Relaciones con Clientes:

    • MentorDay ofrece sesiones de mentoría personalizadas, eventos de networking y acceso a una comunidad exclusiva.
    • Establece relaciones directas y personales con los emprendedores, fomentando un entorno de apoyo.
  5. Determinar Fuentes Económicas:

    • MentorDay genera ingresos a través de cuotas de participación en programas de aceleración, patrocinios de eventos y posiblemente porcentaje de participación en el éxito de las startups aceleradas.
  6. Identificar Recursos Claves:

    • Los recursos clave incluyen mentores destacados, expertos en la industria, plataformas tecnológicas para la colaboración y material educativo.
    • Se garantiza un equipo de apoyo sólido para gestionar las operaciones diarias.
  7. Conocer Actividades Clave:

    • MentorDay se enfoca en actividades clave como la organización de eventos, la facilitación de sesiones de mentoría, la evaluación de startups y el mantenimiento de una red activa.
    • Desarrolla plataformas en línea para facilitar la interacción y el intercambio de conocimientos.
  8. Identificar Socios Claves:

    • Establece alianzas con universidades, empresas de tecnología y organizaciones gubernamentales para ampliar su red de apoyo.
    • Colabora con inversores y empresas establecidas que pueden ofrecer oportunidades estratégicas para las startups.
  9. Diseñar la Estructura de Costes:

    • MentorDay evalúa los costos asociados con eventos, programas de mentoría, plataformas tecnológicas y recursos humanos.
    • Busca eficiencias operativas para garantizar que los costos sean sostenibles y estén alineados con los beneficios generados.

Conclusions: Al aplicar el Modelo Canvas, mentorDay logra una comprensión más profunda de su modelo de negocio. Este enfoque estructurado permite una toma de decisiones más informada, una mejora continua y la adaptación a las necesidades cambiantes del ecosistema empresarial. mentorDay puede ajustar estrategias, fortalecer alianzas y ofrecer un valor aún más significativo a sus clientes, consolidándose como un referente en la aceleración de startups.




  1. WHO is your customer, WHAT solution do you provide, HOW are you going to do it and HOW MUCH are you going to earn and spend?
  2. Explain each of the 9 parts of your business model.
  3. Which model have you chosen and why? B2B, B2C, saas?





Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
Todos los Comentarios


    [...] TIP about the CANVAS will help you [...]

  2. Paul Lejarza

    Interesting in all its content and especially when the project is ready to be born in the market, point "5" is particularly important if we value the African saying: "If you want to travel fast go alone, if you want to go far travel together". Strategic allies as business partners are definitely "key".

  3. Humberto Morales Rocha

    The CANVAS is considered: the most simple, complete, appropriate, easy to understand and apply methodology for every entrepreneur, when elaborating a Business Plan; because it contemplates "all the company's data in search of its four main objectives": Knowing the client, Identifying what problems and needs they have, Defining a solution to these problems and knowing how much they are willing to pay for this solution.

  4. Luis-Fernando Robledano-Esteban

    Very good summary of the Canvas. What is really interesting is to make your own. I would advise, and I think some of the mentors have done it, to make a different Canvas for each product and service for each type of customer.

  5. Silvia

    It is very important in the first steps to capture all the ideas on the canvas. Keep in mind that it is alive and will change over time.

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