Representation. Powers of attorney


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To ensure that they submit everything and that they choose us, it is better that we ask you for all the info and docu that we submit it on their behalf!!!! A simple way to APODER someone is through the Government's APODERA Service (see +). Select the option POWER OF ATTORNEY and identify yourself with your certificate, electronic ID, password to access the procedure.

Representación de poderes

Select the type of proxy you want to carry out

  • Type A: General power of attorney for any administrative action and before any public administration.
  • Type B: General power of attorney to an administration and its public bodies or to a public body or entity.
  • Type C: Power of attorney for certain procedures.
Representación de poderes

If we select TYPE A, so that the proxy can represent you before any public administration:

  • We fill in the details of the Power of Attorney (our company) and the Power of Attorney (the person we want to empower).
  • We may indicate a PERIOD for the proxy, in order to limit it in time.
  • Sign and register.

It will give us a Notice reminding us that the proxy must be Accepted by the Proxy:

We will then be asked to sign the power of attorney with our certificate and once signed, we will be given a message indicating the successful completion of the procedure:

The proxy must now access the proxy website (see +). Marcando la opción APODERADO e identificándose con su certificado, dni electrónico, clave para acceder al procedimiento. A continuación, debe ir a la Pestaña MIS APODERAMIENTOS y hacer una búsqueda indicando el DNI/NIF del Poderdante y el DNI/NIF del Apoderado.

You will see all the Proxies that meet these criteria, indicating their status for each of them: Authorised or Unauthorised.

Representación de poderes

You must SELECT the proxy in question and then the ACCEPT button will be enabled and you will have to click on it:

The next screen will display a summary of the proxy and allow the option to SIGN and accept:

Representación de poderes

Once signed, the application will allow you to download a Certificate of Power of Attorney with which you can identify yourself in the different administrations:

Representación de poderes


Picture of Jaime Cavero

Jaime Cavero

Presidente de la Aceleradora mentorDay. Inversor en startups e impulsor de nuevas empresas a través de Dyrecto, DreaperB1 y mentorDay.
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Rpresentación. Poderes

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